Yes, you did say you were vaccinated. Then, you proceeded to poo-poo the vaccines in your subsequent posts. If you're vaccine supporter, you're the most conflicted one I've come across. And, I'm not applying the labels, it's just that you keep covering yourself in stickers.
Heading out to collect a few more points on your driver's license?
No clean record. I'm not a dumbass anymore. Well at least I don't get caught.
Yes you throw around labels like all the other manic people on the left when they meet someone they disagree with.
I did not poo-pooing on the vaccine itself but the way it is being pushed on healthy children and adults. This is not your typical vaccine like Polio, measles, etc. There are still many unknowns and the inventor of the mRNA vaccine even stated this.
It will be years before we have good info and real studies begin to get peer reviewed. Most of the crap expert studies right now are just noise.
What we do know is we have a vaccine that helps lessen symptoms. There is no scientific proof it lessons transmission and it probably does not as many new cases are those who are vaccinated.
We also know that there have been issues with the vaccine in certain people. Me personally am still having side affects. These side effects seem to be more prevalent in younger healthier people. I'm old but healthy.
Lastly we definately know that this virus, like most others, mainly kills the obese, elderly, and those with weaker immune systems. I believe the CDC has stated 80% of those who died were obese, 75% of those who have died were elderly, and over 95% of all of them the person had 2 or more comorbidities.
What's really interesting is the CDC expected death numbers. In 2020, even with deaths skyrocketing by other means like heart disease, the expected death rate did not rise much. Why was that? I believe for the most part this virus killed people who were going to likely die soon from something else like the Flu or pneumonia. Curious what the numbers for 2021 will be. Possibly won't even hit the median.
We can't keep the world shutdown though. That's a given.