I think I've spent over 5 hours researching several technical articles on surge suppression - how it works, what you need to look for, what UL ratings to look for and what components inside of them work best to suppression the surge. Everything ranging from MOVs to GDTs, effective clamping voltages and effective response times ( < 1 nanosecond ) and where GDTs can be effective due to their poor conductance but are inferior to MOVs because of their short life after being exposed to high current.
So I've become familiar with this product. But it's funny, no article has listed how many joules you really need for "true" protection. Period. Ive seen many surge protectors in all price brackets with joule ratings rating from 450 to ~ 7500 ( which apparently is the highest amount available ATM ). Is there not an acceptable range to have? High end APC surge protectors have notable ratings listed from 1000 to maybe 3000 joules with a clamping voltage of 350 or 400 volts. But Super high end Monster products go up to the 6000 to 7000 joule mark.
So it really makes an enthusiast like me assume the obvious - the higher the joule rating the better? Or is a super high joule rating arbitrary? Merely just a fashion statement so-to-speak of which company has the highest numbers when a mere 1000 joules should be effective in supressing a spike/surge/lightning storm.
Also, there have been many many discussion likes this on the web with answers that follow with typical fashion - 'the higher the joules the better! Go monster! ' or ' I bought x product from bestbuy for 30 bucks, don't know if it works but it hasn't ruined my gear yet!'
As you can see there is no definitive guide on how to shop for surge protectors and I was wondering if a certain Electrical engineer who operates this website could enlighten me with a series of factors to look for in said product
Thank you,
Your problem is that you are looking for a spec from a product that means nothing in isolation.
I will review the physics. Power in watts is voltage X current. Now voltage and resistance of the circuit determine current. Current is voltage/resistance. So the higher the voltage, and the lower the resistance the higher the current. However when something blows up we call it "frying", and with good reason as it is heat that does the damage. Now the heat generated when current passes though a circuit is the square of the current X the resistance of the circuit. Now obviously when it comes to heat generated, and in this event it is destructive heat in your prized equipment, there must be a time element, which is were we get to the joule. A joule is a watt second. So a thousand joules is a 1000 watts (1KW) delivered for a second.
Now you can see the problem. House wiring is relatively thin and has measurable resistance and heats to the touch somewhat in normal use. So once you get a high voltage surge loose in the house it is searching for grounds all over the place in the most destructive of fashions.
Now you can see why you need surge protection at your panel. You need to get the surge to ground by the lowest resistance possible before it gets to your house wiring.
An inline surge protector is "feel good" engineering and far too late in the day to be effective. Its path back to true ground is far too tortuous.
Now I have been on about this before, but a proper engineering plan to mitigate surges starts with your home engineering. Most homes have pathetic grounding. In fact unless the owner has thought about the above physics and engineered it himself, you can be certain your panel grounding is substandard.
If you understood the above then you can see that your whole house surge protector must be able to shunt the largest feasible current to ground through the lowest resistance path. Form the math above, resistance means more heat and more damage. Not only that as a conductor heats its resistance increases, so you have a vicious cycle set up.
So what did I do?
I placed three large diameter seven foot copper grounding rods within 20 feet of the panel. You should not go over 20 feet, as even if you use multiple strands of heavy copper the resistance will be too high. I use multiple strands of stout copper wire to the three rods, which are interconnected.
I have a system set up to irrigate the grounding rods in dry periods.
I have a whole house surge protector at the panel.
Unfortunately only conductors cooled to absolute zero (-273 degrees C) have no resistance. So you can never have enough protection. With all the steps you can practically take you will have damage and very likely a house fire, if you get a direct hit.
I also use battery back up UPS systems in my set up. The purpose of these is to go to battery when the house voltage is outside of narrowly set parameters within 1 ms.
Practically that is as far as I think it is feasible for me to go to mitigate the problem, and recognize, that for practical reasons you can never have enough protection for the worst scenarios.
The bottom line is that you have to think this through as a total engineering system. You will get nowhere looking at the specs of a solitary device, which in any event is most likely best left on the shelf.