DRS' sole purpose was to increase passing so that other racing fans can see the "excitement" they claim F1 was missing.
I like it for one reason, it does enable a faster driver to get around someone slowing them up as many tracks are too narrow for passing in the turns. The tires? Reformulate! The clag on the tracks is just ridiculous. If you go offline to try to pass your car gains 50 lbs just from the rubber you pick up!
Relevant: I wonder if this is the future? And perhaps the old Williams truly was decades ahead of its time, and thats where the sport will ultimately go. Full electronic control, suspension and braking.
I really hope electric cars are not the future, we need to sell oil to you guys in US
Actually, to be honest, electric cars is a bit of a gimmick, range is strictly limited and you need to generate the electricity from somewhere....
Where is the gain if you use a gas plant to generate electricity to transport it halfway across the state with big transmission loss, so that you can drive "more green".
So if you wanna drive from California to New Jersey you're gonna have a nightmare driving this car....
He's talking about energy from renewable sources, it's only two countries in the world that consistently manage this, Norway and Switzerland with water based energy..... Denmark is the country with most wind based energy sources, but still they're relying more on nuclear power than windmills, so much for green power... not sure about coal, but I believe it's rising is use due to it's low cost and closing of nuclear plants due to environment fundamentalists..... so the environment fundamentalists actually potentially harm the environment, IMHO....
many countries rely very much on energy plants based on Coal, so now we're gonna go for electric cars around the world taking electric power from one of the most polluting energy sources the world has seen......
It's an illusion to believe that electric cars save the environment......
Electric cars has no other purpose than to make you believe you save the environment..... just a gimmick, tricks....
A fuel efficient regular car is better for the environment than an electric car!