Audioholic Jedi
My Primary Care Physician instructed me to space vaccines about two weeks apart.
Your primary care physician is wrong outside of a few exceptions.

This is current CDC advice. This is also the advice of ACIP and AAP.

I strongly recommend that all over 60 receive the latest Covid-19 booster, RSV, and influenza vaccines before the end of October. They can all be administered concurrently at different sites. RSV can cause serious illness with significant mortality in the young and the elderly.


Audioholic Warlord
My Primary Care Physician instructed me to space vaccines about two weeks apart.
I'm glad you're getting those vaccines.

I hear people debate whether we should get 2 or more vaccines at the same time or different times, and even whether they should get them in the same arm or different arms. Does combing 2 or more vaccines into one injection site generate more inflammation, and aid in developing a more potent immune response – the real goal of the vaccination?

This is besides the point. Just be sure to get those vaccinations. Varying the locations & timing of those shots will have only a minor effect, if any. If doing any of that makes getting those shots possible for you, good.

It reminds me of the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. The internet was full of mistaken, absurd, or plain bad advice over what to do. A good friend sent me a panicky sounding email how I must avoid taking ibuprofen (Advil and the like) if I feel a fever coming on. It would make Covid-19 much worse, even lethal!

Apparently the thinking behind this bad idea went like this. Ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDS) are effective at temporarily reducing a fever and other flu-like symptoms we feel when we are coming down with a virus infection. But, we are also told that fever is one of our immune system's weapons against virus infections. If we reduce that fever, do we harm ourselves while helping the virus?

Of course not. Too much fever & inflammation can itself be harmful. NSAIDS can help us endure some of the miseries of fever & inflammation. It does not enhance the virus in the ongoing battle of the virus vs. the immune system.

Now we have a different version of that same silly debate: One arm for both vaccines, or two separate arms? It's really no different than avoiding NSAIDS if we're coming down with a virus infection. Both are wrong. Initial inflammation because of a vaccination or a virus infection is not a simple ON/OFF switch for the entire immune system. The immune system is far more complex than that.


Audioholic Ninja
One arm for both vaccines, or two separate arms?
Lets not forget separate butt cheeks, or the thigh ( that freaking hurts) . Like you noted, just get the vaccine and/or just ask your doctor and stop relaying on the internet for your medical advise. What's next, neurosurgery free on the internet, just follow these simple steps.

Screenshot 2023-09-30 105121.jpg




Audioholic Warlord
Lets not forget separate butt cheeks, or the thigh ( that freaking hurts) . Like you noted, just get the vaccine and/or just ask your doctor and stop relaying on the internet for your medical advise. What's next, neurosurgery free on the internet, just follow these simple steps.

View attachment 63589
I started reading your post and when I got to "separate butt cheeks", I thought you meant "separate" as a verb. I stopped there and wondered "Where is he going with this?" :oops::D


Audioholic Ninja
I started reading your post and when I got to "separate butt cheeks", I thought you meant "separate" as a verb. I stopped there and wondered "Where is he going with this?" :oops::D
Typo on the little tiny iphone keyboard. Just two cheeks for a needle


Senior Audioholic
USA continues to be ripped off.

>>>Compared with other countries, the US is again seeing exorbitant prices for a medicine—even one it helped develop.

In the current COVID-19 booster campaign, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is paying around $82 for each dose of Moderna's 2023–2024 updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for its program to provide vaccination for the uninsured. That price is a little over three times the $26 per dose the federal government paid for the last updated booster, which was exclusively distributed by the government. …<<<

If as a society, you raise "profit" up as a core ideological value.... then this is to be expected.

People mistake the concept of "free market" with the ideology of high profit.

Adam Smith invented the Free Market, and for a market to be free, he required it to have substantial regulation to ensure ample competition... monopolies, and oligopolies were to be broken up.

Nowadays people think "free market" implies "free for all" no rules, no regulation. - and that takes us back to the era of the robber barons. What goes around comes around, and history may not repeat, but it most certainly rhymes!


Audioholic Warlord
I don't understand people who say, "I've got a strong immune system, so I don't need a vaccination".

Your immune system is "strong" until it isn't, and you may not know it until you get seriously ill after forgoing a safe and effective vaccine.
I've got an excellent immune system. I really don't get sick for the most part.

If I get the flu it presents as a sniffle and maybe a cough. Everyone else has to stay home if they catch it. This has happened multiple times.

I don't get the flu shot to protect myself, I get it to protect everyone else.


