

Audioholic Spartan
I believe masks help, but even N95 masks are certainly not 100% effective:

>>>The next day I got a call that I had also tested positive for Covid-19. I should have expected that news, because the night before I had lit a pumpkin-scented candle but didn’t realize until later that I hadn’t smelled its fragrance.

I was angry, and still am, that the response to a worldwide pandemic has become so deeply politicized in the U.S. and that even though I took every precaution, it still wasn’t enough. I began taking nebulizer treatments four times a day to keep my lungs clear and began taking zinc and vitamin D.<<<

I haven't tested positive for Covid-19 and I was tested twice recently. The last time was when I was admitted to the Montreal Heart Institute for an additional bout of Atrial Fibrillation. I had a little bit of fever on admission, but my temperature had returned to normal within one hour. My heart converted to its normal rhythm without any special medication or other intervention within 4 hours and I was released.

I have been taking zinc supplementation (45 mg DIE) and 3000 IU of Vitamin D3 along with Vitamin K2 (360mcg DIE) for several years and I'm sure it helps my immune system.

You started taking Vitamin D supplements. Have you heard about Vitamin K2? When someone takes Vitamin D supplements, it is advisable that he also consume Vitamin K2 to prevent calcium accumulation in the arteries.

I took my info from a book which was written by a Canadian naturopathic doctor, Dr Kate Rhéaume-Bleue. This well documented book entitled "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox" should be read by all who have access to it and are interested in keeping healthy arteries. By the way, sells it. As for a source of Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 in appropriate proportions, CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd. It is also marketed in the US.

I thought that the above info would be of interest to you, should you not have been aware of that K2 which was discovered at the same time as K1 in the 1930's, but put aside until recently.
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Audioholic Spartan
I haven't tested positive for Covid-19 and I was tested twice recently. The last time was when I was admitted to the Montreal Heart Institute for an additional bout of Atrial Fibrillation. I had a little bit of fever on admission, but my temperature had returned to normal within one hour. My heart converted to its normal rhythm without any special medication or other intervention within 4 hours and I was released.

I have been taking zinc supplementation (45 mg DIE) and 3000 IU of Vitamin D3 along with Vitamin K2 (360mcg DIE) for several years and I'm sure it helps my immune system.

You started taking Vitamin D supplements. Have you heard about Vitamin K2? When someone takes Vitamin D supplements, it is advisable that he also consume Vitamin K2 to prevent calcium accumulation in the arteries.

I took my info from a book which was written by a Canadian naturopathic doctor, Dr Kate Rhéaume-Bleue. This well documented document entitled "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox" should be read by all who have access to it and are interested in keeping healthy arteries. By the way, sells it. As for a source of Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 in appropriate proportions, CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd. It is also marketed in the US.

I thought that the above info would be of interest to you, should you not have been aware of that K2 which was discovered at the same time as K1 in the 1930's, but put aside until recently.
Isn't Vitamin K dangerous for anyone on a drug thinner? Seems that a lot of older people would be on some type of blood thinning med.


Audioholic Spartan
Isn't Vitamin K dangerous for anyone on a drug thinner? Seems that a lot of older people would be on some type of blood thinning med.
Vitamin K2 doesn't have the same function as K1 which is known as the coagulation vitamin.


Audioholic Spartan
...I took my info from a book which was written by a Canadian naturopathic [my bold] doctor, Dr Kate Rhéaume-Bleue. This well documented document entitled "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox" should be read by all who have access to it and are interested in keeping healthy arteries. By the way, sells it. As for a source of Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 in appropriate proportions, CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd. It is also marketed in the US.

I thought that the above info would be of interest to you, should you not have been aware of that K2 which was discovered at the same time as K1 in the 1930's, but put aside until recently.
Naturopathy is pseudoscience/quackery so perhaps discuss this in another thread?

Edit: Should be naturopathy, not neuropathy.
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Audioholic Jedi
There is no doubt that the western democracies are in a pile of trouble. Cases are rising and as expected restrictions have to be more severe, especially in areas of high population density.

Small household gatherings have been shown to be a major spreader here in Minnesota. Last week the dept. of health calculated that if you met with a group if 10 in a home or other small space then your chance of being infected is 30%. Since the positivity rate is still climbing here it will be higher this week.

This Thanksgiving travel will have a highly negative impact.

Meanwhile the Astra Zeneca debacle is troubling. Certainly the fact the a lower does was effective could be good news ultimately. We really don't know if it is more effective as the group who accidentally got the lower dose had a significantly younger average age. However a trial has started with half the dose for both doses.

