

Full Audioholic
This post is victimization garbage cloaked in "i am a free thinker" crap.
I have a question, since I am pay more attention than you to the political climate/current affairs and am much wiser, smarter than you, how come I am unaware of this "race baiting" agenda?

Why don't you take a minutes and qualify and quantity this.

As to all politicians having a disregard for the needs of this countries citizenry, this is partially true however under the rule of the animal know as Trump it was something the likes of which we have ever seen.

I can't wait for your reply. It should be steeped in wingnut hate conspiracies'.
Wow, Victimization garbage. You are one of those people i speak of. Reading and comprehending what suits your ego. I am probably one of the last people you would meet to cry about be victimized.
As for the race baiting going on. If you can't see that, then you are obviously blind and or ignorant. But please continue to comprehend what suits your fragile sense of being. No need to continue on here, the brainwashing has obviously worked on so many. I will remain optimistic the fog in your head will eventually clear.

Make America great again is the ultimate race bait.
All i can say is, people who think saying make America great or waving the American flag is race baiting, there is not much hope for you. No more needs to be said. But good luck in life.


Audioholic Warlord
I don’t have to, people often vote against their own self interest. The promise to “make America great again” is far to great a temptation for a large percentage of trumpsters, even those unfortunately that are in dire straights.

reminds me of an interview I saw with a man that was a trump supporter. he was married to a latina who was not a citizen. When she was deported, he was on the news begging for help. But he voted for trump!

never underestimate the power of denial...(American beauty)
Difficult as it may be to believe, Hitler and the Nazis had Jewish supporters who believed all the anti-Semitic talk was just rhetoric that could be ignored. They shared many of the Nazis' views such as hatred for communists and "non-Germans". They supported him right up until he turned on them and started implementing the "final solution".

That said, Trump is no Nazi - he would have to hold some political views for that. He's just a self-aggrandizing, garden-variety bigot. He never wanted to "do" president-ing; he just wanted to be president.

My point is, many voters seized onto the stuff they liked and ignored the fine print.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't know how many in total, but too many are getting caught loitering in Canada when they were supposed to drive straight through.

The way it's looking right now, I'm not sure it makes any difference if Americans take their sweet time driving through. In August, Canada was averaging <500 cases per day. On Nov 1st, we had 3,244 cases. Yesterday we hit 5,500.

I don't know if the Atlantic Province Bubble will be able to withstand that kind of pressure. Yesterday, Nova Scotia reported no new cases after several days of worry over a mini-outbreak, when we accumulated about 20 new cases within a week. It'll be a few more days before we will know if we dodged another bullet. The advantage of having so few cases is that it enables rapid contact tracing and isolating where necessary.
The Atlantic Bubble has collapsed. Anyone entering any Atlantic province - regardless of where they're coming from - must self-isolate for 2 weeks, unless you have any exemption, such as an essential worker.

In September, Nova Scotia had 3 new cases; in October, 21 new cases; in November (so far), 151 new cases. New restrictions have been implemented. We'll see how/if they help. The only saving grace is that it's predominately younger people who are becoming infected. We haven't had a death since August and I don't think there is anyone currently hospitalized.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
Wow, Victimization garbage. You are one of those people i speak of. Reading and comprehending what suits your ego. I am probably one of the last people you would meet to cry about be victimized.
As for the race baiting going on. If you can't see that, then you are obviously blind and or ignorant. But please continue to comprehend what suits your fragile sense of being. No need to continue on here, the brainwashing has obviously worked on so many. I will remain optimistic the fog in your head will eventually clear.

All i can say is, people who think saying make America great or waving the American flag is race baiting, there is not much hope for you. No more needs to be said. But good luck in life.
why would I need luck? In the 25 years prior to trump bringing salvation to the masses, we situated ourselves so that we will never work again. This no matter which political party was in charge

this is beyond the pale of politics.