Audioholic Warlord
I started reading your post and when I got to "separate butt cheeks", I thought you meant "separate" as a verb. I stopped there and wondered "Where is he going with this?" :oops::D
Glad I'm not the only one whos brain went that way. :oops:


Audioholic Warlord
They certainly deserve the Nobel Prize for Medicine. They came up with a new method for vaccination that has been proven to be safe & effective during the pandemic. This same method will now be looked into as a therapeutic method in other diseases where critical gene expression is lacking, as well as for cancer therapy. Whenever a new method has such widespread possibilities, it gets into Nobel Prize territory.

For what it's worth, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) recognized early on that the this method had great potential for vaccinations. Anthony Faucci, the NIAID director, made sure that these people, and others, had well-funded research labs. So Faucci gets credit for promoting, and not squashing, this very successful idea.


Seriously, I have no life.
I can't remember the last time I had the flu either, but I get my shot every year.
I do- Swine Flu, early-'80s. Got the shot, sick as a dog. I had a term paper due and wrote it while I was sick. I dropped it off in the office for the curriculum and felt like I was walking on a cloud, then went home. I recovered and next time I was in class, we got our papers back with the grade. Mine had "What the hell is this????" written across the top. I read the paper and asked "What the hell is this????".

It seemed to make sense while I was writing it.....I was able to re-write it and got a decent grade.


Seriously, I have no life.
That's the trouble with immune systems. You only know they've failed when it's too late to do anything effective.

We all know people who claim, "I've never had the flu". I simply cannot believe them. More likely, they don't know they're sick, come to work, and infect others who work near them. I personally witnessed that more than once. I knew one guy who came to work with walking pneumonia (caused by a Mycoplasma or Legionella infection), and infected 3 other people with the same. He swore he wasn't sick. It must have been a case of Denial Disease.
"I have a bit of a cough", "I feel a bit funky", "I'm not myself today"- STAY AWAY FROM ME!


Seriously, I have no life.
They certainly deserve the Nobel Prize for Medicine. They came up with a new method for vaccination that has been proven to be safe & effective during the pandemic. This same method will now be looked into as a therapeutic method in other diseases where critical gene expression is lacking, as well as for cancer therapy. Whenever a new method has such widespread possibilities, it gets into Nobel Prize territory.

For what it's worth, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) recognized early on that the this method had great potential for vaccinations. Anthony Faucci, the NIAID director, made sure that these people, and others, had well-funded research labs. So Faucci gets credit for promoting, and not squashing, this very successful idea.
What about all of the denial of the source of COVID?


Audioholic Warlord
What about all of the denial of the source of COVID?

Focusing on "Who do we blame for this pandemic?" instead of "What do we do next to protect ourselves from the pandemic?" is what keeps MAGA minds permanently fevered.

Not to mention Trump's childish desire to get revenge on Anthony Faucci because he publicly showed how wrong Trump was.


Audioholic Ninja
Who do we blame for this pandemic?
Not sure the blame came will ever be solved, China, CIA, a bioweapon, released by either the US or China depending on their political leanings. A Secret Society via the 'Great Reset conspiracy ', and even Aliens.

The far right of the GOP made COVID a political quagmire of BS. I was reading this from an article back in Jun2023 in the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy . They did a study based on a persons personal political leanings and it showed, those political beliefs contributed to excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research builds on previous work that has shown that right-wing "red" counties had higher death rates during the pandemic than more left-wing "blue" counties.

The study looked at deaths in both Florida and Ohio during the first 22 months of the pandemic and found the overall excess death rate of Republican voters was 15% higher than that of Democrats. The gap widened further once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced.


Audioholic Warlord
Not sure the blame came will ever be solved, China, CIA, a bioweapon, released by either the US or China depending on their political leanings. A Secret Society via the 'Great Reset conspiracy ', and even Aliens.

The far right of the GOP made COVID a political quagmire of BS. I was reading this from an article back in Jun2023 in the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy . They did a study based on a persons personal political leanings and it showed, those political beliefs contributed to excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research builds on previous work that has shown that right-wing "red" counties had higher death rates during the pandemic than more left-wing "blue" counties.

The study looked at deaths in both Florida and Ohio during the first 22 months of the pandemic and found the overall excess death rate of Republican voters was 15% higher than that of Democrats. The gap widened further once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced.
Exactly … to all those points you mentioned.


Audioholic Spartan
Not sure the blame came will ever be solved, China, CIA, a bioweapon, released by either the US or China depending on their political leanings. A Secret Society via the 'Great Reset conspiracy ', and even Aliens.

