Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I'm actually quite happy with the economy going to hell right now. Especially the caving of the stock market. There's a lot of money to be made.

I'm in good shape despite who wins. If Obama wins, I believe the overall economic climate of the country will be better making it pleasant day-to-day. If McCain wins, I'll be able to buy a bigger piece of land in Italy on top of what my family owns there already.
So, basically, you are saying you don't give a damn about this country as long as you get your share? Nice attitude!:eek:


Audioholic Ninja
So, basically, you are saying you don't give a damn about this country as long as you get your share? Nice attitude!:eek:
Basically yes. Look, I've tried to knock sense into people in this country on lots of issues and some simply don't get it and go against there own interest. There are two things you can really do. Try and save people from themselves, or take advantage of them which is what the really rich have been doing for ages. I for one will be a true capitalist, free marketer the GOP touts as a gameplan. I will simply take what's "mine" and bring it overseas. I'm not taking advantage of anyone, it's a free market right? What a great system. I can whore the US and take it all with me somewhere else without using a gun or breaking any laws.

I was also pointing out how trickle down doesn't work these days in a global economy. It'll trickle down alright, just not to Americans. I'm both an American and an Italian. If Americans ruin themselves by being so foolish, I'll seek safety in Italy which has been around far longer than the US and operates even when there is no government.

To America: Keep voting in Republicans who are for deregulation and trickle-down as I have everything to gain from a selfish standpoint. When the country caves, I'll be sitting pretty in Italy drinking Limoncello. Call me whatever names you want. The US isn't my only country.

Yes, much of this post is sarcasm and a rant, but it's how I feel as I've had it with people. Tell me why I should care?
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Senior Audioholic
Basically yes. Look, I've tried to knock sense into people in this country on lots of issues and some simply don't get it and go against there own interest. There are two things you can really do. Try and save people from themselves, or take advantage of them which is what the really rich have been doing for ages. I for one will be a true capitalist, free marketer the GOP touts as a gameplan. I will simply take what's "mine" and bring it overseas. I'm not taking advantage of anyone, it's a free market right? What a great system. I can whore the US and take it all with me somewhere else without using a gun or breaking any laws.

I was also pointing out how trickle down doesn't work these days in a global economy. It'll trickle down alright, just not to Americans. I'm both an American and an Italian. If Americans ruin themselves by being so foolish, I'll seek safety in Italy which has been around far longer than the US and operates even when there is no government.

To America: Keep voting in Republicans who are for deregulation and trickle-down as I have everything to gain from a selfish standpoint. When the country caves, I'll be sitting pretty in Italy drinking Limoncello. Call me whatever names you want. The US isn't my only country.

Yes, much of this post is sarcasm and a rant, but it's how I feel as I've had it with people. Tell me why I should care?
You shouldnt care. If you dont like it here.....by all means please go where you are happy.

Bye Bye,


Audioholic Ninja
You shouldnt care. If you dont like it here.....by all means please go where you are happy.

Bye Bye,
I hear this attitude a lot.

And I think nothing is more unamerican.

The phrase should be:

"If you don't like it here, exercise your freedoms in the democratic process to attempt to forge 'here' into somewhere you do like."


Senior Audioholic
I hear this attitude a lot.

And I think nothing is more unamerican.

The phrase should be:

"If you don't like it here, exercise your freedoms in the democratic process to attempt to forge 'here' into somewhere you do like."

First of all you didnt here any attitude......it was all text. If you took what i said as anything other than a nice way of saying im not gonna cry if you leave, then you are mistaken. If you are defending the mentality of a person saying he will take advatage of people (Americans) then i say with attitude to you "you can go with him!"

See Ya!


Audioholic Ninja
You shouldnt care. If you dont like it here.....by all means please go where you are happy.
I intend to once I suck every penny I can out of it. My last act will be to incur the maximum debt I can and leave it behind for others to pay. I have no intention of retiring in the US and owing debt is not a criminal offense. No regulation and free markets are a beautiful thing. Like someone once said, privatize the profits, socialize the risk. That's the US today. It isn't taking advantage, it's called getting ahead, being clever, and way to receive tax breaks. In case you haven't noticed, there are plenty more like me out there.

