Official Yamaha RX-Z7 Receiver Review Thread



Did you upgrade to 1.07 without initialize ALL afterwards, in Advanced Setup.

I had the same problem with 1.05, until I intialized ALL.

With 1.07, WCC is now much more responsive and quicker than 1.05, while navigating through mp3 files on PC and USB.
Initialise ALL is pretty annoying to reset EVERYTHING as I have just found out. Is this really needed when updating firmware?


Initially I didn't see the album art either. Rebooted computer and it works fine now.



I have upgraded to FW 1.07 last night and today while watching 1080i content upscaled to 1080P I saw green lines. I used the DVR function to rewind and it was not in the content and I could not reproduce the lines on command. the FW 1.07 HAS NOT fixed the HDMI issue.


Audioholic Intern
benamaster, if you use a different source besides your DVR do you still have these issues?

I thought the HDMI issues were blue lines or sparkles. Now we are getting green ones? :(

Note, I haven't had this issue with my Xbox360 or PS3 playing games or movies (knock on wood). I wonder if this is particular to cable/sat boxes.


Audioholic Intern
I have upgraded to FW 1.07 last night and today while watching 1080i content upscaled to 1080P I saw green lines. I used the DVR function to rewind and it was not in the content and I could not reproduce the lines on command. the FW 1.07 HAS NOT fixed the HDMI issue.
Benamaster--Sorry to hear that. Just out of curiosity, did you happen to re-initialize after installing the firmware?


Audioholic Intern
Bug in FM Tuner/Surround Decoder with HDMI Standby Through

Many thanks to Warlan for confirming this bug with his unit.

If HDMI Standby Through is enabled, the following issue with the FM Tuner/Surround Decoder occurs:

If the unit is tuned to an FM Station with Surround Decoding applied (i.e. PLIIx, Neo 6, etc.) and is turned off, when you turn the unit back on again, the FM Tuner will tune the station only in 2 channel audio. The unit will display that surround decoding is taking place but none will occur (i.e. no multichannel sound)

To get the surround decoding back, you have to toggle through the surround decoder modes, or press the "straight" button twice on the remote--then the surround decoder will be applied properly.

This bug only occurs when HDMI Standby is active.

It's a small bug, but I will report it to Yamaha this week--perhaps they will address it when they address the remaining HDMI processing problems.

Thanks to all (esp Warlan) for their help.


Audioholic Intern
benamaster, if you use a different source besides your DVR do you still have these issues?

I thought the HDMI issues were blue lines or sparkles. Now we are getting green ones? :(

Note, I haven't had this issue with my Xbox360 or PS3 playing games or movies (knock on wood). I wonder if this is particular to cable/sat boxes.
Mine showed red/purple lines and sometimes sparkles when entering/exiting the menu. Deffently not blue lines. And they only appeared/visible in darker scenes.
They are completely gone after the 1.07 upgrade.


Album Art issue

Try Initialize all. Can you see the album art on your PC? If it isn't working there, it won't likely work on your receiver (just a guess).

Initialize all seems to clear some bugs when things are upgraded...
I did that, But Album Art now working intermittently. Still researching. Thanks for the Idea.


Audioholic Intern
I did that, But Album Art now working intermittently. Still researching. Thanks for the Idea.
Are the songs where the Album Art isn't working always the same? I don't recall how Album Art works but I thought it had to do with the tags. It's possible some of the songs you are listening to aren't tagged properly-if album art isn't showing up on your PC then I don't think it will work on the receiver.

Do you have problems using the web control? If you are having problems there, maybe it's a network issue.

I noticed when I first start web control it doesn't show my song lists on my PC right away. I have to open a new tab and then it shows up (reloading doesn't help) right away. So there might be some 'lag' when first starting up the receiver.


Audioholic Intern
No, not the movie...:)

Just a note for those who are considering buying this one and have paid attention to Gene's comments in his article.

I have mine on the bottom shelf of a BDI Icon 9428, with about 1 inch of clearance below a glass shelf. I've run mine pretty hard the last few days, but the top has never gotten hot enough where it would be uncomfortable to leave my hand on it. It does heat up the 1/2 inch tempered glass shelf above it though (I can feel it when I place my hand on the top of the shelf).

Yamaha has commented that they had to put that "Caution" sticker on the top of the unit because it can reach 40 degrees C (104 degrees F) in a 25 degree C (77 degrees F) room.

In addition, if you use the HDMI Standby Through feature, the Z7 generates a palpable amount of heat (still warms up the shelf above) even when in standby (and draws about 0.7 - 0.8 amps more than regular standby).

My suggestions are when planning placement before buying:

1. Make sure you can leave the left side of the unit unblocked (this is where the cold air intake is--there is no fan).

2. Don't plan on putting anything above the Z7 that has it's cold air intake on the bottom -- like an Oppo BDP-83 in my case.

3. Get as much clearance above the Z7 as you can or use some method of active cooling.

4. You might want to avoid having a glass shelf above the unit--not sure if the constant heating makes the tempered glass more prone to failure. (I'll pose this question to a materials engineer later today)

Just my two cents.
Just to correct the above post (item #4)-- I discussed the heated tempered glass issue with both BDI and an independent materials engineer. Both said that asymmetrical heating of the tempered glass is not an issue and would not lead to glass failure at these temperatures.


