Axiom Audio EP500 VS SVS PB12-Plus/2

  • Thread starter jc1carter829@ho
  • Start date
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
hi RMK, I have already replaced the fuse. I had some fuses shipped from axiom. the unit has power but no sound.

what about your previous DLS-5000R? :) humor me while I can't listen to the ep500 yet.


mike c said:
hi RMK, I have already replaced the fuse. I had some fuses shipped from axiom. the unit has power but no sound.

what about your previous DLS-5000R? :) humor me while I can't listen to the ep500 yet.
If you are asking about the DLS-5000 vs. the EP-500, I had the EP-600. The 500 is supposed to be close to the 600 with the 600 going a bit lower and louder (size does matter).

The DLS-5000 is a very nice performer at it's price point (I paid 650 USD). It has the easy one button EQ settings for movies, jazz, rock etc. The EP-600 is in another class price and performance wise with more range, impact and musicality than the DLS. I believe the 500 is very close to the 600 in performance so my guess would be that I would prefer it over the DLS.

Hang in there Mike, no pain, no gain.:D
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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I seem to agree, with movies ... the DLS-5000R gave me all the pant flapping kick in the chest I wanted. But with the first track of "Love Scenes" DTS CD by Diana Krall. the music is again overwhelmed unless I really bring down the volume. (but it was way better than my previous JBL sub)

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
brian32672 said:
Ron, who invited you to this party???

Go back to hell, oh I mean AVS.:p
Got to stay up with the trash talk...:D ...and the helpful stuff too.

Clearly just kidding/or am I (devious):p :p :p
(14 to many jagermeisters, yes I am serioussssssss)[/QUOTE]


cjwhitehouse said:

Just to set the record straight, custom tags like "SVS Marketing Department" are solely in the gift of forum admin. Moderators do NOT have the necessary rights to be able to create them.
I should have said admin/mod, since I can't know who has the rights to do such things. But it really doesn't change the point.

Such tags usually have a bit of wit associated with them and are assigned to members that have come to admin's notice for various reasons. You will find that the number of people with such tags is very small and most appreciate being singled out in this way as giving them some 'cred'. Anyway, if you find the tag so offensive, I suggest you PM admin and ask for it to be removed. If you get nowhere with that, let me know by PM and I will see what I can do. I can say no fairer than that.
If my custom tag would read "SVS fanboy", I would be okay with that. But "SVS Marketing Department" suggests that I'm one of SVS' employees, which is NOT true. It has caused a lot of confusion and I really don't need it. Would you be happy if your tag would read "Velodyne Marketing Department"? Would it rise some eyebrowns regarding your measurements and comments on the forum? So words like 'appreciate' and 'cred' really escape me. Hopefully you understand.

I did sent you a PM regarding this issue some time ago, but I guess you haven't read it. Who is the forum admin? Is it Uncle Eric?

Also, while I have a somewhat 'forgiving' nature, admin may well not. If you remember your first few interventions on AV:Talk after we published our first round sub test results, you joined in the SVS fanboys' rants against our tests (no other group of owners got so hot under the collar), implying that we had tested subs in such a way as to deliberately handicap SVS subs (using old drivers, forward vs reverse sine sweeps etc). As someone who has now conducted his own tests, you will appreciate that having invested significant money in test equipment, time and effort, it is a bit galling to have your efforts questioned and cast in an unfavourable light by fanboys or even certain manufacturers. There are far too many 'armchair curmudgeons' on forums that think their right of free speech should extend to being able to question the motives and ethics of those that have got out of the armchair and decided to try and contribute something positive to the sum of human knowledge. Some of them should really take a look at themselves in the mirror and decide whether they are truly adding any value by their contributions.
Yes, I remember those discussions. Although I don't remember claiming that you handicapped those subs deliberately? I only asked you to test the subs on its side, which you did. I haven't had done any testing of my own in that point (only read how Ed had tested it), so I thought that the difference would be larger. Forward sweep/reverse sweep definitely have their differences and I still prefer the reversed one. It lets one measure the absolute top performance better (before compression). It could be the main reason why Ed Mullen and I have measured quite a lot better performance for SVS subs than what you have. But at least I'm revising some of the tests I do, so hopefully we see a better correlation between our test in the future.
For any like Craig and Ilkka that get out of the armchair and contribute something positive, I have the highest respect. :)
Thank you. Same to you. Looking forward to your round 4 results.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
mike c said:
hi RMK, I have already replaced the fuse. I had some fuses shipped from axiom. the unit has power but no sound.

