Don't get all fussy. We've lasted 232 years with the current system and there have always been tensions, challenges, and crisis. But somehow we always pull through.
FYI politicians are people too. It's easy to demonize your enemies. But unless you personally know Obama you can't really decide on his character. You only get the Media's idea of him. I suggest you stop listening to conservative radio and maybe broaden your horizons.
But I'm a moderate(swing voter) Swings are so fun.

If you want to win the white house back you have to convince me.
First of all, our system barely resembles that it was 232 years ago and while I agree that it couldn't remain exactly as it started, it's less a Federal Republic and more a Democracy which, in it's pure form, usually devolves into a Mobocracy. "Everyone gets some and we all voted for it" doesn't bother to take into account whether it's the right thing.
Second, IIRC, I told you or someone else that I never listen to conservative radio. Don't jump to conclusions about me- you don't know me. I like the system we're
supposed to have but I don't like most of who's in our government, on both sides. I'm not a hard core right winger but I do think we need to toss the anchor out to keep from going over the falls. Spending the way they have been for the last three terms is exactly the way sub-prime borrowers got into trouble. The "I must have money- I still have checks" mentality is a really bad way to run things.
Let me try this out on ya-
Run the government like a business- justify the expenses, work as efficiently as possible and if the people in government don't do their job well, they lose that job. I'm not referring only to Congress and elected offices, either.
We have too many agencies, filled with people who use their jobs in government as a safety net- do a bad job, don't work too fast and you'll "get along" fine. I want them to have performance reviews. Adding more government oversight just slows everything down.
If a large project is needed, do it like a private sector project- if it's done on time and within within the budget, the people who make it happen get a bonus, not a bribe or kickback for setting up the deal. If it's behind or wildly over budget, they're penalized. The thread about buying online or from a B&M dealer is a good example- we all want things for a lower price but the thing we pay the most for, is the lowest quality, most wasteful thing I can think of.
People who can't seem to finish school and end up leading a life of crime- make them do something constructive while they're incarcerated and I don't mean a computer job with access to social security and credit card numbers, They finish school and get a GED. Period. Whatever happened to "Pay your debt to to society"? The only thing a lot of convicts have learned is how to commit bigger and better crimes. The recidivism rate is appalling.
People who are on Welfare and programs like that- if they have a job, make it easier for them to take some classes so they can advance. Sure, it's going to cut into their free time but it's a helluva lot better than spending that time wasted or hanging out with people who just don't want to do anything good. If they don't have a job, they can get assistance for a set period but they have to finish or go to school. If they don't show any advancement in school, they don't get more assistance.
People have to realize that they won't ever dig out of their hole if they drop out in middle/high school and hang out, getting wasted all the time. A lot of people have had no hope for a long time but if they are shown that knowledge and education are a great way to help themselves, they'll see that life can be better for them. People have to see that they have the opportunities but they shouldn't expect everything to be given to them.
We have some really poor people in this country and for some, it's because they gave up.
Look at the people who come here and don't speak a work of English, yet in a decade or so, go to school, learn the language and own at least one business. They had some kind of life in their home country and because they worked for it, they got what many here think is impossible.
What people need is a change in their way of thinking. First step is to actually start thinking about "what happens if?". "What happens if I finish school, instead of dropping out and getting a low paying job?" "What happens if I steal this car instead of staying home?" "What happens if I get a second job, instead of hanging out at a bar or getting wasted with my friends?" "If I only had a gun, I could rob that bank." "If I have more kids, I get more money". People will always have to make choices and they need to think about the consequences of what they do. Shooting people in real life is not like a video game and when someone screws up, they need to pay the penalty, take responsibility and learn from their mistakes.
The legal system is a whole issue in itself. Obviously, this only scratches the surface but I think far too many have learned to expect too much from others when they could easily do things for themselves. For them, having a sense of accomplishment means nothing. The US used to have the attitude that "Together, we can do anything" and it has become "Screw you! Do it yourself!".