
No tip and put a bomb in their truck......:eek::eek:...........WTF??????? I am sorry Adam I would call have it refunded and go directly to BB and get the darn thing. You have been through enough already.........


Audioholic Overlord
Dang that makes me mad. Enough is enough. Get your money and buy it local.

I am so sorry about all this buddy. Get drunk!


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry about that my friend. I just don't know what to say.
The one time I'm all positive, with rose colored glasses, and this happens.:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
...I would call have it refunded and go directly to BB and get the darn thing.
I thought about that! Best Buy has the price all the way back up to $1799 now, though (I paid $1450). I should have bought it from Best Buy back when they had it for the same price as Amazon.

I just checked, and Amazon lowered the price a bit. I think that I'll try to swing that $10 off...maybe. It might not be worth it. I'm not mad at them, but I feel like trying to get something out of this. I left work early for this, and I still don't have a TV.

Lesson learned on my part. I knew it was a risk to order a big screen over the internet.


Audioholic Jedi
Thank you all for your condolences. This has been frustrating. It was like a perfect storm - new flooring, fresh oil, douchey delivery guy, and a broken TV.

At least the stand looks nice. :D I might just try to get that CRT back out here. The 13" monitor is a bit smaller than I like...


Audioholic Jedi
I know just the cure!

Think "P-R-O-J-E-C-T-O-R" ;)
Hey, can I borrow your new Big Gun? I think if I was sporting that thing then I could convince them to drive to Best Buy and buy me one themselves. :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Uggh. Adam I'm sorry to hear about the latest trials. I hope they give you a huge discount. This really sucks.


Audioholic Jedi
Huh. Now Amazon offers a free digital camera ($180) if purchased with the TV.

Time to contact them again.


when there is a problem, you know who to call

besides, dirk benedict can call in the battlestar glactica crew, if the a team fails:D


Audioholic Spartan
Adam...I'm ready to call Amazon for you!:mad:

If I've got this correct it was late & damaged and you missed a day and a half of work so far.

It may not be their fault but it is their responsibility!

Tell them you want the 54" and the free camera and saturday delivery for the same price you paid for this aggravation!

I feel for you man. I know it's just a TV but I'd be pissed.

Sorry bud,


Audioholic General
This really sucks adam!!! I feel your pain buddy. I don't know who posted the picture of the broken tv but they hit a bullseye on that one:mad: Anyway i hope it works out for you in the end.
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billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Not quite the Wow factor that I was referring too, but "Wow' nonetheless:eek::mad:!!

Good luck, Bill:)


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks again, everybody! I sure appreciate the support. I took a break and went to the store to get some food. I also put the 27" up on the new stand (almost felt my left leg buckle - that was a good time :)). The 27" looks great...well, it is relative to the 13". :D

Rick - I haven't inspected the carpet completely, but there wasn't anything obvious. I was upset because I explained the fresh oil and covering before they came in, and then I had to remind this guy two or three times to stay on the covering. I wish that I would have taken a picture for you all to help explain it, but I had plenty of space covered to bring in a box and unpack it.

Doug - you make excellent points! You are clearly a better negotiator than I am. I was just hoping to get the camera or the equivalent price taken off the TV. I am going to ask if there's another shipper that I can work with, as I really don't want these guys coming in my house again. The douche was just ripping stuff out of the box and clearly wasn't concerned about anything that wasn't his.

Hmmm. Time to write Amazon...


Audioholic Spartan

Were you serious about what you mentioned, in terms of asking for that? That just seems like a lot. Well, the 54" part of it does.
I was upset, I ask for alot when I'm upset...start there and let them counter. All they can do is say no.:) (it's about $400 so ok maybe pushing it;)...The Dawg could get it done though.:D)

If you cancel the order and then reorder you'll get the camera and the $10 anyway right...I feel they can do better than that. Maybe not much but an Amazon gift card or something.:)


Audioholic Samurai
Best of luck I hope you get taken care of for all your troubles

It just sucks to go through all this bullcrap.
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