Official Yamaha RX-Z7 Receiver Review Thread



Stop, Playback and last song memory inop in Rhapsody

Can any other Z7 user can confirm this issue with their Units, I thought Yamaha addressed this bug which just started in V 1.07. Below is my email to Yamaha customer support:
Hi Sr. After updated to Firmware V 1.08, The problems with Rhapsody Control, (Stop and Playback) and last song memory, still persist. I'm a Heavy Rhapsody user. This Problem just started when I Updated from V 1.05 to V 1.07. Although I got a Case # I haven't been contacted yet by your Support!!!!.


Z7 HDMI Processing & Pass Through

Cant be done. The two outputs are joined....what ever you see in one you will see in the other the same.......I know the Den is god.....;)


My Experience with Z7's Bugs

After expending $2500, I contacted my dealer when I found 2 mayor issues with this Unit (Due to Software Bugs), 2 weeks later Yamaha released firmware 1.05 fixing the Power on/off issue, The next month, they released v1.08 which addressed the HDMI Blue vertical noise in its processing circuitry. The problems don't end here, firmware v 1.05 has created another bug with Rhapsody operation, that is why I contacted Yamaha support 1 month ago. Not help having replaced my unit. They realized (Yamaha) about this other problem. I was surprised how Yamaha is not very interested in Keeping the Z series trouble free. This is my opinion, What you should expect when you expend $2500 Dollars in a "Top of the Line Receiver"?. Sonically and other Features this Unit Rock, but not enough for a Z series receiver


Problem with 24p from my Media Center

Hi. I have problem outputting 24Hz from my Media Center-Yamaha RX-Z7-Samsung PN50B650. If I bypass receiver everything is ok. My receiver is set to pass-through HDMI. Receiver has 1.08 firmware. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Radeon 4850, Asus Xonar HDAV 1.3. Any ideas?


Controlling the manual test tone.

I am unfamiliar with the operation of the above and have read the manual but find it is not clear as to how to operate this amp as it does not detail step by step.
My question is when you switch on the Test tone the amp cycles through the speakers so quickly there does not seem to be a way to lock onto a speaker to set the level with my SP Meter. also when you increase decrease the volume using the remote it only seems to affect the Master volume.
Also how do you save any changes you make , I have read reviews which suggested the reviewer lost settings because he never saved them, I am aware of the Memory buttons would this be what he meant?
I am sure more questions will follow and some one will say read the manual, do you guys think the manual is good?

Hi Andy - It is possible to have the test tone play through the speaker of your choosing and have it remain there as long as you need. The basic idea is to use two of the menu contexts simultaneously to achieve the level of control you desire.

1) In the GUI navigate to Setup/Speaker/TestTone and turn the test tone one. It will begin doing what you DONT want (ie, cycling too quickly through all configured speakers), but we'll put and end to that in the next step. Leave the tone running and proceed to step 2.
2) Back out one tier of the GUI to Setup/Speaker and enter the Level tier (Setup/Speaker/Level) and select a speaker (e.g., center).

From this point on, since we left the test tone on in step 1, whichever speaker for which we are adjusting the level in step 2 will be the one (and only one) outputting the test tone. Additionally, it will remain in there for as long as the speaker is selected in Setup/Speaker/Level/XXX. When you've got the level set where you want, simply choose to set the level for another speaker and the tone will move to, and stay at, that speaker.

3) When all levels have been manually set, return to Step 1 and turn off the test tone.

Hope this helps. Steve


Hi there guys....

I currently own a Rotel 1570 preamp/processor and have contemplated selling this unit for the Z7. I currently have a Rotel 1077 7-Channel Amplifier connected to the 1570 to power my home theatre. And, also a Rotel 1075 5- Channel Amplifier connected to power Zone 2 and 3 throughout my home.

I'm thinking about using the Yamaha Z7 as a preamp/processor for my home theatre in "preamp-mode" and using the internal amps to power Zones 2 and 3. Thus, I'd keep the 1077 for external amplification and sell the 1075.

