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Full Audioholic
This whole thing of insisting/wanting/whatever a proper Islamic burial perplexes me a bit. Whenever I see Muslim on Muslim fights, I rarely hear about adhering to Islamic law. Mosques get targeted, burial grounds are fair game, and mass burials are not unknown. It seems that only when one side is Muslim that a duplicitous standard is then applied.
Actually, doesn't Jewish law say the same thing about burial within 24 hours or maybe some other time frame? To be honest, I don't think we know the whole story about the burial. I think there were most likely other considerations besides not offending they wanted to get rid of the body for security reasons.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Actually, doesn't Jewish law say the same thing about burial within 24 hours or maybe some other time frame? To be honest, I don't think we know the whole story about the burial. I think there were most likely other considerations besides not offending they wanted to get rid of the body for security reasons.
Do I look Jewish?


Full Audioholic
I may be thinking out of the box on this one but instead of burying him at sea, they should have buried him so there could have been the draw of a shrine in the followers - mainly Al Qaeda, and we could then just pick them off one at a time as they stop by to pay their wishes.... :D

I rather selected him to be cremated and then mount his URN in their capital and let the citizens of Pakistan piss in it.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Do I look Jewish?
He must've forgotten that it's impossible to know about other religions and cultures.

Here's the answer by the way:
Kevura, or burial, should take place as soon as possible after death. The Torah requires burial as soon as possible, even for executed criminals.[6] Burial is delayed "for the honor of the deceased," usually to allow more time for far-flung family to come to the funeral and participate in the other post-burial rituals, but also to hire professionals, or to bury the deceased in a cemetery of their choice.


Republican Poster Boy
I'm waiting for Hannity or Palin to bring a negative Obama tone to such great news :eek:
Keep waiting, that is a reid or pelosi way of doing things and not the way honorable people like Palin or Sean behave. They give credit where credit is due so now lets see if the usurper in chief does the same. So far he has not and W is responsible for setting up the intel of the area that he was in.


I'm glad the bast@rd is gone. Wish they'd post videos of the SEAL's teabaggin' his lifeless corpse.

It's just the cynic in me still believes there was political motives at work with the timing of this event. I just find it hard to believe that anybody could live in a place like that for so long without getting caught. At least they found Sadam living in a hole.


Audioholic Ninja
Gutsy call by Obama to authorize a commando mission on foreign soil like that. Foreign air space makes that so much more risky. This is the sort of stuff you see in video games. Way to cool. All I got to say is this is badass! Yeah that Seal unit rocks!


Audioholic Overlord
So far he has not and W is responsible for setting up the intel of the area that he was in.
So true. Actually, W set up the intel for this whole mission. This link lays out the timeline that brought us to this moment in history.

Granted, I'm very glad that obama did this plick in but he didn't just decide to put on his white hat and ride into town, guns blazing.

It's kinds like the question, which is more important? The farmer who plants the tree, fertilizes it, and nurtures it, or the guy who walks up and picks the cherry?

Answer: They both were, but the timing had to be right first.


Audioholic Spartan
Gutsy call by Obama to authorize a commando mission on foreign soil like that. Foreign air space makes that so much more risky. This is the sort of stuff you see in video games. Way to cool. All I got to say is this is badass! Yeah that Seal unit rocks!
I don't know why the hell we were letting Pakistan tell us what to do in the first place. We should have razed that whole country a long time ago. If we've got solid intel that Bin-Laden is hiding in your country get the hell out of the way or we'll nuke you too!

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but I don't know how I feel about celebrating his death. Certainly he needed to be done away with, but taking to the streets and cheering bothers me a bit. How is that any different than when people in the Middle East cheered for 9/11? I'm happy that he's gone, but it doesn't make me want to do cartwheels.


Well... the idiocy continues. How this Administration can mishandle such an important event... one that could in many ways define Obama's Presidency and erase many of the previous failures in international dimplomacy and action is simply beyond me.

In the latest press briefing, Jay Carney fumbled and backtracked, contradicted himself and finaly admitted... "Even I'm getting confused."

