This is probably a mistake for me pointing this out.
And more than likely will bite me in the %ss.
RMK! said:
Ilkka is a bright guy with a personality defect.
Is it me??? Or did not Clint just say, no personal attacks.
Clint DeBoer said:
New forum. New start. -- We will ban you for personal attacks. Simple. Attack the methods. Attack the facts. Attack the data. There is no need to attack the person.
I have seen others, (and not trying to just single you out RMK), like Craig's comment on knocking Illka's teeth out. (totally un-called for, from anyone with a somewhat mature level of thinking)
(I mean, if I said hey - I think that's BS - clearly my thinking is you are lying) So when I say something that you (meaning anyone) are writing BS, you will have a come-back with I will knock your teeth out === uncalled for)

Hah, sorry, this has been done. I fell from a 5 story building, and already knocked all my front teeth out)
By chance I happen to like Craig, but honestly he starts up with Illka just as much.
I have seen many of Illka's posts here, since his 1 week ban. And I would say, he has controlled himself better than most. (glad he has now started making his own threads)
But if he (as Craig told him) wants to be taken seriously by the Audio community he must learn to conduct himself like so many others there do.
Once again, I like Craig, but when did Craig become the all god of audio, for Illka to listen to?
(and no, I am not putting these words in your mouth - the 'all god' thing)
Hopefully most have learned that there is not any one single person that should be always listened to.
That is the reason, we have a brain (some use it better than others, but)...
We can always decide on what sounds best (and this has been said thousands of times)
Anyhow, I am not really adding anything to sub discussion of this (like many of you)(mainly because it is the steam vent, so no reason to get technical).
jmprader said:

posters can get banned in the steam vent!
Yes, people get banned from here all the time. (honestly, there are some jerks that need to be banned)
(like that fellow that was banned within 3 posts a week or 2 ago)
EDIT:: OOPS, sorry I spelled Ilkka wrong. Clearly shows, I have no favorites here.
(some, people get on a band wagon)