It's that word "solid" that is the problem.
If we've got solid intel that Bin-Laden is hiding in your country get the hell out of the way or we'll nuke you too!
Knowing he's there is one thing but
exactly where in there is quite another thing. That was the problem with Tora-Bora.
Granted, we could have glassed both the stans into glass and solved that problem very quickly but the world community would not have liked that too much.
Even though we knew the s--mbag was in pakistan for years, it was more prudent to get his
exact location and then going after him, and him only, with a surgical strike in order to minimize collateral damage. As was pointed out earlier, it was a long waiting game until an
exact location was possible.
As it stands, nobody else, not even his neighbors, was even bothered by this mission, aside from a few ruffled feathers on the paki's government, military, and intelligence.
The intel was good, the waiting was necessary, the timing was right, and the Seals rocked!