My post is the illustrates the correct physics of the situation combined with a logical approach to the problem.
Your reply is rude and sarcastic. You need to add to the debate and raise sensible issues about the physics I have outlined and the logic derived therefrom. Your reply makes you look like the worst troll.
Not rude, nor sarcastic. I tried to keep it light, and I had no intent on raining on your parade. Since you did not have the maturity to understand that, I will comment, and therefore rain on your parade.
Your quote has errors in understanding. Your grounding solution has errors in understanding. Your understanding of an inline surge protector has errors in understanding. Your statements about a whole house surge protector has errors in understanding.
And then you rattle on about conductors being cooled to absolute zero having no resistance.. Well, guess what. I work with superconductors for a living, and your statement there has errors.
I chose to simply correct your remark about that.
So...your errors: get out your umbrella. (it didn't have to be this way)
So once you get a high voltage surge loose in the house it is searching for grounds all over the place in the most destructive of fashions.
Surges do not get "loose", now your sounding like W-dude.
Surges are of two types, line to line/neutral, and induced potential rise as a consequence of a near strike causing a ground float.
A whole house protector has no ability to control a whole house float. None. All the whole house can do is temper line to line and line to neutral excessive voltage. That can come as either an AC overvoltage, or as a transient spike. An AC overvoltage of say, 200 or 300 volts AC from the street cannot be tempered by any realistic device because residential feeds are capable of well beyond 10 kiloamps bolted fault current. If you examine your load panel, you will find it has a fault current rating of probably 100 kiloamps. That kind of fault current into a simple whole house device for several line cycles will breach the containment of the device...blow up. The best you can hope for in that situation, is that the mains breaker pops.
Transients are energy based, the joules you (correctly) speak about. A whole house suppressor will assist in tempering transients, and because of the speed of transients, the whole house can indeed hold the voltage down temporarily, typically between 350 to 400 volts.
You need to get the surge to ground by the lowest resistance possible before it gets to your house wiring.
News flash. An overvoltage that is at your load panel is already IN your house wiring. What happens during the event, what potentials are raised, that is the important thing.
An inline surge protector is "feel good" engineering and far too late in the day to be effective. Its path back to true ground is far too tortuous.
Again, you're clueless in your understandings. Protection by surge suppression is a rather well known engineering concept, your statements set that back years.
The best line induced surge suppression for residential use is the two prong assult...tempering the level at the load panel using a whole house, and then using a lower level point of use suppressor to limit the branch circuit current and voltage.
Now I have been on about this before, but a proper engineering plan to mitigate surges starts with your home engineering. Most homes have pathetic grounding. In fact unless the owner has thought about the above physics and engineered it himself, you can be certain your panel grounding is substandard.
The national electric code is far and above the best (and only) methodology that homeowners should use. The fact that some wannabe internet poser such as you makes absurd statements such as the one above should be meaningless to intelligent people. Failure to follow code is just stupid. Using what you present as "physics" is dangerous because you do not understand the concepts.
Now, let's address your fancy shmancy hi falutin grounding to end all grounding.
I placed three large diameter seven foot copper grounding rods within 20 feet of the panel. You should not go over 20 feet, as even if you use multiple strands of heavy copper the resistance will be too high. I use multiple strands of stout copper wire to the three rods, which are interconnected.
I have a system set up to irrigate the grounding rods in dry periods.
What you have done is try to increase the earthing conductance. While it seems fancy, what you have done has absolutely NOTHING to do with line surges. Do you understand what "nothing" means? Your scheme may enhance the earthing's ability to temper a ground float as a consequence of a direct strike, but the earthing rods have nothing to do with line to line or line to neutral surges.
I have a whole house surge protector at the panel.
Which is great. It will not protect against a nearby strike, and it will fail in the event of a real surge, but for transients it is excellent. The problem is, it is probably rated at 350 to 450 volts clamp, so downstream devices may require additional point of use suppression down to 330 volts.
Of note is the fact that you have totally neglected loop induced ground transients which commonly kill multiple equipment setups, especially HT setups with the added cable input. Earthing schemes cannot in any way address that, nor can a whole house suppressor. Only a point of use multiport device is capable of tempering induction loop voltages.
The bottom line is that you have to think this through as a total engineering system.
This is indeed the only really
accurate thing you stated. Yet, your engineering input (as it were), is completely lacking. You've very little understanding of the topic, yet that did not stop you.
Now, is that more like the response you wanted?? Actual engineering, as opposed to your ridiculous diatribe and followup idiotic statement??
My advice to you is: think first, review what you write, then post.
Do not post before you think.