I find the Rotel sounds great but operates rather quirky. Even though I have the latest firmware installed, it sometimes has handshaking issues with some of the components including an Oppo BDP-83 and Apple TV.

My question is, does the Yamaha take 2-4 seconds to lock onto HDMI signals? This is driving me crazy with the Rotel. This may be a HDMI issue.
Or, it may be the HDMI board/chipset in the Rotel is not up to mass-produced standards. Any video quirks to report?

Thanks in advance!


Audioholic Intern
DSP/RX-Z7 Firmware 1.10

Hi there!

Just wanna let you fellow DSP/RX-Z7 users know, that a new firmware is out. Version 1.10.

If you have your receiver connected to the internet, do a network firmware update. It's not yet on the official website.
Last edited:


I am unfamiliar with the operation of the above and have read the manual but find it is not clear as to how to operate this amp as it does not detail step by step.
My question is when you switch on the Test tone the amp cycles through the speakers so quickly there does not seem to be a way to lock onto a speaker to set the level with my SP Meter. also when you increase decrease the volume using the remote it only seems to affect the Master volume.
Also how do you save any changes you make , I have read reviews which suggested the reviewer lost settings because he never saved them, I am aware of the Memory buttons would this be what he meant?
I am sure more questions will follow and some one will say read the manual, do you guys think the manual is good?
From memory, turn on test tones, and then go to speaker level, and select a speaker. It should play the test tone for that speaker as long as you want.

There are 6 memories, IIRC. I believe there's a section of the GUI where you can save to memory.

The manual is ok. I learned much of what I know from the manual. It's long, and the receiver is pretty sophisticated, so it's easy to miss stuff. So I download the PDF from Yamaha, making searching easier.

Admittedly, I have owned the 2700 and 3900 and read parts of the 3800 manual as well. Not to mention reading many posts from fellow owners. So maybe I am not a typical user :)


I was reading old posts, and I saw where someone did not think the Z7 headphone amp was "good enough."

I thought it was fine. Maybe I am not refined. I spent over an hour one night, plugged in for some reason (I rarely do this,) listening to the Killers (a band) through headphones.

It was quite good, IMO.

I do find it interesting how varied headphone listening can be. For example, I have complained for years about listening to computer headphone outputs - that they are fatiguing compared to a better output from a portable player. Few people seem to have the problem I do. I want to tear my headphones off all the time. And this is at low volume. Not sure what the problem is.


Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default volume step size in the Z7, perhaps in the service menu? I find the 0.5dB step size far too granular.

My old RX-V2095 had a much more responsive volume. It had to as the knob had one sweep from about 7 o'clock to about 5 o'clock, not like the free rotating knobs of today. The web interface on the Z7 supports a 5dB step option so that gives me some hope. It would be nice to have a user settable parameter in the volume menu. Yamaha USA says this has been asked of Yamaha Japan but they don't care.

Also, anyone know what Vista certification adds to the Z7 in terms of capabilities, if any?


Audioholics Master Chief
Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default volume step size in the Z7, perhaps in the service menu? I find the 0.5dB step size far too granular.

My old RX-V2095 had a much more responsive volume. It had to as the knob had one sweep from about 7 o'clock to about 5 o'clock, not like the free rotating knobs of today. The web interface on the Z7 supports a 5dB step option so that gives me some hope. It would be nice to have a user settable parameter in the volume menu. Yamaha USA says this has been asked of Yamaha Japan but they don't care.
Paul the problem isn't with the stepsize on the VC. Its the lack of responsiveness from the remote. I have the same issue unless I use a different remote programmed with Yammie codes. I suggest you increase the power up volume to a level slightly lower than you normally listen to so its quicker to crank it up when you want to. I have mine set for -30dB for power up for example.


Audioholic Slumlord
When is teh full review coming out on this receiver? Home Thater did a review of this receiver and the all channels test was pretty dismal although the single channel test into 8 ohms/4ohms was actually quite good. I would liek get "your" spin on this receiver by doing your normal battery of tests. :)


Thanks Gene, I'll try your suggestion.

