Late Night comedians had plenty to work with last night. Courtesy of
CBS News:
David Letterman
“You seem like you're in a good mood tonight. You folks enjoy the Osama bin Laden season finale?"
Jay Leno
“It looks like President Obama has a new campaign slogan: Yes I Did.”
Jimmy Kimmel
"It was the first Twitter death rumor ever that turned out to be true."
Jimmy Fallon
"Bin Laden is dead! — just like the Republicans' chances in 2012."
Jon Stewart
"I suppose, I should be expressing some ambivalence about the targeted killing of another human being. And yet — uhhhh, no!"
“What was the look on bin Laden's face when he realized the helicopters overhead were not giving traffic and weather updates?"
Letterman's Top Ten List of bin Laden's final words:
"I'm not sure I want to live in a world where 'Fast Five' is the No. 1 movie"
"I need a house full of Navy SEALs like I need a hole in the head."
Conan O’Brien
"When he heard about it, former President Bush was furious and said, 'Wait a minute — I could have used seals?!"'
More Letterman
"How about those Navy SEALs? They jump out of a helicopter, they break into the compound, and they fire a warning shot into his head."
"Well, the good news is, bin Laden lived to see the royal wedding."
"Owing to a screwup in the paperwork, there were 72 vegans awaiting bin Laden in the afterlife instead of the 72 virgins supposedly promised."
And finally, Mark Twain
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."