

Seriously, I have no life.

Bingo. We now know why metal objects stick to people after receiving the full vaccine. Also explains why I am constantly attracted to my audio gear.
I was stuck to my van for three hours, yesterday. o_O


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm not a doctor (and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), ...
That is unfortunate. You should have. ;):D

But wait, when was the last time you did stay? Perhaps that has staying power and count?:D:D


Audioholic Ninja
And in the Covid capital of the US, "" A Florida Circuit Court judge has overturned Gov. Ron DeSantis’ mask mandate ban for Florida schools, ruling the governor overstepped his authority by issuing an executive order banning the mandates. ".


Audioholic Samurai
I'm not sure what to think about this preprint. It seems to be contrary to most of the other information I've seen about natural immunity vs immunity from vaccines. The only thing that is consistent is the conclusion that previous infection followed by vaccination provides additional protection.

Either way, if I was to be infected I'd much rather get infected after being vaccinated than with no vaccine.

>>>Conclusions: This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.<<<

This sciencemag.org article points out limitations to the study, including the relatively low number of people infected and possible differences in the groups of people (e.g. vaccinated people may be more likely to get tested if they have symptoms).

>>>As for the Israel medical records study, Topol and others point out several limitations, such as the inherent weakness of a retrospective analysis compared with a prospective study that regularly tests all participants as it tracks new infections, symptomatic infections, hospitalizations, and deaths going forward in time. “It will be important to see these findings replicated or refuted,” says Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University. She adds: “The biggest limitation in the study is that testing [for SARS-CoV-2 infection] is still a voluntary thing—it’s not part of the study design.” That means, she says, that comparisons could be confounded if, for example, previously infected people who developed mild symptoms were less likely to get tested than vaccinated people, perhaps because they think they are immune.<<<

It seems to me that another factor is that the previously infected/recovered group does not include the people who died from COVID when infected the first time. Those with weak immune systems might not make it into the natural immunity group. This doesn't disprove the results of the study, but comparing natural immunity to vaccine based immunity is not an apples to apples comparison.



Audioholic Spartan
While I tend to agree, especially with the moronic factions on the far right and left of center, then perhaps the recent FDA approval will get the more level headed ones(closer to center) to get 'off their butts' !
While I do support the FDA approval here I still remember the certain words by a certain Harvard Professor......

"The FDA is protecting the big drug companies and is subsequently rewarded, using the government's police powers, they attack those that threaten the big drug companies. People think the FDA is protecting them, it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day".................

Herbert Ley - Former Commissioner of the FDA


Audioholic Warlord
While I do support the FDA approval here I still remember the certain words by a certain Harvard Professor......

"The FDA is protecting the big drug companies and is subsequently rewarded, using the government's police powers, they attack those that threaten the big drug companies. People think the FDA is protecting them, it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day"................. Herbert Ley - Former Commissioner of the FDA
I had to go look who Herbert Ley was. He was FDA Commissioner for a year and a half in 1968-69. With regard to science & medicine, it was quite a different time. But politically, all too familiar.


Audioholic Samurai
Here's the latest risk level map from globalepidemics.org. It appears to me that many counties in Nebraska are not reporting new covid case data (It seems highly improbable that most counties in Nebraska could actually have zero new cases).

The vast majority of the country is obviously no where near herd immunity.




Audioholic Field Marshall
Herd immunity is a myth, at least in this country. A third of our population wants Covid to spread and doesn’t care who it sickens or kills, even themselves.


Audioholic Ninja

More stories of karma.

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Audioholic Field Marshall

More stories of karma.

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There's actually a website for it now.

I won't post the link because no matter how delicious I find the schadenfreude, it would be a distraction from this extremely informative thread.


Audioholic Samurai
More stories of karma.
From the article: "He organized a 'Freedom Rally' in July 2020 for people who were 'sick of the government being in control of our lives,' the San Angelo Standard-Times reported."

I guess he freely chose the meat truck. No more government control for him.


Audioholic Samurai
In the process of looking into "Mr. Anti Vax" (Marc Bernier), I found this article about yet another Florida meat truck warrior (Richard Farrel) who got his wish

>>>He called coronavirus a “scam-demic” and now Rick Farrel is dead of the disease. The former Newsmax commentator and veteran radio host died of COVID-19 complications at age 65 last Wednesday.<<<



Audioholic Spartan
The manager of Lone Star Tack & Feed Inc. acts responsible, kodus to him.

Lance Olson, manager of Lone Star Tack & Feed Inc., located just outside of Calgary, said false claims circulating about the animal medication have brought the wrong kind of attention to his business.

"It's obviously not intended for human use in any way shape or form. It's meant to get rid of worms in horses' guts … so, these people see that ivermectin liquid, they search it, our website comes up and they give us a call thinking that we can just sell it to them," Olson said.

"If you don't know what it is, you probably don't have animals that you're going to use this on … given the circumstances surrounding this stuff it makes it very uncomfortable when people phone … so we've taken it off our shelves."


Audioholic Ninja
The manager of Lone Star Tack & Feed Inc. acts responsible, kodus to him.

Lance Olson, manager of Lone Star Tack & Feed Inc., located just outside of Calgary, said false claims circulating about the animal medication have brought the wrong kind of attention to his business.

"It's obviously not intended for human use in any way shape or form. It's meant to get rid of worms in horses' guts … so, these people see that ivermectin liquid, they search it, our website comes up and they give us a call thinking that we can just sell it to them," Olson said.

"If you don't know what it is, you probably don't have animals that you're going to use this on … given the circumstances surrounding this stuff it makes it very uncomfortable when people phone … so we've taken it off our shelves."
As more stupid people continue to inject or swallow this stuff, well just more nuts in the ER trying to stay alive from poisoning.


Seriously, I have no life.
You mean the border guards have no power to keep it out? ;):D
In the process of looking into "Mr. Anti Vax" (Marc Bernier), I found this article about yet another Florida meat truck warrior (Richard Farrel) who got his wish

>>>He called coronavirus a “scam-demic” and now Rick Farrel is dead of the disease. The former Newsmax commentator and veteran radio host died of COVID-19 complications at age 65 last Wednesday.<<<

From the article: "He organized a 'Freedom Rally' in July 2020 for people who were 'sick of the government being in control of our lives,' the San Angelo Standard-Times reported."

I guess he freely chose the meat truck. No more government control for him.
I just love it. Thanks.
I am surprised he didn't elect to move to a more tribal governed society where he could have become his own government.


Seriously, I have no life.
While I do support the FDA approval here I still remember the certain words by a certain Harvard Professor......

You mean being a Harvard professor gives one immunity from bs and nonsense? He is not alone, by the way. ;)

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