Yea i got that screen but it still gave me signal that didn't hit any lows.
I played around with that for a few minutes and still it was clear something more significant was wrong. The subwoofer barely moved at all, for me, that was a major problem.
Never mind whether it moved, how did it sound?
That driver is in a small sealed box, that will limit cone movement, as pressure in the box will build up quickly and damp cone movement.
As I explained before, the unit is 12 db down at 20 Hz. The response is falling steadily 12 db over the whole last octave. Not only that the Qtc is below 0.5.
Now that is not bad news, as long as you realize that the vast majority of subs are highly inaccurate reproducers.
Those Qb4 ported subs that are discussed again and again in these forums are by no means accurate reproducers. That type of bass however has come to define reproduced audio. It splashes over everything and in no way do they sound like natural acoustic instruments in the concert hall.
I leaned at a very young age, that most loudspeakers, especially in the bass, were far removed from what I heard in the concert hall.
So with the Qtc of your sub, the bass is not going to obviously introduce itself, even when you provide Eq to 25 Hz.
So what you need to do is play music with deep bass content and switch the sub in and out, and see if you find the lower octave gently augmented, and when there is really deep bass the sub make itself known. Most of the time that sub is going to sound pretty much as if it is silent until called on.
Listeners who are not used to low Qtc speakers at first find the bass very light weight but articulate. Then they are stunned when there is deep bass. (Now to produce any good power in the last octave you will need Eq.) This happens particularly when I demonstrate the battle scenes from Master and Commander. They expect it to be lame. I let them settle in and experience the natural voice sound. Then when the cannons open up, I can guarantee they are gripping the arm rests for dear life, and you feel the explosions hit you full force frontally, yes you do feel it as a physical force. There is not boom. For that movie, they took the trouble to record real British eighteenth century cannon. I have heard eighteen century cannon fired, and it sounds nothing like most systems reproduce it.
In your small room you should have enough power to do the same with that sub, if your other speakers are up to it, as you have to remember cannon shots have a lot of acoustic spectra out of the sub 60 Hz range.
You might take a while to get used to the sound, but I think it likely you will come to like it.