The far right of the GOP made COVID a political quagmire of BS. I was reading this from an article back in Jun2023 in the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy . They did a study based on a persons personal political leanings and it showed, those political beliefs contributed to excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research builds on previous work that has shown that right-wing "red" counties had higher death rates during the pandemic than more left-wing "blue" counties.

The study looked at deaths in both Florida and Ohio during the first 22 months of the pandemic and found the overall excess death rate of Republican voters was 15% higher than that of Democrats. The gap widened further once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced.
I tend to look at the bright side, 15% ........... just that many less MAGA misfits !


Seriously, I have no life.

Focusing on "Who do we blame for this pandemic?" instead of "What do we do next to protect ourselves from the pandemic?" is what keeps MAGA minds permanently fevered.

Not to mention Trump's childish desire to get revenge on Anthony Faucci because he publicly showed how wrong Trump was.
How many times did we see accusations of involvement by the Wuhan Lab shot down by the 'It came from Bats' crowd and now, the fingers are pointing at the lab again.

How can it be irrelevant when the whole thing was misdirection? How could anyone expect to stop a future event that's similar, or are you confident that it won't happen again just because it was tried and they don't want to be discovered?

Do you prepare for anything, or do you just let things happen and say "Oh, well"?

I'm not going MAGA, but I never thought it possible for so many countries to work together as easily, for ANYTHING Even WWII was a battle WRT getting everyone to A) join, B) work together efficiently. And with so many countries seeing the US in a negative light in recent years, it seems even less of a possibility if we were to think about it terms of the attitudes toward the US at that time (2019).

Have you heard about the claim by the Chinese that COVID originated at Ft Detrick, Maryland?


Audioholic Warlord
How many times did we see accusations of involvement by the Wuhan Lab shot down by the 'It came from Bats' crowd and now, the fingers are pointing at the lab again … …
You have repeated this question many times in this thread. Most people, including myself, have simply ignored you. Your questions all imply that human political factors were the cause of the outbreak and subsequent pandemic. Political supporters of Trump, as well as rabid watchers of distorted news, such as Faux News, tend to believe these ideas without questioning them. Why should anyone attempt to argue with people who believe that?

You made at least 3 claims in your post – the Wuhan Lab origin idea, the “misdirection” claim, and the Ft. Detrick claim – that can be tested against the known facts.

There is no remotely convincing evidence to support any of them. There is also no evidence to refute the second & third claim. That leaves them in the realm of rank speculation or pure fantasy. That may be fine for Faux News or the GOP in general, but all the rest of us need to see supporting evidence. Where is it?

Your first claim – that the December 2019 breakout in the Wuhan Hunan Seafood Market originated from a leak in the Wuhan Labs that perform research sponsored by the Chinese government. That also needs a lot of supporting evidence, and we have none. We’re not likely to get anything useful from the Chinese government. But before we launch missiles to strike Beijing, I want to see convincing evidence.

However, there is convincing evidence that says the Corona virus outbreak happened earlier than December 2019, at unknown locations. Evidence comes from Italy dating as early as July-September 2019. Numerous patients were participating in a clinical trial of lung cancer screening methods, and all of them had blood samples taken and frozen away. About a year later, when good anti-body tests were available, these blood samples were tested to see if the trial participants had been exposed to the Corona virus. These well-documented results showed that 11.6% of 959 people had already been exposed to Corona virus, certainly by September 2019. Despite the exposure, none of these people had any of the symptoms of Corona virus infection. (See posts #3619 and #5371 in this thread.) It clearly indicates the virus was widespread in Italy well before the Wuhan outbreak. How can the December 2019 Wuhan Lab outbreak origin of Corona virus be correct, if this clinical trial test is also true?

There is also evidence, not as convincing, suggesting this virus was around even earlier. Sewage test samples of a city or cities in Spain showed evidence of the virus DNA as early as the spring of 2019. This isn’t as convincing as the Italian evidence, but it cannot be simply ignored because it doesn’t fit a ‘let’s blame China’ idea.

Later, additional evidence based on virus sequences of the virus variants, showed that early on, cases in the USA almost certainly came from Europe, via New York and other east coast international airports. At a later time (I forget the timing), cases also entered the west coast coming from China or at least Asia.

All of these taken together make the case that Corona virus was widespread in Europe well before December 2019, when the first cases of severe illness & death were noticed in Wuhan.

Where is similarly convincing evidence to support your idea of a Wuhan Lab outbreak? I don’t see any at all.
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