Ilkka said:
The status I have there is certainly NOT placed by me. Some AV Talk moderator has deliberately went into my personal profile and altered the information. I find that kind of behaviour extremely lowlife and sad. No mod should ever do such thing.
My relationship to SVS isn't any closer than any regular customer's who values their products and supports their way of thinking regarding good bass reproduction.
Just to set the record straight, custom tags like "SVS Marketing Department" are solely in the gift of forum admin. Moderators do NOT have the necessary rights to be able to create them.
Such tags usually have a bit of wit associated with them and are assigned to members that have come to admin's notice for various reasons. You will find that the number of people with such tags is very small and most appreciate being singled out in this way as giving them some 'cred'. Anyway, if you find the tag so offensive, I suggest you PM admin and ask for it to be removed. If you get nowhere with that, let me know by PM and I will see what I can do. I can say no fairer than that.
Also, while I have a somewhat 'forgiving' nature, admin may well not. If you remember your first few interventions on AV:Talk after we published our first round sub test results, you joined in the SVS fanboys' rants against our tests (no other group of owners got so hot under the collar), implying that we had tested subs in such a way as to deliberately handicap SVS subs (using old drivers, forward vs reverse sine sweeps etc). As someone who has now conducted his own tests, you will appreciate that having invested significant money in test equipment, time and effort, it is a bit galling to have your efforts questioned and cast in an unfavourable light by fanboys or even certain manufacturers. There are far too many 'armchair curmudgeons' on forums that think their right of free speech should extend to being able to question the motives and ethics of those that have got out of the armchair and decided to try and contribute something positive to the sum of human knowledge. Some of them should really take a look at themselves in the mirror and decide whether they are truly adding any value by their contributions.
For any like Craig and Ilkka that get out of the armchair and contribute something positive, I have the highest respect.