mike c said:
thought: the yamaha cant run presence and surround backs at the same time can it?
Now you remind me

NO it can't, I just found out when trying to balance my channels
OK guys they are in and setup. Whew! I had to relocate some stuff, rewire and loose the sony cd changer. Hated that thing anyway.
I ran them mono to the fronts and rears, stereo to the back and I am using the receiver for the presence channels. Just have to turn off the surround back amp off when I am going to use the presence. No biggie. I Put 3 on one 20 amp line and 3 on another 20 amp line and the EP 2500 on a 20-amp line all by itself. everything else is running on another 20-amp line.
First Impressions. WOW I love it!!! There is something to be said for a lot of power. I almost forgot. Very impressed so far, these are a heck of bargain. Where else could one get this much power for under $1200 bucks?
Fidelity is just as good as any amp I have heard in recent memory. There is no way i would pay prices for Krell or Levinson etc. I am not saying they sound as good as that stuff, but I am not saying they don't either.
So far the most obvious thing I hear different is the sheer dynamics that these things have over the receiver and that alone is worth the extra money.
Pics coming soon.