Rick, could you explain this a little more? I have friend who makes the claim Rosie the Riveter is the cause of all of our current societal ills and the decline of western civilization. Is that what you're saying?
Your friend would be wrong,
Rosie came into existence because all able bodied men were enlisted in the war; so hard working and patriotic women filled in at many jobs in support of the war movement.
Edit: Those same women left the workforce when the men returned and production for war times ended.
I was talking more about psychology and sociology, and the way
all of us are led to believe what we believe. I don't mean to sound conspiratorial,
it's more in a marketing sense...molding public opinion.
It might help more to read up a little on Edward Bernays:
Edward Bernays - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He helped market for corporations, governments, political figures, etc.
One example of his work: When tobacco use leveled off, industries approached him to help boost sales.
In the 1920's he started a campaign that showed emancipated, worldly women 'smoking.' This helped to break the taboo against women smoking in public, thus increasing tobacco sales.