Is anyone using "Presence" speakers with their Z7?

I don't have and never have had a HT system. My speakers have shipped and should be here soon, and intend to get a sub in June.

Just wondering if it would be something to look into in the future, or is a 7.1 system good enough?



New Z7

well I've finally taken the plunge and ordered one of these based on mostly reviews and the fact that pioneer is stuffing around with their lx71 firmware update .If you wonder why I never auditioned it well theres no where here stocks them. Now lets hope it lives up to its name and that I don't have any problems as in this thread because where I am i basicly have no customer support. I will be annoyed if I find that at the end of this year Yamaha put out a new model with a bigger power transformer and full 9.1 like the Z9 as I think I would struggle to sell this here.
So fingers crossed.


rbj9 I currently use presence speakers with my Z7. I have a 5.1 with presence. A 7.1 set-up would not be practical for me. Now for your next question, yes they do make a difference. Is it a difference that jumps out at you? No it isn't, but then again they shouldn't. The presence speakers add to the overall effect but don't make themselves obvious. I tried the dialog lift the other night and must say it works.

The great thing about this, and most modern receivers is how versitile they are and how much you can do with them. If you have a couple extra speakers i'd try the presence speakers.

Last note I've found it best to follow the speaker diagram in the manual as close as possible when positioning speakers. Proper speaker placement will make everything sound much better and reduce the amount of adjustments YAPO has to make. The best room correction is one you don't have to use.

Good luck and enjoy..


Rhapsody lost the last song play back

Anyone experienced the lost of the last song play back in Rhaosydy when It's turned off and back it on??.


Help with Multiple subs

Greets out to all

First post here, so please be gentle:)

I need some help with our new Yamaha Z7 and mutliple powered subwoofers.

We are replacing a much beloved Yamaha 3090. Hearing BR "Australia", and "Quantum of Solace" in stereo pushed us along. Gene's wonderful review of the Z7 proved the very costly deciding factor.

As I examine the back of the Z7, I see TWO (2) subwoofer outputs. Right?

Any reason those two should not be used for 3 power subwoofers? (two matching subs under the front LR mains with a "y" cable, and the very large HSU powered sub in the corner for movie "special effects" on a single cable)




Audioholic Intern
Greets out to all
Welcome. Although, I'm fairly new to this site (started when I got my Z7 too!).

As I examine the back of the Z7, I see TWO (2) subwoofer outputs. Right?
Wrong. At least if I understand the manual and diagram that 'second' subwoofer output is actually a Multi channel INPUT. For example, if you have a DVD player that has 7.1 analog outputs you would connect it to the Z7 at that place.

You must have a huge room if you need three subwoofers!


[QUOTE You must have a huge room if you need three subwoofers![/QUOTE]

Hi Warlan!

Thanks for the reply, even though not what I wanted to hear.

I agree, we don't "need" three subwoofers, although our HT room is quite large (16' x 32'); they kinda of accumulated in place over the years.

My audio/visual equipment is like good friends; hard to come by, even harder to get rid of!

Curiously, the older Yamaha 3090 does permit dual subwoofers; surprising that Yamaha left that off of the Z7.

The two front mains (as well as the two rear channels) are Biro/L1 .

Link to to find out about the Biro's.

For plain audio stereo, the front Biro/L1 benefits from the aging but still sounding great pair of Swedish built Audio Pro B2.50 power subs. Very musical, but not powerful enough for todays special effects. For the movie special effects, we have a Hsuresearch VTF 3HO, a real beasty, but IMO not as "musical" as the Audio Pro.

Is there any way anyone can think of to use three powered subs?


Best regards,


Audioholic Intern
Do one of your subwoofers have RCA/Line outs? I would assume you could daisy chain the two that way and run the RCA splitter from the subwoofer out on the Z7 for the third subwoofer.

Or instead of splitting twice, why not thrice from the subwoofer pre-out?

My room is 16x25 and I'm only running one sub, turned half down... Maybe I don't have enough bass. :(

Now you have given me bass envy!

Edit. Did a quick google and people do as I suggested.

Third option is to Y split from your receiver and send one to the third sub (the one in the back of your room) and the other to the first of your subs near your fronts. Then take a lineout from one of those subs and send it to your other sub in the front.


I'll try the three way split out of the Yamaha Z7.

Each sub has lots of adjustments for volume/crossover points, (the HSU even permits changing whether the system is single or double ported) so I think eventually I can get it right.

I'll break down and swap out the the 3090 tomorrow.

Again, thanks.


Audioholic Intern
I'll try the three way split out of the Yamaha Z7.

Each sub has lots of adjustments for volume/crossover points, (the HSU even permits changing whether the system is single or double ported) so I think eventually I can get it right.

I'll break down and swap out the the 3090 tomorrow.

Again, thanks.
Artjohn: Did you run your system with three subs with the 3900? If so, how did it sound?

Obviously, a lot depends on your room, but matching three subs might be tricky to get the bass even throughout the room unless 2 of the subs were colocated.

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