I've been avoiding this thread like the plague since I wasn't planning on seeing the movie until it was released on DVD and I HATE spoilers. My last two experiences going to movies in this town has convinced me never to go again. We've got an IMAX about 20 minutes away but it only does the nature stuff. Well, I went down to Tampa over the weekend for family stuff and caught the flick at the IMAX there.
Of course, I'd already heard a couple of things (it was hard not to) but overall I really enjoyed the movie. The King was well played, the queen was a MUCH stronger character than I would have expected. Other than that, there wasn't really many "roles" in the flick. Action was great, the story was thin but acceptable... overall, worth the money (and that's not something I say often).
I did have a problem with the transfer. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but there was a graininess to the picture that was a bit distracting at times. It could have been how close I was sitting (too damn close) but there were definitely times that it seemed more grainy than was "atmospherically" necessary. I blame the transfer. There were also times that I noticed a bit of ringing and echo in the dialog but that could have been either the setting in the movie (seemed to happen during the counsel scenes) or the theater. I'm looking forward to the DVD release to compare. Overall, though, the movie was very entertaining. Definitely recommended.