Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks for the input! I want to really research the breeds that I am interested in, and get a few techniques for training down before even looking for a puppy.
Try the training techniques out on your girlfriend to see if you are any good at it.

1. Lie Down
2. Roll Over
3. Stay

etc ... :)

Good luck. :)


Audioholic Samurai
One of my old managers went on there with his son (bailed on a prom date), and she lit him up like a christmas tree. He was quite a baffoon, so it was especially funny to see it on national TV too.


Audioholic Spartan
Awww, I misread something. I wanted to get the 9100th post and my 11120 post at the same time. Not going to happen unless I post in another thread. Yeah, that's gonna happen. :)

EDIT: I just got doubly screwed.
I'm sure ju can get the 18.000th post in this thread and your 22,000th post at the same time :p


Audioholic Spartan
I remember a service guy from unisys sticking a screwdriver into a 220 outlet one time.:eek: shocking for sure:eek::eek: Is it hot!!! hell yeah its hot!!
I heard this is hiw the Russian electricians test if the power lines are live...
Sme places around here there's three phase 418V power outlets, and that's starting to hurt much more than your 110V

I got som 220V surges sometimes, and it's not too bad really.....

Almost no time for boring thread now today....

Got to dive to bed, nighty all

Ooooouch, still no word when I get my Elemental Design A7S-450 sub's :eek::eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Last 'scuffle' I had I had to put my hand on the guys mouth to stop him from screaming his head off. Then I had the bright idea to plug his nose as I whispered to him, "I'm gonna kill you." :eek:

... just when I thought his eyes couldn't open any wider ... they did. :D
If Alex were a cat:



Audioholic Slumlord
what happens after 3? :p
4. Beg
5. Speak

etc. Dude, etc. ... be creative ... Shake a Paw?

If Alex were a cat:
It's amazing the way you can keep track of that. I use to think that if you posted something in here it was as good as gone in a day or two but not so. I haven't done anything like that in years and I'm sorry I did that then. I lost my glasses in the fiasco. I had taken them off and set them down before I went to taunt the poor prick but couldn't find them the next day when I came to and I had a nice gash on my leg but that's what you get for being Mr. Personality. :eek:


Senior Audioholic
I got the Master Control Operator job. I start on Monday. Whoo!


How is everyone doing tonight? I'm trying my hand at behavior modification with our 5 yr old Yorkie Beagle mix. He's quite a bad dog... marks in the house, barks, runs out the door every time it opens... I read up on the Nothing in life is free tutorials and he is currently tethered to me on a 6ft leash. He's already learning not to walk ahead of me, and to wait at the door for my command to go outside. Also set up a kennel in my room so I can jail him up at night and get him used to that scenario.

Honing my skills for the future puppy :D


I got the Master Control Operator job. I start on Monday. Whoo!


How is everyone doing tonight? I'm trying my hand at behavior modification with our 5 yr old Yorkie Beagle mix. He's quite a bad dog... marks in the house, barks, runs out the door every time it opens... I read up on the Nothing in life is free tutorials and he is currently tethered to me on a 6ft leash. He's already learning not to walk ahead of me, and to wait at the door for my command to go outside. Also set up a kennel in my room so I can jail him up at night and get him used to that scenario.

Honing my skills for the future puppy :D
Nice man good job.....


Audioholic Samurai
Waiting for a ambien to kick in.

got the xr 12.5 with a some ir 10s in case I wake up in the middle of the night.

I'm so prepared.

I got the Master Control Operator job. I start on Monday. Whoo!


Audioholic Ninja
Watchin the Lakers with a lucky case of Land Shark.. dont tell my (Nazi) trainer...

(not that theres anything wrong with that!?)
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