Audioholic General
Wow, Victimization garbage. You are one of those people i speak of. Reading and comprehending what suits your ego. I am probably one of the last people you would meet to cry about be victimized.
As for the race baiting going on. If you can't see that, then you are obviously blind and or ignorant. But please continue to comprehend what suits your fragile sense of being. No need to continue on here, the brainwashing has obviously worked on so many. I will remain optimistic the fog in your head will eventually clear.
Still playing victimization as you deny it... unable to explain what you perceive as race baiting... being one of the cult but claiming others as brainwashed.

Dude, don't try and change a light bulb without an adult in the room.


Audioholic General
make America great
You and the cult never noticed that America already was great? That we dominated the world and enjoyed the great prosperity in the history of the planet? You dopes never heard the simple expression, if it ain't broken don't fix it?

Your orange asshole tried to fix something that was not broken and made one truck of a mess. In fact, we will never again enjoy the world domination we enjoyed when your mindless idol took the reigns.

I know you understand none of this, you are too busy crying about the Mexican and the black man.

It is an immoral, unethical, unsavory cult you have pledged you allegiance to. You need to repent.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
You and the cult never noticed that America already was great? That we dominated the world and enjoyed the great prosperity in the history of the planet? You dopes never heard the simple expression, if it ain't broken don't fix it?

Your orange asshole tried to fix something that was not broken and made one truck of a mess. In fact, we will never again enjoy the world domination we enjoyed when your mindless idol took the reigns.

I know you understand none of this, you are too busy crying about the Mexican and the black man.

It is an immoral, unethical, unsavory cult you have pledged you allegiance to. You need to repent.
Should be against the rules of the forum to speak that much truth.

my standing questions are and have been:
when did America cease being the greatest country on earth (warts and all)
what was the seminal event that caused its fall from greatness
what period of time are we trying to return to?


Audioholic Chief
yep and I can site plenty examples of the opposite as well. As I've stated many times it's the extreme L/R that I have a problem with and as a responsible gun owner I suspect you know what I mean ..... ;)
sooo , you are saying that the dems currently are as corrupt as the gop? and it has something to do with the 2nd amendment?.. as a former hunter and a 2nd amd. advocate i'm *not* getting your gist..edit:if you haven't noticed yet.. Trump.. the guy who is the republican party panders to the far right on a daily basis.. the far left, other than Bernie, who is hard core pro 2nd doesn't have much traction.. notice? pretty much every admin. appointment was/were Obama moderates.. hardly a threat to the 2nd there.. also if you are a moderate like me you'd know the gun lobby disguised as the nra has been on the "they're coming for your guns" diatribe since the 90's, it's a great way to use scare tactics to sell guns.. and even after uncountable school/ office / random mass shootings .. nothings even been done to address crazy people getting access to weapons designed to kill lots of people at a rapid rate... as i said , i'm not getting the gist...
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Audioholic Chief
Wow, Victimization garbage. You are one of those people i speak of. Reading and comprehending what suits your ego. I am probably one of the last people you would meet to cry about be victimized.
As for the race baiting going on. If you can't see that, then you are obviously blind and or ignorant. But please continue to comprehend what suits your fragile sense of being. No need to continue on here, the brainwashing has obviously worked on so many. I will remain optimistic the fog in your head will eventually clear.

All i can say is, people who think saying make America great or waving the American flag is race baiting, there is not much hope for you. No more needs to be said. But good luck in life.
let me tell ya , *for 100% certain,,,*... waiving a trumpie flag disguised as an American flag is pretty weak horseshit...


Audioholic Chief
You and the cult never noticed that America already was great? That we dominated the world and enjoyed the great prosperity in the history of the planet? You dopes never heard the simple expression, if it ain't broken don't fix it?

Your orange asshole tried to fix something that was not broken and made one truck of a mess. In fact, we will never again enjoy the world domination we enjoyed when your mindless idol took the reigns.

I know you understand none of this, you are too busy crying about the Mexican and the black man.