This is the attitude I had when I was an I Banker and since I had changed a bit, but looking back, maybe I was right then. Why would I leave when there are plenty of people here to rob blind? That's been happening to the max over the last decade. It isn't robbing by the GOP definition really, it's called the free market. I might as well jump back on the gravy train. It's a zero-sum game folks which means in order for someone to get rich or richer, many have to become poorer. Take a good look around today.
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Audioholic Ninja
First of all you didnt here any attitude......it was all text. If you took what i said as anything other than a nice way of saying im not gonna cry if you leave, then you are mistaken. If you are defending the mentality of a person saying he will take advatage of people (Americans) then i say with attitude to you "you can go with him!"

See Ya!
It is the ultimate capitalist act, isn't it?

I'm not going anywhere, but thanks for telling me to get out of my own country.


Senior Audioholic
It is the ultimate capitalist act, isn't it?

I'm not going anywhere, but thanks for telling me to get out of my own country.
either you have trouble comprehending what you read or you like putting words into others mouth. I said if you are defending the mentality of rnatalli you can go with him. If you agree with him then you are as bad as him, and i dont think you should consider this "your own country"



Audioholic Spartan
Please play nice fellas. This has been a great thread and I don't want it get locked down. If it goes another 33 pages, sombody might inadvertantly post what actual experience Obama has that qualifies him to be president. You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you??? :D


Audioholic Ninja
either you have trouble comprehending what you read or you like putting words into others mouth. I said if you are defending the mentality of rnatalli you can go with him. If you agree with him then you are as bad as him, and i dont think you should consider this "your own country"

I'm only doing what the GOP encourages. Anyone else can do the same and plenty have. That makes it fair no? I'm making money on the same stock market that everyone has access to.


Audioholic Ninja
Please play nice fellas. This has been a great thread and I don't want it get locked down. If it goes another 33 pages, sombody might inadvertantly post what actual experience Obama has that qualifies him to be president. You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you??? :D
Bush, Buchanan, and several others had experience.

FDR, Wilson, and several others had less experience than Obama.

Nuff said...


Audioholic Ninja
The people are really feel bad for are the troops. Some from poor families with no opportunities. They fight the wars and do the most. Yet, they get crapped on while the rest of us are free to make money hand over fist. This is not a good recipe.


Senior Audioholic
I'm only doing what the GOP encourages. Anyone else can do the same and plenty have. That makes it fair no? I'm making money on the same stock market that everyone has access to.
I dont think there is anything wrong with making money the honest way....and i dont mean hard labor not that theres anything wrong with hard labor. If you can make money through the stock market then thats cool, but dont go start talking crap about this country. Not everyone takes talk like that lightly. Me for one. It isnt unamerican to wish someone hapiness in another country either. I dont want anyone to be here that doesnt want to be. and i say that in a cool, calm, sincere way. Im a red blooded American through good or bad. I still feel like my vote counts for something. This country cannot stand for one party to be in office for any substancial amount of time. there has to be a happy medium.


Senior Audioholic
Please play nice fellas. This has been a great thread and I don't want it get locked down. If it goes another 33 pages, sombody might inadvertantly post what actual experience Obama has that qualifies him to be president. You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you??? :D

Right on man!! LOL:D


Senior Audioholic
The people are really feel bad for are the troops. Some from poor families with no opportunities. They fight the wars and do the most. Yet, they get crapped on while the rest of us are free to make money hand over fist.
You must not feel that bad for them......


Audioholic Ninja
either you have trouble comprehending what you read or you like putting words into others mouth. I said if you are defending the mentality of rnatalli you can go with him. If you agree with him then you are as bad as him, and i dont think you should consider this "your own country"

But it is my country.

You are more than welcome to tell me it's not, and tell me to get out. That's your right.

But I believe it is in the founding spirit of this nation to exercise one's freedom to attempt to change it to their liking and leverage the system to the maximum extent possible within the confines of the law for personal gain.

And I believe that it is very much against the founding spirit of this nation to attempt to drive out anyone who doesn't simply accept the status quo. If we threw out everyone who didn't "like it the way it was," the American Revolution would have simply never happened. Indeed, most colonists were in America in the first place because they actually "didn't like England the way it was" and went somewhere else.

Then they decided that was bull and flexed their democratic muscle and created the nation the way they wanted it, and left the rest of us with the power to change it however we see fit.


