Behringer A500 Amplifier: Objective Test Results



Seriously, I have no life.
jeffsg4mac said:
LOL whats the cure doc?

Going broke will cure you:D Unless you like to go into debt up to your eyeballs:D :D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
jeffsg4mac said:
Mike, I listened to the EP2500 against the receiver for it was worth. Certainly not a blind test by any stretch. All I can honestly say is I could hear nothing wrong with the EP2500 and it had enormous amounts of power. The only thing stopping me from getting 3 of the EP1500's is the fans. One fan is not to bad, you can not hear it during music or a movie, but 4 total would have been worse I am sure. It sounded great, as good as anything else I have ever heard. Do not hesitate, it is a monster on the subs. Next up is a sub project with some really good drivers. I will let you know monday after I run some more power outlets how the A500's sound though.
thanks jeff :)


Republican Poster Boy
mtrycrafts said:
Going broke will cure you:D Unless you like to go into debt up to your eyeballs:D :D
Well, I've decided that when I die I do not want any money left in the bank. I want to spend it all before I go.:eek:


buckyg4 said:
... Maybe this amp will be different, unfortuanely it is not useable to me due to the low input impedance, shame because it is a good price.
I know this thread is about 6 mos old, but I was looking at using these amps to bi-amp my existing system (along with Super X Pro CX2310 crossovers) so I scanned through the thread. What's with the impedence mis-match issue? Doesn't anyone read the owner's manual anymore?

It clearly states that it has 10k ohm input impedence, it supports both balanced and unbalanced, it works with -12db and +4 db, and has xlr, 1/4 TRS, and RCA connectors. Am I missing something here or was buckyg4 poorly informed?

In the last 6 mos. has anyone heard any bad things about this amp? I may get a few, bust out the blue lights (or leds) and put them in a closet. That should solve all of the major issues I saw in this thread!

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
jeffsg4mac said:
Actually, I have not quite decided on the how I am going to configure them. 3 up front mono for sure. Then one for the LR rear, one for the LR back and one for the LR presence. Or Mono for the front and LR Rear and Stereo for the LR back and the yamaha for the front presence. Any thoughts?
thought: the yamaha cant run presence and surround backs at the same time can it?


Republican Poster Boy
mike c said:
thought: the yamaha cant run presence and surround backs at the same time can it?

Now you remind me:rolleyes: NO it can't, I just found out when trying to balance my channels:eek:

OK guys they are in and setup. Whew! I had to relocate some stuff, rewire and loose the sony cd changer. Hated that thing anyway.


I ran them mono to the fronts and rears, stereo to the back and I am using the receiver for the presence channels. Just have to turn off the surround back amp off when I am going to use the presence. No biggie. I Put 3 on one 20 amp line and 3 on another 20 amp line and the EP 2500 on a 20-amp line all by itself. everything else is running on another 20-amp line.:D

First Impressions. WOW I love it!!! There is something to be said for a lot of power. I almost forgot. Very impressed so far, these are a heck of bargain. Where else could one get this much power for under $1200 bucks?

Fidelity is just as good as any amp I have heard in recent memory. There is no way i would pay prices for Krell or Levinson etc. I am not saying they sound as good as that stuff, but I am not saying they don't either.

So far the most obvious thing I hear different is the sheer dynamics that these things have over the receiver and that alone is worth the extra money.

Pics coming soon.:)


Junior Audioholic

Wow! Awesome setup! I am drooling here!

How are you hooking these amps up to the receiver? Just using RCa's from the pre outs? I read somewhere that the ART Cleanbox is the way to go with amps in a hometheater using the XLR's. Do you get any hum or hiss? I have Acoustech horn speakers all around and I am worried about them amplifing the hiss.

Also, do you get any thump with turning them off?

I am seriously considering buying 4 of these this week to hook up to my Yamaha RX-V3200. Three in Mono for L/C/R channels and one in stereo running my rears in 5.1


Republican Poster Boy
vlad335 said:

Wow! Awesome setup! I am drooling here!

How are you hooking these amps up to the receiver? Just using RCa's from the pre outs? I read somewhere that the ART Cleanbox is the way to go with amps in a hometheater using the XLR's. Do you get any hum or hiss? I have Acoustech horn speakers all around and I am worried about them amplifing the hiss.

Also, do you get any thump with turning them off?

I am seriously considering buying 4 of these this week to hook up to my Yamaha RX-V3200. Three in Mono for L/C/R channels and one in stereo running my rears in 5.1
Yes, the receiver is being used as a preamp and to run the presence speakers. I do have a slight hum but I traced it down to a remote control dimmer that I have in the room. Once the lights are off the hum goes away. I will have to replace it or loose it. There is no hiss and no thump when powering on.


Audioholic Chief
jeffsg4mac said:
Ok as promised. Enjoy, I know I am:D :D
Jeff, the power company is going to love you and your family:D :D
Those amps look great, congradulations!
The amps should keep your dedicated theater room warm during those cold NH winters.:)

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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
sorry for the late thought ... I knew that before but figured if you had external amps that the pre-outs would work.

but your setup looks intimidating!
so you really cant hear the ep2500 even during quiet passages?
how far are you from the ep2500?


Republican Poster Boy
mike c said:
sorry for the late thought ... I knew that before but figured if you had external amps that the pre-outs would work.

but your setup looks intimidating!
so you really cant hear the ep2500 even during quiet passages?
how far are you from the ep2500?
I am about 12 feet back. If the room is dead silent you can hear it but once any music is on you can't. I have not put on any soft piano solo stuff yet, but it is not an issue. However, 4 might be another matter.


Republican Poster Boy
surveyor said:
Jeff, the power company is going to love you and your family:D :D
Those amps look great, congradulations!
The amps should keep your dedicated theater room warm during those cold NH winters.:)

You know what they run cool, I had them cranking all day and they were barely warm to the touch. Even at reference level they were hardly breaking a sweat.


Audioholic Chief
jeffsg4mac said:
You know what they run cool, I had them cranking all day and they were barely warm to the touch. Even at reference level they were hardly breaking a sweat.
Technology is getting better.
They're class AB amps that are running cool!
They must have large heat sinks, plus the rubber feet look to be about 3/4 to 1" tall.
They are putting out heat, it just being dissipated via good design.

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I wonder if the bottom unit can take it if we stack 6 of them.
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Republican Poster Boy
mike c said:
I wonder if the bottom unit can take it if we stack 6 of them.
they are 20lbs each. They are pretty tough but I dont think I would stack them that high.


Jeff, I Hate You

(just kidding)

You've just thrown a monkey wrench in my thought process.

I need to replace my B&K Ref 7270. Been thinking about either the Gemstone Blue Diamond, Outlaw 7700 or the Emotiva MPS-1. All around $2K US for 7 channels.

I could buy seven A500's for that same money and end up 500W per channel. :rolleyes:
(I getting wood just thinking about it)

Oh Lord, please save me from Loserwife's wrath!

EDIT: I think mulesteritus is a communicable disease.

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