The New World!
Hi Bob,
thanks very much for you reply, unfortunately I couldn't get the solution to work
I went back through the thread & found the posts I was looking at.
#349 by cdub basically asks the same question
#351 by quenthal suggest that this is not an option on the 3900 or the z7 #357/362 by tcfish does give a limited work around although you would need to make left/right analogue connections via multi-zone to make it work & in this case I want to use the internal tuner so this won't work.
I did look back through the manual (as wisely suggested!

) but I can't see any specific reference to a way to solve this problem. Page 54 "selecting the recording source" does show how to use the "rec out" button but this does not allow you to watch one souce & listen to another.
Have I totally misunderstood your suggestion?
I have all components hooked up via HDMI except for my 360 which is on component/optical, my projector is run via HDMI. I am running 5.1 with the fronts bi-amped (no presence or rear surrounds). I have no speaker/component zone connections of any sort.
No, you did not misunderstood my suggestion. I spend a considerable amount of time to explain very precisely how to proceed. I went to my old Yamaha RX-V2092 owner's manual, and try to remember exactly from memory too how I was doing that. Now my last post about it, is the exact method for my Yammy 2092, because on mine, it is possible to watch a video source while listening to another audio source. It's not an essential feature, but it is nice nonetheless when you feel to do so. I had that same feature available also with my Denon AVR-3805.
Now, I am quite surprise to see that Yamaha has abandon that cool feature.
I still feel that it is feasible, but I am not sure.
I sign in at Yamaha web site to download their RX-Z7 manual, but they will not allow me, because I don't live in the USA!
I am quite disappointed by this. Now Canadians cannot download their manuals! Yamaha is loosing a big point here in my book.
But from what you are saying, and the discoveries that was made by some other members from this thread, I have to take your word for it. But how disappointing indeed. I thought this was one of their cool feature in the past...
The way I see things, receivers are becoming less receivers and more video processors. How ironic!
For me, a receiver is a multichannel power amplifier with a good preamp section and a good tuner. Having the newest audio decoders and a good digital section is also an essential in this world of digital technology.
The TV now, should be your video processor and also your video switcher with video adjustments for each individual inputs (HDMI and Components at least).
The Blu-ray player should also have a good video processor, of course, and also a good audio analog section, for Legacy receivers, and also with the newest decoders for these same Legacy receivers.
With HDMI, it's a total new world, because both multichannel high res. audio and HD video are transmitted through this only one cable.
But this change the entire equation now.
So, the receiver has to perform all these tasks now.
So, no wonder that the amp section is disappearing. Why bother now to even put an amp section into the receiver? And might is well remove the preamp section too! Now, you got only the tuner left, which can create noise into the video section, so, heck with the tuner, lets remove it. And lets just cram that new toy now (I don't know what to call it anymore now) with more interactivity with your computer, your cell phone, your lap top, your i-pod, your MP-3, your lightening system, your micro-wave oven, your Wide Web World, your cooler fridge and lets call it a day!
A receiver used to be more of an audio product, now it's more of a video and computer interface product. And people are wondering why the weight is decreasing!
Remember the computers of 10 years ago? Now you got computers in your cell phones!
Eveything is shrinking, even our lifes!
We live in a new world, it's called energy savings by miniaturization.
We are going back to the origin of our ancestors, just look at today new discovery of "The Missing Link" from 47 million years ago!
Food for thoughts.