Have you tried powering the driver with your amp to make sure it's ok? It may just be a blown amplifier. If that's the case, you can get away with sending in the amp by itself to Axiom for replacement. Their cost on those amps obviously isn't retail (I'd guess under $150 depending on their volume - just a guess). Where are you in the process of getting this sub fixed? You seem to have admitted guilt, but I don't think it's 100% your fault unless Axiom had no idea this unit was being shipped overseas where 220V was necessary. I'd like to see Axiom go the extra mile and help you out - at least get you the parts you need (charging you their cost plus shipping). Have you pm'd Gene on this? Axiom is a big gun here at AH. I'm sure Axiom will do whatever it takes to help you.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I haven't pm'd gene ... but I dont think it is necessary. Amie Colquhoun is already coordinating with me.

I sent the amp (just the amp) to my engineer friend to look at it.

now, regarding testing the driver ... how do I do that if what I have right now is only a stereo receiver and an AV receiver? something like: pre-out from av receiver to the stereo receiver input then to the + - of the driver?
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
mike c said:
I haven't pm'd gene ... but I dont think it is necessary. Amie Colquhoun is already coordinating with me.

I sent the amp (just the amp) to my engineer friend to look at it.

now, regarding testing the driver ... how do I do that if what I have right now is only a stereo receiver and an AV receiver? something like: pre-out from av receiver to the stereo receiver input then to the + - of the driver?
If you've disconnected everything from the Axiom driver, take the positve and negative from one front speaker and connect it to the plus/minus of the subwoofer driver itself. This, assuming it's not dual voice coil with a pair of connections. You should get sound from the subwoofer. The higher frequencies won't hard them subwoofer. Red - positive; black - negative.

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I tried what you said, it was weak (probably because of only 120w from the receiver) but the driver works.

thanks buckeye, one less thing to worry about.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
That is a dual voice coil driver. Can you take a shot from the side, as well as one of the inside of the cabinet?

Thanks for the pics!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
sure. coming up in a few minutes ... here's the enclosure

sorry, blurry. will take some more.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
hmm, cant seem to take a good picture.

more enclosure

side view

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja

Nice pics. I wanted to see the driver from the side. It's not a tall as I would have imagined. Have you looked at the Velodyne driver yet? I bet it's a beefier driver, but I could be wrong.

Sheepman was kind enough to give me a cutaway of an EP500. This does it a little more justice.

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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
good cutaway sheepman. just for the record buckeyefan ... the amp has a pastic case for protection, you cant see or touch the stuff inside.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Sheep said:
Theres a picture of the DLSR driver on page 3 of the brochure.
and that, my friends, is how you make a FUGLY driver. (though aesthetics have nothing to do with performance) that driver is ugly both on the front side and the back side.


Audioholic Warlord
mike c said:
and that, my friends, is how you make a FUGLY driver. (though aesthetics have nothing to do with performance) that driver is ugly both on the front side and the back side.
Dude, look at all velodyne drivers. They're all ugly, but they perform really well.

A fancy looking driver ≠ performance.

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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
yup. ugly top to bottom
if not for the piano gloss finish ... it would look cheap.




Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
Dude, look at all velodyne drivers. They're all ugly, but they perform really well.

A fancy looking driver /= performance.

For the record, since you're on a computer "not equal" would be "!=". Argh. Too much programming makes Jackson a dull boy.

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