It is an immoral, unethical, unsavory cult you have pledged you allegiance to. You need to repent.
the entire anti immigration movement is a play on victimization, it's lol-funny to see people who support that movement call others out for playing victim when they insist that the uber wealthy ought to be taxed at a much higher rate.. i've had to fight that battle with a few cave dweller types on here..same with the anti blm types .. you have to be dumb enough to think being black in America is easier than being white to support the thought that "all lives matter" is a thing , and black lives matter is a racist radical movement .absolutely sad what a clusterfuck the internet has made out of common sense...


Audioholic Slumlord
Anyone entering any Atlantic province - regardless of where they're coming from - must self-isolate for 2 weeks
My sister is vacationing on the Gulf in Mississippi, the state that has 4 eyes and still can't see that they have a revolving door policy for ... it's tough when it's your own family but *sigh*.


Audioholic Samurai
The title of this thread is"Coronavirus." Could people who want to argue politics please take it to a different thread?


Audioholic Samurai
According to this NYT article, it's not clear that small social gatherings are actually driving the spread of the coronavirus:

>>>Cracking down on social gatherings suggests that there is clear evidence regarding where people are exposed and that they are meeting more often now than earlier in the pandemic. But the data are not clear: For example, the percentage of Californians who visited friends or had guests over at their homes has hovered around 50 percent since June, according to weekly surveys conducted by the University of Southern California.

In most places, the virus is too widespread to claim with any confidence where someone became infected. Where once clusters were obvious — in nursing homes and meatpacking plants, for example — now there are thousands of small outbreaks in restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, colleges and gyms.

In this sort of conflagration, it’s impossible to estimate how much social gatherings contribute to community transmission. <<<



Audioholic Samurai
Hopefully this will prove to be an effective treatment:

>>>Because TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma are produced during COVID-19 and cause inflammatory cell death, the investigators questioned whether these cytokines were responsible for the clinical manifestations and deadly effects of the disease. They found that the TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma combination triggered tissue damage and inflammation that mirror the symptoms of COVID-19 along with rapid death.

Neutralizing antibodies against TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma are currently used to treat inflammatory diseases in the clinic. The investigators found that treatment with these antibodies protected mice from death associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, sepsis, HLH and cytokine shock.

"The findings link inflammatory cell death induced by TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma to COVID-19," Kanneganti said. "The results also suggest that therapies that target this cytokine combination are candidates for rapid clinical trials for treatment of not only COVID-19, but several other often fatal disorders associated with cytokine storm."<<<



Audioholic Samurai
Here's another article about the AstraZeneca vaccine trial errors and potential problems obtaining FDA approval:

>>>Consider that leading vaccine makers—including AstraZeneca—issued a scientific-rigor-and-integrity pledge back in September, in which they promised to submit their products for approval or emergency use authorization only “after demonstrating safety and efficacy through a Phase 3 clinical study that is designed and conducted to meet requirements of expert regulatory authorities such as FDA.” Note the wording here: These companies did not suggest that they might claim to have demonstrated efficacy through multiple, distinct clinical studies, combined together to get enough data. They said they would use a Phase 3 study—as in, one big one. Yet AstraZeneca has already applied on the basis of this data for approval in Canada, and has plans to do the same in Britain, Europe and Brazil. The company also says it will use the data to apply for emergency use authorization in the US.<<<



Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, no kidding! (I didn't see your post at the time I posted)
I dunno, immunology isn't my field, but isn't it very weird that a smaller dose results in greater efficacy? I'm having trouble getting past that.


Audioholic Samurai
The tub is still filling with hot water for AstraZeneca:

The fact that all of the people in the lower dose group were under 55 makes me wonder about it. From the cnbc report:

>>>One smaller group of people, all under the age of 55, received an unintentionally lower dose of the vaccine followed by a full dose, and a larger group of people received two full doses of the vaccine. The vaccine was found to be 90% effective in the group that received the smaller dose while the larger group showed only 62% effectiveness.

Some U.S. experts, including Moncef Slaoui, chief of the White House’s Operation Warp Speed, said they were concerned about the differing ages between the two groups. Amid those concerns, Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca, told Bloomberg on Thursday that the company will likely begin a new study to examine the lower dosage regime.<<

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