Audioholic Spartan
Bush, Buchanan, and several others had experience.

FDR, Wilson, and several others had less experience than Obama.

Nuff said...
I'm not sure if you are arguing for or against a lack of experience in the highest office. Palin's experience is nearly identical to Teddy Roosevelt. I still find it hard to fathom how it's OK for Obama to have so little experience and hear the excuses made in his favor, then listen to the Obama camp criticize Palin, forgetting the arguments they just made in favor of Obama's own inexperience in office.


Senior Audioholic
But it is my country.

You are more than welcome to tell me it's not, and tell me to get out. That's your right.

But I believe it is in the founding spirit of this nation to exercise one's freedom to attempt to change it to their liking and leverage the system to the maximum extent possible within the confines of the law for personal gain.

And I believe that it is very much against the founding spirit of this nation to attempt to drive out anyone who doesn't simply accept the status quo. If we threw out everyone who didn't "like it the way it was," the American Revolution would have simply never happened. Indeed, most colonists were in America in the first place because they actually "didn't like England the way it was" and went somewhere else.

Then they decided that was bull and flexed their democratic muscle and created the nation the way they wanted it, and left the rest of us with the power to change it however we see fit.

Im feeling what you are saying.......im saying all of this in reference to the attitude that rnatalli is displaying. The "ill use it up then go somewhere else" attitude. Im in agreement with you when you say we should make this somewhere we want to be! I never hinted that i wanted to drive someone out. Im mearly welcoming the idea that if hes happier somewhere else he should go there, and leave this country to the ones who do like it and who do want to make a difference.


Audioholic Ninja
Now that I've had a chance to rant to blow off steam, I'll share a story. I have to leave out details as I don't recall what I can and can't say as someone who has held SEC licenses. Also, a few things could be taken for slander. I'm not attorney, but why take a chance.

Some time ago, I went to work for a large investment bank. I was part of the mergers and acquisitions team. I did this for some time and made lots of money. Nothing really bothered me until one day, something did. We were in a position to make loads of cash on a deal, but it involved laying off several thousand employees. This wasn't unusual and it happened before, but something was grinding me. I recall making mention of it during lunch. It isn't uncommon for all staff to have a bite together for a short while despite the crazy schedules we all worked. A few of the comments I heard: "what do I care about those #######", "they're just retarded people no one will miss", "so long as they stay away and not breath on me". The merger did go through and several thousand people were told to get lost. A month later, I left the I-Banking world. I now work for a non-profit that tries to improve education around the country and world.

A few points, the GOP strategy wants to continue giving breaks to people like I described above, myself included as I made quite a bit back then. They don't give a flying hoot about anyone in the lower and middle classes.

If you regulate investors may run overseas. But most won't and here's why. Many of the places overseas offering large returns also has enormous risk. Here in the US you can make money doing the same thing and be protected for doing so. Plus, most of those markets are very small and easy to saturate.

If you roll-back the tax cuts, they may run. No they won't for the same reasons. They'll moan and groan, but few are going anywhere.

Of course by taxing you may crowd out and stunt some growth, but you still have a gain when all is said and done. This is where the free market still works as people will still try and find ways to lower costs and compete. Obama's plan will cost us dearly as a nation, but McCain's will bankrupt us.

As for being told to leave, all I can say is how dare anyone tell me to leave. I have just as much of a right to be here as any else regardless whether I'm satisfied or not. The constitution not only gives me the right to be dissatisfied, but it gives me the right to show it. This was by far the most un-American, pathetic, disgusting comment I've heard in some time. In my original post, I gave a good snapshot of what a true capitalist is all about and this is the very thing the GOP encourages. But what they don't tell you is that it all has to come from somewhere and unfortunately, that's usually the people at the bottom and in the middle. My apologies to anyone who found it offensive.
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Audioholic Ninja
I still find it hard to fathom how it's OK for Obama to have so little experience and hear the excuses made in his favor, then listen to the Obama camp criticize Palin, forgetting the arguments they just made in favor of Obama's own inexperience in office.
It isn't ok, but McCain's camp has made plenty of outrageous statements as well. It's part of politics. The bottom line is that experience means squat. It isn't Palin's experience I don't like, it's her principles.

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