I did some testing and it appears the volume adjusts by 0.5dB increments initially and then jumps to about 4.0db (hard to tell exactly as it skips so fast) after a few seconds if you hold your finger on the button. My TIVO peanut remote produces the same effect as Yamaha's remote in this regard.

Can you tell me the remote you're using, and were you able to program the effective responsiveness?


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks Gene, I'll try your suggestion.

I did some testing and it appears the volume adjusts by 0.5dB increments initially and then jumps to about 4.0db (hard to tell exactly as it skips so fast) after a few seconds if you hold your finger on the button. My TIVO peanut remote produces the same effect as Yamaha's remote in this regard.

Can you tell me the remote you're using, and were you able to program the effective responsiveness?
I have a programmable logitech remote that I use to control everything and the volume functions the same way on that remote as well, the longer you hold it down, the faster the increments in loudness.


If anyone is looking to get one of these, i have a brand new one on ebay that's cheaper than most stores. It's $1800. Feel free to email me through here or through ebay with any questions.

Ebay Item Number: 220661078894


Power Problem

I had been using my z7 and when I went to use the remote to switch it into standby it wouldn't shut down so had to use the mains button to turn it off. Push in the mains switch and My Z7 turns on but just sits there saying mains on the standby button and nothing else will work is there anything else I can try before sending it away.


Sounds Like the Sytem Control Board

I had a very similar issue.

Power down the unit. Unplug it from the wall outlet. Leave it unplugged for 5 minutes or so, plug it back in and power it on. If it stays stuck on "Main On" it may be the same problem I had. The System control board had to be replaced.

See this thread.....



Power Fault

Had to send the unit away so not very happy especially after the money I paid for it.


Adding external amplification

Hi everyone,

I have owned my Z7 for about 3 years now & have been very happy with it.
I recently thought about upgrading to the A3010 but when I spoke to the guy in the shop where I bought my Z7 from he basically said there was no real advantage except for the 3D pass through & some extra HDMI inputs. So I bought an Oppo BDP-93 player which has two HDMI outs to get around the 3d issue that way instead.

I currently have a 5.1 set-up using Krix speakers (Aussie brand) which have given me great service & been terrific value for money.

However I have got that itch again & am looking at adding an external amp for the front channels & buying new fronts. The front speakers that I have decided on are the Focal Diablo Utopias which I have listened to in a couple of different settings & with a few different amps. They will stretch the budget I think that they will be worth it.

My uncertainty lies a little more on the amp side of things. As I still intend to use my Z7 as a pre-amp (not in preamp mode, just RCA out for the fronts) the dealer that I have been talking to has recommend that I look at buying an integrated power amp instead of a straight power amp. He says that when I just want to listen to 2 channel stereo I can run an anlog output from the Opp directly into the integrated, thus bypassing the Z7, which he believes will sound superior. Having listened to it, I would have to agree with him wholeheartedly. However I still have some reservations about buying an integrated amp. Integrated volume control for instance raises a few questions.

The Z7 will still be running the centre, surrounds & sub for TV / HT, with the Oppo hooked up via HDMI. One of the integrated amps I am considering has a HT passthrough option, which basically turns it into a straight power amp allowing you to control the volume via the Z7.

I've narrowed it down to three Musical Fidelity amps, the M6-500i, AMS-35i or the AMS-35p. All sound awesome with the Diablos, the AMS options are more expensive but have a very effortless, silky sound. Sure wont need any heating during winter if I decide to go that way though!

So after all this rambling what I am looking for is any advice or experience from people who may have already played around with external amplification & the Z7. I can see that there are a number of members who have done it. Are there any obvious do's & dont's? How does the Z7 stack up when paired with a more audiophile level external? I realise that in the end it's still going to boil down to budget & "what sounds good to me" but I would be interested in hearing other people's experience in this area if anyone as time.

Thanks heaps:)

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