

Thanks! Yep, I tend to have it all up on my computer screen when I call/chat with anyone. I sure appreciate all of the advice, though, and taking the time to share it.

I don't know...not everyone agrees.

:D accept that because I seen my name in there :D if you drop my name in your posts every now and then I'll catch up on the problems of the day, and yes even share a lough or two


Audioholic General
Thanks, man. I was told this morning that they need to redispute it (so, I'm assuming reopen the case like you said). I did get a response to my message already this morning after I uploaded the new proof, but it was from someone new saying that they'll send it to the department that I'm assuming that I'd already been working with. I think the only real screw up of this whole thing was not returning it right away. I told them that I hadn't returned it when I opened the dispute and that I was waiting for them to tell me if I should. After all, I didn't want to return it and them have them tell me that I still had to pay. I never heard from them. I admit that I was disappointed when I contacted them a month later (after the seller asked for the amp back because he thought that I got my refund), and they said that they couldn't continue the investigation because there wasn't any proof that it had been returned. Ummm, no kidding - I told them that I hadn't returned it and was waiting to hear from them. Then, to have them close the dispute and add back in the charges after they instructed me to return it, I did return it, and I uploaded proof that I had returned it like they asked - now that bothered me. I know it's probably just a ramification of a large company and things falling through the automated cracks, but it still bothers me. Because now I'm in the boat that I was trying to avoid in the first place - I returned it and they're still charging me the money.

I should call. I know. I'm just not that awesome on the phone when it comes to stuff like this.

edit: feel free to pm me and we can discuss this more. Customer service is a passion of mine. One pf the perks is knowing how to make things work to your advantage. Best advice I can give to anyone is be clear, concise, and polite. That will get you places.

Edit: as a matter of fact, fell free to pm me and I'll give you my tn if you want even more in depth advice. Customer service is a passion of mine, a perk of that is I know how to best work the system in a case like this. it's all about being clear, concise and polite about your problem and the resolution you'd like to see. Merry xmas and best of luck

On a more serious note - really, no one falls for the pants down/mistletoe thing? Huh. I thought with it being the holidays and all, and I'm standing on a Twister mat...
I make my living on the phone. customer service/sales before any of you jump down my throat. I work for an awesome company and I've been there over 8 years. I make more than the average person in a very oil rich province like Alberta (by a significant margin with overtime). I just felt like throwing that out there because people usually assume the worst when you tell them you work in a call center. I love my job and the company I work for. That being said, as someone with more experience than probably anyone on this board in matters like this (and I feel silly saying this since you seem like the most even headed dude ever), just remember that if you tell your story and keep calm, the person on the other end will do everything they can to help you. I try to help everyone obviously, but you always go the extra mile for those who treat you with courtesy and respect (which most people do).
Last edited:


Audioholic General
it's not letting me edit for some reason. I tried twice. Anyways, best advice I can give is to be clear, concise, and polite. That'll get you far. If you have any other specific questions on how to get the most out of your customer service experience, feel free to pm me. It's a passion of mine.


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, thanks, Brian. I don't have anything against folks that work at a customer support call center. I don't mind talking to them at all. For the most part, such conversations go well for me. Once I'm talking with someone, I do fine. It's initiating the conversation that's difficult for me. Hey, I mentioned that I'm single, right? :eek: :D

I just typed a bunch of psychobabble as to why I prefer e-mailing versus calling, but it just looked stupid, so I deleted it...


Audioholic General
Hey, thanks, Brian. I don't have anything against folks that work at a customer support call center. I don't mind talking to them at all. For the most part, such conversations go well for me. Once I'm talking with someone, I do fine. It's initiating the conversation that's difficult for me. Hey, I mentioned that I'm single, right? :eek: :D

I just typed a bunch of psychobabble as to why I prefer e-mailing versus calling, but it just looked stupid, so I deleted it...
And that's totally fine. Just may take you a week to get your problem solved instead of an hour. If I wasn't in a rush I'd go the same route :)


Audioholic Spartan
I make my living on the phone. customer service/sales.
(more stuf)
That being said, as someone with more experience than probably anyone on this board in matters like this (and I feel silly saying this since you seem like the most even headed dude ever), just remember that if you tell your story and keep calm, the person on the other end will do everything they can to help you. I try to help everyone obviously, but you always go the extra mile for those who treat you with courtesy and respect (which most people do).
I have been in Purchasing for over 35 years. In most cases your advice is the way to go. Even when you do get someone who won't help, calmly asking for a manager can be helpful.
Getting upset and telling someone what a jerk they are (even if it's true) only gets you hung up on.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't think that I'd ever call someone a jerk on the phone (unless it was a friend of mine). Just not in my nature, or probably more importantly, my upbringing. I'm just too nice of a guy. Well, not always. When I saw "right hand yellow," you best reach for yellow, MF.


