LOL. Anyway I believe I am on the right track now with my latest explanations, and if not, that's why I give you a useful link.
You are right about the 80GB also suppoting SACD, I remember now, I almost bought that version. but when Sony run out of that model, they replaced it with the 40GB model but adding more GB to make it the newer 80GB, but without SACD support. Still following? The 20GB and 40GB models had never supported SACD right from the beginning. Only the 60GB and the first batch of 80GB supported SACD.
And now, like you said, the biggest supporter of SACD in the World, Sony, is not supporting anymore SACD from it's biggest seller, the PS3!

Quite a downturn.
And I understand exactly what you're saying.
But now, do you feel more advanced in your own understanding on the interraction between two of your PS3s (SACD) and your receiver RX-Z7?
From my point of view, your PS3 are sending all audio signals through their HDMI outputs in the LPCM multichannel audio format.
And to obtain in fact the DSD and Dolby TrueHD, you have to set the audio output (HDMI) at .........?
That's right; LPCM.
Cheers & enjoy life,