For the record my opinion it has been logical to be cautious about mRNA vaccines as testing over the last decade on other Covid viruses like MERS and SARS ended in catastrophic animal testing. There was also concern of toxicity of the spike protein as spike proteins are often toxic is proving to be not the case with the Covid-19 vaccines.
Where do I begin with this?
Catastrophic animal testing? Again, please provide references. And, please explain how this directly relates to vaccines against Covid-19.
I understand that animal testing of SARS and MERS vaccines showed some signs of pathology in liver and lung. In both cases those viral diseases vanished before any further testing could be done. No further work was done to develop vaccines against these viruses.
The vaccines being developed against both SARS and MERS viruses used significantly different vectors than are presently being used for Covid-19. All the Covid-19 vaccines were tested in lab animals, Macaque monkeys. Full pathology was done examining the tissues from all organs looking for any signs of toxicity or abnormal appearances. If I recall, nothing unusual was found. As usual, all this was required before any clinical trials in humans could begin. How was any of this catastrophic?
Lastly there is still concern how it affects the development of adolescent brains which would logically mean there is concern of known and unknown side effects among the scientific community including the CDC and WHO.
Where is this story coming from? Any effect of a vaccine on adolescent brains could not appear in animal testing. The clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccines on adolescents are still going on now. Has there been any news about this?
If this is of concern with Covid-19 vaccines, is it more risky than damage to the development of adolescent brains due to Covid-19 disease?
All this is leading me to conclude that you believe no one, including the FDA, can adequately test vaccines, or any other medication, to your satisfaction.