It depends, but I am sensing, (without reading all of your prior posts), upgrade.....upgrade.....upgrade and maybe a change of brands.
I have an onkyo 806 for theater for the extra punch the XPA-5 and Panasonic Bluray. Infinity speakers, 7.1 of course the direct servo is in the mix as well. I have those dawlin, little WAF-1s for surrounds. And, yes, I have ordered the Philly IIs.
Wish I could help you on the Klipsch, may I be honest.....without criticism?
I have never listened to Klipsch on a "plan to buy basis", and never have they been in the mix and from all the negative, (sorry)

, on most of their line, I avoided them, I might have missed some great speakers, but some of the first reviews really turned me off. O course, this has been a couple of years. The line within my price range, that is and I assume you have some better than average ones.
So, from what I know about these Phillys and other works by DM, I know they are right for me. But, in my past post here, it's about what my ears tell me and honestly we are all looking for the same thing. "live on stage sound or better"
The Youtube video was very good, if you like that, well, well.....honestly I heard two good speakers at the CAF and at DM's home and (critical listening required), but I knew they were not in price range, so maybe i justified myself with the II's or III's at that time. But they sounded great. The bigger (SS) was bolder, bigger, fuller, the smaller III's was just below that! IMHO the bottom line is..... I just like the whole line of DM/Salk.
One great thing about DM, he is very honest and upfront with just a touch of sensitivity, teny tiny bit of it, though (it's the tuby thang.)
Seriously, I think you could get a great comparison sanerio from him that would definitely help you here. He would respond with great detail as much as he knows. Assuming he has heard Klipsch models. I am sure he would be glad to look at their specs. It is all about the crossovers!!!
However, I understand he is getting very busy and when the enclosure shipment arrives, well, busier.
I know you are looking for some answers, however, I am not the best one, so please PM DM (if you haven't already).