Dennis Murphy -- when you ran your FR plots, is the measurement mic also at 1 meter in distance away from the driver, and at what height, to align with the Planar mid-range driver, or the RAAL tweeter or ?
Also, isn't it true to state, that when the speaker is measured in the Anechoic chamber of which your plots are showing, and then one moves it to his room, things look totally different in FR plots with the room reflections, etc.?
In other words, isn't it true to state what looks nice and ruler-flat in the anechoic chamber is not what it looks like in ones room?
Oh yea,
BTW -- are you Serializing Each and Every Speaker, and keeping the measurements and exact Xover design w/tweaks as required for them on file there?
Had to put that in, as I know ADTG forgot that one the elastomeric vibration isolation gaskets for all drivers.