There are a number of reasons a lower dose might be more effective. For one thing the higher dose may have stimulated a much more vigorous response to the viral vector and reduced effectiveness. Intense studies are ongoing in Oxford on this issue.

On a positive note, the vaccine seems safe. No individual who received the vaccine died or had to be admitted to hospital. So on those grounds it is 100% effective at stopping serious illness. That really is an important benchmark, as the main object is to stop fatalities and extreme pressure on hospitals.

I suspect though, that in the US the phase three trials will have to be repeated.

The data has been submitted to the UK regulator for an EUA. In the UK the bill is running up at 600 million GBP per day according to news reports today. The UK has the least hospital spare capacity than any other European country. In many areas hospitals are under extreme pressure.

The other issue is that the UK is relying on the Oxford vaccine as its main source of vaccine supply. A lot of this is cost driven, as it is 1/10th the cost of the other vaccines and much easier to distribute.

I suspect for these reasons this vaccine one way or another will be rolled out next month out because of severe exigencies. There is now becoming extreme resistance to extreme infection control regulations. The UK is now under severe regional controls until the end of March. Almost all the country is under pretty severe Tier 2 and 3 restrictions. Only the Isle of Wight, the Scilly Isles and Cornwall are Tier 1.

The economic issues are becoming severe. Italy is asking its debt to the central European Bank be cancelled. The French and Germans are opposed. However this could be the crisis that makes South Med leave the Euro.

Even in the UK there is sleight of hand. Almost all the debts that continue to mount fast have been bought by the Bank of England who also issue the currency.
There is talk already among government ministers of making the debt interest free in perpetuity. Some on the left are already demanding the debt be cancelled altogether. So as I have suspected all along there is actually going to be money printing on a massive scale. In truth I suspect it has already begun.
So as the vaccine causes the pandemic crisis to recede, I see the potential for an International currency crisis. My hunch is that the western currencies may loose value fast against SE Asian currencies. I think this has potential for a massive trade realignment. So Asian electronic goodies may became very expensive and probably hard to come by. So may advice is to buy for quality and longevity at this point.

As far as our situation is concerned, my wife and I remain holed up here and are well. Neither if us want to catch this infection and are taking extreme avoidance measures.

My sons father in law is now 4 weeks post first symptoms. He remains very fatigued, short of breath and with borderline to sub par oxygen saturations. He had a chest X-ray last week which showed infiltrates still in about 30% of his lungs.

A teacher we know who is a school teacher in Grand Forks age 50 is previously good health, is now day 10 in the ICU in Grand Forks and his life in the balance.

The husband of a Lab tech I know well in Grand Forks has a previously healthy 50 year old husband is now at the University of Minnesota Hospitals on ECMO.
I doubt he will survive.

A nurse practitioner I mentored and worked closely with picked up Covid-19 a few weeks ago. I spoke with her this weekend. She remains fatigued short of breath and unable to work at present. She was very healthy and a long distance runner.

I am getting increasingly out of patience with those people who continue to say this is a minor illness comparable to mild flu. This is nothing of the sort.

Trump and other lunatic Republican Governors really do have blood on their hands.


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, it is quackery.
You want to know about a real quackery? Here is one: Some cardiologists associations decided to lower the normal limit for Cholesterol levels in the 1980's from 240 to 190.
There has never been a frank evidence that total cholesterol levels above 190 up to 240 would concur with a major increase in heart disease incidence. As a matter of fact, the figure for the total cholesterol means nothing. It's the LDL to HDL ratio, or Total Chol to HDL ratio which count the most. Moreover, In 50% of cases of heart attacks, people have normal cholesterol levels.
Normal figures were reduced for financial reasons. Sales of statins represent over $ 1 billion in profits annually.
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Audioholic Jedi
Just for the sake of counter argument. Some have said the cost/benefit of a downward economy isn't worth it. So...

--what if we did nothing and relied on herd immunity?
--how many more projected deaths?
--hospital infrastructure overflow?
--the cost on business with so much sick turnover?

Any studies into that? My impression was you'd have to reach 60% to reach herd and even then there's no guarantee it would work. You'd have hospitals sending people home, and I'm assuming temp workers employed would be mile high. I don't know how the business numbers would play out though. I'm assuming it would be one huge mess. Worth a thought though.
Sweden tried that. They listened to a lunatic epidemiologist called Anders Tegnell. They seemed to get away with it in the Spring, probably because of relatively low population density. Now they are in real trouble and in panic mode and Anders Tegnell now fired.

