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Audioholic Warlord
Now that a day has passed, my thoughts are:

  1. I'm glad bin Laden lived long enough to see the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, and Yemen. He saw the people on the street in these Arab countries were more interested in democracy than his crazy ideas of jihad. He saw himself and his ideas become irrelevant.

  2. Pakistan has some splainin to do!


Seriously, I have no life.
actually, i meant, who died and made Donald Trump the champion of the people.

i don't know him, but for some reason, i feel he's full of hot air.
i mean, i don't even think he's THAT rich.
Well, he did make about $50M from the sale of just one house, so....


Senior Audioholic
I'm glad bin Laden lived long enough to see the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, and Yemen. He saw the people on the street in these Arab countries were more interested in democracy than his crazy ideas of jihad. He saw himself and his ideas become irrelevant.
I think you need to look closer at the outcome of these "democratic" uprisings. Fundamentalists more akin to Iran seem to be getting installed in these countries. They may be getting rid of dictators, but what exactly are they getting?


Audioholic Warlord
I see, you proclaim something to all the world.... but all the evidence supporting this is being hidden and classified, strange.....
Well, they certainly couldn't make the whole thing up. Picture it: The US claims to have killed him one day; then a couple of days later, there's a video of a smiling Osama taunting the US. There's just no way they could fake it and expect the "victim" to keep quiet.

The reports I've read indicate that no other countries would accept his body, hence the burial at sea. There has been criticism that he did not deserve the consideration of a proper Islamic burial. However, I believe the maganimity expressed in this gesture was admirable. No matter how cruel our enemies might be, we shouldn't stoop to their methods.

Make no mistake, catching Bin Laden means very little in the big scheme of things. He was so isolated for the last few years, that his influence on any al quaida operations would've been miniscule. That said, it was proper to go after him, as he needed to answer for his actions. There are many in the Islamic world who took inspiration from him and there may be a ramping up of revenge attacks in the near future. We have to be vigilant.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
If we post pictures like these infamous ones...

edited out pics

We'll satisfy some, maybe many, and at the same time piss off others. Now, wouldn't it be something if there was real time video being taken and we got to see Bin Laden holding his wife in front of him for protection?
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Audioholic Spartan
This will make a great book!

Some years from now, I'd love to read the book written by one of the retired Navy Seals about this daring act. A movie would be good too; but usually the books are better.

It's fascinating how they acquired little bits of info over the past ten years. I heard the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee on the news.
(can't remember his name) He said, four years ago they got the name of Osama's courier from someone that was water boarded.
Then they followed the courier for years, and learned all about his travel patterns. After they traced him to this latest compound, (last August) they constructed a duplicate compound for the Navy Seals to practice in.
This real life stuff is better than any movie!:)
Gotta give the President credit for giving the thumbs up for this raid and not asking permission from Pakistan.


Full Audioholic
Make no mistake, catching Bin Laden means very little in the big scheme of things. He was so isolated for the last few years, that his influence on any al quaida operations would've been miniscule. That said, it was proper to go after him, as he needed to answer for his actions. There are many in the Islamic world who took inspiration from him and there may be a ramping up of revenge attacks in the near future. We have to be vigilant.
That depends on whether he was still able to generate money for them. If he was, it could be a significant blow.


Audioholic Ninja
I can imagine that Alqaida anticipated this and his last few years wouldn't last forever and they planned for this.... It was only a matter of time before he was going to be gone and any and all money that would have been useful to the cause was put to its best use already, but his salesmanship and in the public motivational force was depleted when he went into hiding...

God Bless our troops....


There's already conspiracy theories all over the place. The naysayers will be foaming at the mouth, knee deep in invincible ignorance, ignoring any facts so long as it suits them. This is no different than idiots like Rosie O'donnel and other 9/11 theorists, and the like.

The one thing I wish, however, is that the Obama Administration wouldn't give ammo to these claims by their ameteurish handling of it afterwards. There have been three different stories now of how things went down from officials.

I praise the President for what he did. It took balls to do what he did. He could have just dropped a bomb from 20 thousand feet, but instead, he did what a President ought to do and make the tough decision to get the best possible outcome despite the risk, because nothing else, every other way would've opened up the flood gates of critiscm and scruitiny.

The thing is however, it seems that everything this adiminstration touches turns into a debacle. I'm not say Obama is inept, I think many of his people are. This is already being mishandled with mixed messages, back tracking, etc. I'm not a fan of this President at all, and am vehemently opposed to just about to most all of his ideas and visons for this country and how to put them in place... but this is beyond partisanship. He did a great thing. I don't want it marred by the Keystone Cops and their inability to do anything with clear and decisive action. You would think that their message, their story about this event would be rock solid. It's not, they're wavoring and fumbling and it's going to add fuel to the conspiracy fire.


