Why rub two year old wounds? You got burned, yet I heard nothing but your side of this ugly story. WmAx was extremely knowledgeable and helpful member of this community. I was sorry to see him get banned and expelled.
Did he rob of you 5g ? Go to small court and do your best to get the money back. Like others said - No one would declare bankruptcy over 5k if they have a choice, since it's destroys the credit for a Minimum of 10 year (or more). Even if you don't get any money from him this would be your revenge.
If you can prove (in civil court) that Chris used your money for anything else other than building your speakers - that's consider a fraud. p.s: This is pure civil case and police has nothing to do with it.
I'm pretty sure , but check first, you'd have to file the case in Chris state of residence.
Just tieing up old news. Yes, he would file bankruptcy, he doesn't own anything except stereo stuff and lives at home with his parents. I am not going to fly out to VA to file a small claims court and then appear only to get a worthless judgement. It is not fraud in the eyes of the county prosecutor because she looked at my case and one other guys that a sheriff out there (nice person) developed. Since there was a contract it became a civil matter and WmAx knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
WmAx was/is a con who is/was very smart and I am posting just to remind people of that. Yes, he had a lot of knowledge but so do a lot of con artists.
P.S. He should have been banned and he should continue to be banned so people don't say how knowledgeable he is and have others sucked into giving money to him. It was a good lesson for me though because I really had misgivings when he insisted on a contract. You would think it would protect you but it doesn't in a situation like this because it goes from fraud to a civil matter. I considered bailing at that point, but as you point out, he was so knowlegeable and helpful I went ahead with it. Those misgiving were confirmed when he basically told me what he would do. He was pissed (the nerve of the guy) because a sheriff came out to interview him (and his mother) about what was up.
Also, I can prove my side of the story.