How do we go from Bin Laden shooting at our troops with his wife being used as a human shield, to some other woman being used a human shield who was also killed, to Bin Laden being unarmed without a human shield, to having the woman apparently come after the troops then shot in the leg, to Bin Laden now reaching for something in an aggressive manner.

I mean come on. These are all statement made by officials. No wonder the conspiracy nuts are up in arms. How riduculous and inept.

No wonder our country is in a freefall.


Audioholic Ninja
I don't know why the hell we were letting Pakistan tell us what to do in the first place. We should have razed that whole country a long time ago. If we've got solid intel that Bin-Laden is hiding in your country get the hell out of the way or we'll nuke you too!

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but I don't know how I feel about celebrating his death. Certainly he needed to be done away with, but taking to the streets and cheering bothers me a bit. How is that any different than when people in the Middle East cheered for 9/11? I'm happy that he's gone, but it doesn't make me want to do cartwheels.
Obama took the highest risk, highest reward scenario for his country and soldiers. They could have just sent in a drone and bombed the crap out of that area. Ballsy move on his part. If this mission didn't go as flawlessly as it did (planes shot down, soldiers killed in foreign air space, Osama wasn't there etc...), he would have a lot of explaining to do.

Pat D

Keep waiting, that is a reid or pelosi way of doing things and not the way honorable people like Palin or Sean behave. They give credit where credit is due so now lets see if the usurper in chief does the same. So far he has not and W is responsible for setting up the intel of the area that he was in.
Palin has already complied! She praised the Seals, but couldn't bring herself to mention Obama's name.

Some Republicans have given Obama full credit, but many others try to give G. W. Bush equal credit. The fact is that Bush never made any real effort to find Osama bin Laden. His administration had a chance to get him during the Battle of Tora Bora in late 2001 but passed it up, wouldn't authorize the available troops to go in and get him before he took off to hide in Pakistan. By 2002, he had decided Osama was not important. Let's face it, Bush didn't really try to find him. On the other hand, Obama made it a priority for the CIA.

Here's Cenk Uygur's take on it:


Audioholic Warlord
Obama took the highest risk, highest reward scenario for his country and soldiers. They could have just sent in a drone and bombed the crap out of that area. Ballsy move on his part. If this mission didn't go as flawlessly as it did (planes shot down, soldiers killed in foreign air space, Osama wasn't there etc...), he would have a lot of explaining to do.
You're absolutely right. Jimmy Carter was pilloried because of the failure of the rescue attempt for the Iran hostages. If it had succeeded, he might have been able to ride into a second term. However....

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I know that each branch of the military has its own special forces, specially trained to perform highly skilled operations. Also, from what I understand, there's a Delta force comprised of members that can be culled from all branches. I have nothing negative to say about the skilled Navy Seal group that took out Bin Laden, but I'm wondering if there's a particular reason the Seals were tapped to carry out this mission or could other groups also have performed equally well? Anyone have any input?


Audioholic Ninja
I know that each branch of the military has its own special forces, specially trained to perform highly skilled operations. Also, from what I understand, there's a Delta force comprised of members that can be culled from all branches. I have nothing negative to say about the skilled Navy Seal group that took out Bin Laden, but I'm wondering if there's a particular reason the Seals were tapped to carry out this mission or could other groups also have performed equally well? Anyone have any input?
According to wiki seals have specific training in:

  • Special reconnaissance
  • Direct action
  • Foreign internal defense
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Unconventional warfare

The seal unit is equivalent to special units like the Israeli Mossad or the British SAS. Their specialty and training is commando type missions: counter-terrorism, rescue, assassination, intelligence, reconnaissance etc.


I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but I don't know how I feel about celebrating his death. Certainly he needed to be done away with, but taking to the streets and cheering bothers me a bit. How is that any different than when people in the Middle East cheered for 9/11? I'm happy that he's gone, but it doesn't make me want to do cartwheels.
I'm 100% with you on that one. The only difference is there was no images of Americans in the streets firing AK-47's into the air celebrating.


Full Audioholic
This is getting dangerously political and a moderator even is encouraging. Where do I report it?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
This is getting dangerously political and a moderator even is encouraging. Where do I report it?
I'll take your report and forward it on to the hall monitors and if they see anybody running between classes wearing political shirts, there'll be hell to pay. :D
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