Lets put it this way. We possibly have at the most 20% of the US population immune from infection currently. We have nearly 300,000 dead, and in fact if you look at excess deaths, it is a gross under estimate. As of two weeks ago a more accurate estimate was 400,000 dead. So if you take the low figure getting to 70% herd immunity you would have at least 900,000 to 1.2 million dead and likely more on the high end. Then we now know reinfection is possible after five months and there are now documented second infections worse then the first. Two weeks ago the ND State health department reported 71 second infections they know of, and suspect more.
The UK with their control measures were hoping to keep the toll to 20,000, with a worst case of 50,000 dead. They have now closing in on 60,000 dead fast. In fact this is a gross underestimate of the true deaths, as they only list Covid deaths up to 28 days after a positive test. A lot of the deaths occur after 28 days.

Then we have to consider the late effects of this infection. These are becoming more and more significance. There is now real worry we are going to see excess deaths form this pandemic for years to come. The reason is that at its essence this infection is an infection of blood vessels. We have never seen an infectious vasculitis before in the whole history of medicine. So the fears of an outbreak of premature cardio vascular disease down the road, are fully justified.
So letting it rip is just not a tenable option.


Audioholic Spartan
Then we have to consider the late effects of this infection. These are becoming more and more significance. There is now real worry we are going to see excess deaths form this pandemic for years to come. The reason is that at its essence this infection is an infection of blood vessels. We have never seen an infectious vasculitis before in the whole history of medicine. So the fears of an outbreak of premature cardio vascular disease down the road, are fully justified.
This is why I'm getting vaccinated the first time I'm offered it.

I still think we need a video that shows what can happen. I'd probably start the video with a recommendation for easy access to a barf bag or restroom facilities. Perhaps a person getting intubated, visual evidence of heart inflammation and the statistics, a few stroke patients (as young as possible), and perhaps some documentation of people needing a limb amputated. Perhaps some actual cross-section photographic comparisons of healthy lungs versus infected ones. Wrap it up with some interviews with people still having disabling symptoms weeks or months after having negative test results.


Audioholic Samurai
Neuropathy is pseudoscience/quackery so perhaps discuss this in another thread?
With all due respect, you are either off your rocker or you are confusing neuropathy with something else


Audioholic Jedi
Homeopathic medicine. My guess is that a spellchecker is at fault.
Homeopathy is what is it. This is a totally loony belief system. It believes that small doses of a substance that causes symptoms the same as the illness as the disease will ameliorate it. For instance MS often causes ataxia (wobbly on your feet). So the homeopathic remedy is gin pills! I'm embarrassed to say that the center of this lunacy has long been the Royal London Osteopathic hospital at Queen's Square London. It is right next to the Queen's Square Hospital for Nervous Diseases. That is the hospital where there neurologists with EMI engineers developed the world's first CT scan. That was all under development while I was in medical school. We would send patients over from Guys Hospital to be scanned. The museum at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN, has one of the original EMI scanners in their museum. As far as I know it is the only one left. It seems such a primitives contraption now.

Queens Square was also the location of the examination center where we all went for our oral examinations and practical exams, like reading pathology slides.

Here is a picture of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.



Audioholic Samurai
Vitamin K2 doesn't have the same function as K1 which is known as the coagulation vitamin.
No, that’s incorrect as I’ve been on blood thinners for a vertebral artery dissection (read very bad). It’s about a balance of K (leafy greens) and blood thinners. When on blood thinners you get your blood tested regularly.


Audioholic Spartan
No, that’s incorrect as I’ve been on blood thinners for a vertebral artery dissection (read very bad). It’s about a balance of K (leafy greens) and blood thinners. When on blood thinners you get your blood tested regularly.
1. I'm on the Apixaban anticoagulant and I don't need to get my blood analyzed at all, unlike the situation with Warfarin. Moreover, I don't need to avoid leafy greens and neither have to keep a balance in my diet.
2. Read info on both K vitamins. They don't have the same function as they don't have the same identification. Can you tell me why one is called K1 and the other one K2? :rolleyes:
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Audioholic Samurai
1. I'm on the Apixaban anticoagulant and I don't need to get my blood analyzed at all, unlike the situation with Warfarin. Moreover, I don't need to avoid leafy greens and neither have to keep a balance in my diet.
2. Read info on both K vitamins. They don't have the same function as they don't have the same identification. Can you tell me why one is called K1 and the other one K2? :rolleyes:
Admittedly I do not know the difference between K1 and K2. Perhaps it’s important if you are taking supplements but you don’t need supplements if you eat a decent balanced diet that includes leafy greens. There are no supplements that replace a healthy diet so I don’t concern myself with them.

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