In order for that to happen you are going to have to stop sleeping with men.
I guess we stopped looking at unemployment insurance as insurance that get's paid for. The business with the extensions came about because of a terrible job market and not because somebody was trying to make Adam pay for anybody's food, shelter,toys and gas. I'm not sure how the numbers stack up but consider that the entire nation contributes to an unemployment fund that roughly 10% of the people are drawing on at any given time. Those 10% also contributed to that fund and will contribute to it again. Not for nothin' but I would rather be administering that fund than receiving from it. Let's not forget which side the real thieves are on.
Another thing to consider is that, again using rough figures, if you make a $1,000/wk and get laid off, the weekly pay out drops to say $500/wk. In order to maintain the status quo you need to get back to work making $1,000/wk so that you can collect the $500 next time you are laid off. Chasing down a $500/wk job while you are collecting $500/wk would result in collecting $250/wk the next time you are unemployed.
Still it is hard to understand that you have trouble finding somebody to answer phones for $12.50/hr while the fast food joints paying presumably minimum wage are fully staffed but in Canada that's not enough money to keep you in smokes and beer ...
why are Canadians even in this discussion?