But "right hand yellow" is one of Rick's signature moves. I'd be more worried if Alex gets "left foot red" and he stretches his leg out for the full stretched power squat.

The "monkey" doesn't just hang from trees :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
After waiting a few days, I contacted Discover this morning to inquire about the status of my closed-but-maybe-reopened dispute because there weren't any updates listed for it. The live chat agent was very efficient and nice - she checked on it, saw that I had uploaded the new proof of return, escalated the case, and said, "A credit will be applied to your account within three days. Normally, this credit will remain on your account and you may consider this issue resolved."

Woohoo! I hope that it's over.

If I do get the refund, I plan to offer to pay the seller back for his shipping costs. Sure, his responses to the amp being defective seemed sketchy to me, but I might have it wrong and don't want the guy to be out cash because of the deal.


Audioholic General
The live chat agent was very efficient and nice and said, "A credit will be applied to your account within three days. Normally, this credit will remain on your account and you may consider this issue resolved."
Probably the best Christmas present this year, if not a little belated!!!!

Good news.


Audioholic Ninja
If I do get the refund, I plan to offer to pay the seller back for his shipping costs. Sure, his responses to the amp being defective seemed sketchy to me, but I might have it wrong and don't want the guy to be out cash because of the deal.
Your too nice, IMO he didn't offer much assistance, and kind of called you a liar saying it was good when it left there... And then saying you can not start a claim because of an imaginary timeline....

If you really want to give money away give it to St. Judes Children's Hospital, I send toys rite from Amazon to the memphis address a friend of my wifes works there {my wife is a pediatric imaging specialist} and says all the toys sent in find a home rite away.. If it makes you feel better send them in the sellers name :D
at any rate its good thats its almost over though


Audioholic Jedi
Probably the best Christmas present this year, if not a little belated!!!!

Good news.
Thanks! Yeah, it feels good. I would have been really surprised if they didn't refund the money after telling me to return it, but it's nice to hear it. :) I can't wait for it to be official.

Your too nice, IMO he didn't offer much assistance, and kind of called you a liar saying it was good when it left there... And then saying you can not start a claim because of an imaginary timeline....
Thanks, and I hear ya. I'm still thinking about it. I don't want to be a sucker, but I also don't want to rip somebody off. If I were a betting man, I'd guess that the seller saved some money in shipping and didn't report an estimated value - which I think would make it tough or impossible for him to get his money back on a shipping claim. I didn't put down an estimated value because it was another $10 in shipping...although that would still be under what he charged me for shipping. Eh, I don't know...$50 is a small price to pay for a clean conscience.


Audioholic Jedi
I think that my desire to put some equipment into a closet (mentioned in yesterday's thread on power cords) is squashed for now. I'm not bothered by that at all. I've toyed with the idea for a while, but I got inspired enough yesterday that I thought I'd actually do it. I moved one of the amps into the closet to both check the fit (which was fine) and if I could hear the hum outside the door (which I couldn't, but it wasn't particularly quiet in the house). After having it in there on standby for a few hours, the amp was warmer than I'd noticed before (not really hot, but definitely warm) - but that was almost surely because it wasn't elevated off of the carpet, so I'm not too worried about heat in there (the closet didn't feel warm at all). I knew that the whole, "it only draws about one or two watts in standby" statement wasn't true, and that heat proves it. Power savings is the silver lining to always shutting it off because of the hum. :)

I wish that I could convince myself to just hook up the center and surrounds to my receiver. I did that after I pulled the NHT amp out of the system in early November, but it didn't stick.


Audioholic Jedi
After years, I finally started looking online for ways to make a PS3 Slim quieter (maybe I did it years ago and have forgotten). Some folks claim that theirs are dead silent, while others say that theirs are louder like mine. It's not vacuum-cleaner loud, mind you. :) But, I do have to turn up the volume on some programs to hear them over it, and I'd prefer to not have to do that.

I think that I might play around with it a bit this weekend.


Audioholic Overlord
After years, I finally started looking online for ways to make a PS3 Slim quieter (maybe I did it years ago and have forgotten). Some folks claim that theirs are dead silent, while others say that theirs are louder like mine. It's not vacuum-cleaner loud, mind you. :) But, I do have to turn up the volume on some programs to hear them over it, and I'd prefer to not have to do that.

I think that I might play around with it a bit this weekend.
I would say mine is very quite but the cooling fans stay on low, at all times, maybe secondary to the cabinet cooling system. My fatty was very loud.

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