Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Don't tell me you got a life too now Adam?
Nope - cracked radiator. Uggg. I'm at the service center now. Fun, fun. I decided on the way to work yesterday to not pass a car (I actually talked myself into being patient and not blowing past them just in time to take an offramp). Bad idea. They drove over a board that I then ran over and kicked up into my radiator. I didn't notice the problem until the drive home when my engine temperature was increasing...then decreasing...then increasing. I still had coolant left, but it was quite low this morning. The mechanic found the problem and I'm waiting on the new radiator to get installed.

I'm now paying a $600 fine for not being a jackhole. Karma is a strange mistress.


Audioholic Samurai
Nope - cracked radiator. Uggg. I'm at the service center now. Fun, fun. I decided on the way to work yesterday to not pass a car (I actually talked myself into being patient and not blowing past them just in time to take an offramp). Bad idea. They drove over a board that I then ran over and kicked up into my radiator. I didn't notice the problem until the drive home when my engine temperature was increasing...then decreasing...then increasing. I still had coolant left, but it was quite low this morning. The mechanic found the problem and I'm waiting on the new radiator to get installed.

I'm now paying a $600 fine for not being a jackhole. Karma is a strange mistress.
Totally sucks.



Audioholic Spartan
Nope - cracked radiator. Uggg. I'm at the service center now. Fun, fun. I decided on the way to work yesterday to not pass a car (I actually talked myself into being patient and not blowing past them just in time to take an offramp). Bad idea. They drove over a board that I then ran over and kicked up into my radiator. I didn't notice the problem until the drive home when my engine temperature was increasing...then decreasing...then increasing. I still had coolant left, but it was quite low this morning. The mechanic found the problem and I'm waiting on the new radiator to get installed.

I'm now paying a $600 fine for not being a jackhole. Karma is a strange mistress.
No good deed ever goes unpunished.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Adam you seem to be having crack issues.

First the TV screen is cracked. (While you were a nice guy.)

Radiator is cracked. (While you were being a nice driver.)

Now maybe if you are not a nice guy you will get the right kind of crack:eek: (and I'm not talking about the rock.)


Audioholic Ninja
Naked tenders and a salad. 7 lg beers. I'd say 13, but it is lunch after all.


Audioholic Ninja
Adam you seem to be having crack issues.

First the TV screen is cracked. (While you were a nice guy.)

Radiator is cracked. (While you were being a nice driver.)

Now maybe if you are not a nice guy you will get the right kind of crack:eek: (and I'm not talking about the rock.)
You think he'll need a plumber? I guess things do happen in threes...

Knock on wood of course...


Junior Audioholic
Nope - cracked radiator.
Sorry to hear that, man. When I noticed an almost 24 hour posting drought, I almost called to see if you were still alive. :eek:

I just had a radiator replaced a few months ago, so I share your pain. :(
I guess things do happen in threes...
Not with us. With our middle brother? Maybe in college. But not with us.


Audioholic Samurai
TV deliverys

So, who has had their new TV delivered and who is still waiting? I've gotten it all confused in the last few pages...



Audioholic Slumlord
With our middle brother? Maybe in college. But not with us.
Middle brother? Where's he at? Alaska?
You guys are pretty scattered. My family is like that too.

So, who has had their new TV delivered and who is still waiting? I've gotten it all confused in the last few pages...
Adam's next broken TV is on it's way. :eek:
I really think he should look into an extended warranty :D for his car :D.

I just got a tax bill for almost $600 for our car.
I'm not accustomed to that and certainly wasn't ready for that. :(


Audioholic Slumlord

No kidding. Property tax on a car that the bank owns. This is where those big Arizona teaching and engineering dollars would really be appreciated.

New England is great. You got the regular mob, the Irish mob, the state government taxing you to death and believe it or not I just saw on the news where a local chiropractor was being strong armed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. It's almost like living in Canada except up there it's all legal.

Forgive my surly mood. Usually I get to take it out on Harald but life is gooooood! :rolleyes: :)


Audioholic Jedi
I know fear that my personal life is colliding with my forum life.

I feel like George.
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