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Full Audioholic
I don't know why the hell we were letting Pakistan tell us what to do in the first place.
I think the fact that Americans were in Pakistan and not in America may have had something to do with it.

We should have razed that whole country a long time ago. If we've got solid intel that Bin-Laden is hiding in your country get the hell out of the way or we'll nuke you too!
Strong feelings are understandable. However, I kindly advise caution when it comes to your words. For those of us who remember, MacmanNM was banned for stating something similar.


Audioholic Overlord
This is getting dangerously political and a moderator even is encouraging. Where do I report it?
The political mud slinging started on page one and you're only complaining now? :confused:


Audioholic Overlord
It's that word "solid" that is the problem.

If we've got solid intel that Bin-Laden is hiding in your country get the hell out of the way or we'll nuke you too!
Knowing he's there is one thing but exactly where in there is quite another thing. That was the problem with Tora-Bora.

Granted, we could have glassed both the stans into glass and solved that problem very quickly but the world community would not have liked that too much.

Even though we knew the s--mbag was in pakistan for years, it was more prudent to get his exact location and then going after him, and him only, with a surgical strike in order to minimize collateral damage. As was pointed out earlier, it was a long waiting game until an exact location was possible.

As it stands, nobody else, not even his neighbors, was even bothered by this mission, aside from a few ruffled feathers on the paki's government, military, and intelligence.

The intel was good, the waiting was necessary, the timing was right, and the Seals rocked!
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Full Audioholic
...we could have glassed both the stans into glass and solved that problem very quickly but the world community would not have liked that too much.
Nor would any right thinking individual, and for good reason.

Are you seriously suggesting that it would be considered acceptable to "glass" both "stans" - an appalling spectre in its own right - merely to eliminate Osama bin laden? Does this not strike you of ever-so-slight overkill, apart from the minor fact of it also being wholesale genocide?


Audioholic Overlord
Nor would any right thinking individual, and for good reason.

Are you seriously suggesting that it would be considered acceptable to "glass" both "stans" - an appalling spectre in its own right - merely to eliminate Osama bin laden? Does this not strike you of ever-so-slight overkill, apart from the minor fact of it also being wholesale genocide?
You're kidding, right? :confused:

Did you even read past that?
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Republican Poster Boy
This is getting dangerously political and a moderator even is encouraging. Where do I report it?
Gene drew first blood so stop your whining:)

I give Zero credit for not bombing the area but that's about it. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. The rest was laid in place long before he took office and thats a fact. As far as W not wanting to find him that's just a fat pantload.

It is probably wrong to actually celebrate his death, but he was a mass murderer and my little sis was in the Pentagon the day it was hit. She had just delivered some papers to the area where the plane struck only moments before it hit. We came close to loosing her because of that bastard so I am celebrating his death! Oh and to all the Don Rumsfeld haters, while people were fleeing the scene my sister saw him running into the disaster to help. Just thought I might mention that.


Audioholic Overlord
No, I was not kidding. Yes, I read all of your post before responding.
In that case, since you can't grasp my writing style, I suggest you ignore my posts in the future. ...or maybe you want to get me banned like Macman?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I took markw's 'glass' post not so much as sarcasm but a personal sense of the utter frustration with having to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan both with their own unique corruptions and fecklessness.


Full Audioholic
Gene drew first blood so stop your whining:)

I give Zero credit for not bombing the area but that's about it. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. The rest was laid in place long before he took office and thats a fact. As far as W not wanting to find him that's just a fat pantload.

It is probably wrong to actually celebrate his death, but he was a mass murderer and my little sis was in the Pentagon the day it was hit. She had just delivered some papers to the area where the plane struck only moments before it hit. We came close to loosing her because of that bastard so I am celebrating his death! Oh and to all the Don Rumsfeld haters, while people were fleeing the scene my sister saw him running into the disaster to help. Just thought I might mention that.
I will only post this as I am out of this thread. I am fine with his death. I was estatic about his death. I am fine with giving credit where credit is due, but I think it is better to get all the facts before making a rush to judgement about who gets this credit or who gets that credit whichever ideology you happen to follow. And that unfortunately is what it always comes down ideology is right and the other guys is ****. I don't hate either Bush or Rumsfield (Rove is a different story) so aim your venom somewhere else.

My son was in NY when they hit the Towers. He usually stayed at the Marriott right by the Twin Towers and I was in a panic. I was just hours away from driving there to get him. I can tell you stories about where he had to stay when he couldn't get out of town, and how afraid he was in that area. It is personal to me too.
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Full Audioholic
In that case, since you can't grasp my writing style, I suggest you ignore my posts in the future. ...or maybe you want to get me banned like Macman?
I'll take your word for it that I failed to grasp your writing style. As for the issue of seeing you banned, or anyone else for that matter, I have no preferance either way. It is for Moderators to take action, or not, as they see fit.

For the record, I liked MacmanNM. He was in my opinion very knowledgable on speakers in particular and an asset to the forum. His comment on nuking a country was, however, out of order. Only a fool would make light of such an event.


Republican Poster Boy
I****. I don't hate either Bush or Rumsfield (Rove is a different story) so aim your venom somewhere else.
I wasn't aiming venom and I cant stand Rove either.

It's personal to a lot of us in this country I think.


Audioholic Intern
I wasn't aiming venom and I cant stand Rove either.

It's personal to a lot of us in this country I think.
All I know is Bin Laden was killed by Obama's order. He ordered and directed it, and for that I thank our President, but especially I thank our troops.


Audioholic Overlord
I took markw's 'glass' post not so much as sarcasm but a personal sense of the utter frustration with having to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan both with their own unique corruptions and fecklessness.
Actually, it was a realistic statement of this countries military capabilities*, but your points are well taken. ;)

* not a suggestion that it should be done.


Seriously, I have no life.
Palin has already complied! She praised the Seals, but couldn't bring herself to mention Obama's name.

Some Republicans have given Obama full credit, but many others try to give G. W. Bush equal credit. The fact is that Bush never made any real effort to find Osama bin Laden. His administration had a chance to get him during the Battle of Tora Bora in late 2001 but passed it up, wouldn't authorize the available troops to go in and get him before he took off to hide in Pakistan. By 2002, he had decided Osama was not important. Let's face it, Bush didn't really try to find him. On the other hand, Obama made it a priority for the CIA.

Here's Cenk Uygur's take on it:
Didn't he also close up the bin Laden shop at the CIA in 2005?

When was that water boarding take place that supposedly got the intel? Well before 2005? If it was that good, why so long for results?


Seriously, I have no life.
...It's just the cynic in me still believes there was political motives at work with the timing of this event. ....
You think an operation like this can be timed to fill a political motive?:rolleyes:
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
oh look! finally, a use for being a non-american ... you know i don't really have a dog in this fight. (not that i'm calling any of you dogs)

i'm locking this because i see posters here who should be friends with each other and are fast becoming NOT for discussing political topics
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