Audioholic Warlord
Late Night comedians had plenty to work with last night. Courtesy of CBS News:

David Letterman
“You seem like you're in a good mood tonight. You folks enjoy the Osama bin Laden season finale?"

Jay Leno
“It looks like President Obama has a new campaign slogan: Yes I Did.”

Jimmy Kimmel
"It was the first Twitter death rumor ever that turned out to be true."

Jimmy Fallon
"Bin Laden is dead! — just like the Republicans' chances in 2012."

Jon Stewart
"I suppose, I should be expressing some ambivalence about the targeted killing of another human being. And yet — uhhhh, no!"

“What was the look on bin Laden's face when he realized the helicopters overhead were not giving traffic and weather updates?"

Letterman's Top Ten List of bin Laden's final words:
"I'm not sure I want to live in a world where 'Fast Five' is the No. 1 movie"
"I need a house full of Navy SEALs like I need a hole in the head."

Conan O’Brien
"When he heard about it, former President Bush was furious and said, 'Wait a minute — I could have used seals?!"'

More Letterman
"How about those Navy SEALs? They jump out of a helicopter, they break into the compound, and they fire a warning shot into his head."

"Well, the good news is, bin Laden lived to see the royal wedding."

"Owing to a screwup in the paperwork, there were 72 vegans awaiting bin Laden in the afterlife instead of the 72 virgins supposedly promised."

And finally, Mark Twain
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."


Full Audioholic
but his salesmanship and in the public motivational force was depleted when he went into hiding...
My prediction is that we will be surprised at the money that he raised through private sources. His being in hiding and not being caught added to his mystique not subtracted; however, I imagine money dropped over time becasue they haven't been as successful lately at pulling off the big terror hit. On the issue of the handling of what went down, I think the administration wants to get out all the information they can to the world quickly and that led to some errors in details but I woudn't throw the baby out with the bath water. This is still a developing story and we need to wait as additional facts come out and some facts may not come out (like what kind of intel they got from computer disks etc) for some time.

By the way, John Brennan has been devoting the last 15 years to finding this guy. I don't think becasue he made a few mistakes in the press conference that we should throw the guy out. He was obviously excited and probably sleep deprived. So far the only mistake I see is that the one helicopter went down and it sounded like that could not be helped.

As far as conspiracy theories that is going to happen no matter what. People like them and they get invented because many people aren't very rational. Frankly, I wouldn't release the photos but they probably eventually will (I hope not though). I mean people don't beleive we went to the moon and it was on television. Rational people know we got him and he was buried at sea. Irrational people won't beleive it if they release the pictures....or they may believe it for awhile and then come up with more reasons why he is not a citizen:)
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Full Audioholic
Yahoo!! He's dead. Now let me grow a garden.


Full Audioholic
There has been criticism that he did not deserve the consideration of a proper Islamic burial. However, I believe the maganimity expressed in this gesture was admirable. No matter how cruel our enemies might be, we shouldn't stoop to their methods.
I agree totally. There are some who could do with taking your words to heart instead of paying them merely lip service - if even that. :(

Moderators, please can you rid this site of images of the deceased - fake or otherwise. You have no idea how goulish images of a dead man with a hole in his head appears. For a self proclaimed family friendly web site, displaying such content can only be considered utterly appaling.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
This whole thing of insisting/wanting/whatever a proper Islamic burial perplexes me a bit. Whenever I see Muslim on Muslim fights, I rarely hear about adhering to Islamic law. Mosques get targeted, burial grounds are fair game, and mass burials are not unknown. It seems that only when one side is Muslim that a duplicitous standard is then applied.


Audioholic General
I agree totally. There are some who could do with taking your words to heart instead of paying them merely lip service - if even that. :(

Moderators, please can you rid this site of images of the deceased - fake or otherwise. You have no idea how goulish images of a dead man with a hole in his head appears. For a self proclaimed family friendly web site, displaying such content can only be considered utterly appaling.
thanked for both sentiments...


Audioholic Ninja
I may be thinking out of the box on this one but instead of burying him at sea, they should have buried him so there could have been the draw of a shrine in the followers - mainly Al Qaeda, and we could then just pick them off one at a time as they stop by to pay their wishes.... :D



Full Audioholic
I may be thinking out of the box on this one but instead of burying him at sea, they should have buried him so there could have been the draw of a shrine in the followers - mainly Al Qaeda, and we could then just pick them off one at a time as they stop by to pay their wishes.... :D

That sounds pretty darn smart to me..... of course, the word may get out so maybe just implant them with some kind of tracking device and then later....well you get the idea.
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