Official Yamaha RX-Z7 Receiver Review Thread



Audioholic Intern
Is there any way anyone can think of to use three powered subs?
Two good quality "Y-splitters" (I mine from Blue Jeans Cable) in sequence would do the trick. I'd put the line to the back of the room off of the first splitter, and the 2 subs up front (which have shorter runs) off of the second Y-splitter. Obviously, you'd lose a little signal, but as long as you use decent subwoofer cable and the runs are not too long, this should work.

However, as Warlan said, some subs are designed to daisy chain.


Two good quality "Y-splitters" (I mine from Blue Jeans Cable) in sequence would do the trick. I'd put the line to the back of the room off of the first splitter, and the 2 subs up front (which have shorter runs) off of the second Y-splitter. Obviously, you'd lose a little signal, but as long as you use decent subwoofer cable and the runs are not too long, this should work.

However, as Warlan said, some subs are designed to daisy chain.
or a unit like the dcx2496 from behringer, to add independent crossover for each one:)


I'll try the three way split out of the Yamaha Z7.

Each sub has lots of adjustments for volume/crossover points, (the HSU even permits changing whether the system is single or double ported) so I think eventually I can get it right.

I'll break down and swap out the the 3090 tomorrow.

Again, thanks.
I use two AudioStream splitters combined together to give me three LFE outputs from my RX-Z7 to my Definitive Technology front BP2006TL speakers and to my Definitive Technology center channel C/L/R 2300. All three speakers contain powered subs.


Artjohn: Did you run your system with three subs with the 3900? If so, how did it sound?

Obviously, a lot depends on your room, but matching three subs might be tricky to get the bass even throughout the room unless 2 of the subs were colocated.
The system I am replacing is the Yamaha DSP A-3090, built circa 1995, not to be confused the newly minted 3900. The DSP A-3090 was (is still) a really sweet piece of equipment. Gene wrote it about here recently discussing the downsizing of modern amps.

I am going to use a pair of inexpensive y splitters that I got from the Shack this morning.

I'll post back.

You guys are great! :) Thanks for the all the reply postings and ideas.

Best regards,



Audioholic Intern

I'm planning on buying Dali Ikon 6 speaker set to go with my DSP-Z7.
Would that be a nice combination?
The Dali speakers have a repution of being "bright" speakers. ( depends on material )
So matching these speakers with a bright speaker amp, would give a over bright sound. Would this be the case with DSP-Z7?


Greets to all:

Based in part on Gene's wonderful writeup, I purchased the Z7. Also, I am a long time Yamaha owner, and have been very pleased over 20 years of owning their various products.

I just completed setting up the new Yamaha RX-Z7BL. Whew!

It replaced a Yamaha DSP A3090 from 1995, Nakamichi PA7 200W front channel and Marantz MA7 Monoblock 200w center channel.

Other equipment includes Samsung 67A750 display, Sony PS3, Biro/L1 fronts and surrounds, rear channels ancient but refurbished ESS AMT 1 Towers, B&W HTM Nautilus center channel, HsuResearch VTF 3 and two aging but still sweet sound AudioPro B2.50 subs.

Here are some quick thoughts on the Z7:

Punchy, accurate, musical (even though less watts than replaced system) looks great too!;

Intuitive, easy to use on screen menu;

Easy networking and streaming of mp3 from remote home server;

Easy remote access to Z7's menu and controls over network;

Simple firmware update over network (from 1.02-1.07)
(first task completed after turning unit on);

Runs cool in our basement (atleast, so far!);

Lighted remote;

Dialogue lift feature;

Ordered on Sunday afternoon, arrived UPS Tuesday morning securely packaged from Sixth Avenue Electronics City (Scott, extension 8632, good job!)

Friendly, knowledgeable community discussions and
online support at avsforum and here as well! (check Yamaha 3900 threads as well, since Z7 is similar)

Here are some negatives (none that terrible)

--HDMI handshake issues; my Motorola 3416 annoyingly resets to 480p every time input on the Samsung Display is switched (for example, switching Samsung from HDMI input 1 to display computer Samsung HDMI 3 causes the STB to reset); or switching back to Samsung HDMI 1 for the Z7 Receiver causes STB to reset.)

This is not an issue for component or direct HDMI connect to Samsung.

Trolling the internet, this is clearly a HDMI handshake issue between the 3416, the Samsung and the Yamaha Z7--a pox on the Hollywood moguls and lawyers who mucked with the HDMI standard.

--Lots of leetle buttons on the remote, tough on tired old eyes;

--Occasional sound dropouts while set top box over HDMI (could be RCN cable provider issues?);

--Only one sub woofer RCA connection (by comparison, 15 year old Yamaha DSP A 3090 had three sub outs, two stereo, one in mono.)

--Dialogue lift feature won’t work unless you use front effect speakers, but if you use them, then rear effect speakers, which are necessary for true 7.1 sound are turned off. What’s up with that?

All in all, I would give the unit a solid A- .

Now, what exactly do I do with all the left over high end RCA cabling/interconnects replaced by the half working HDMI?


Best regards,


(also posted, in part, at avsforums)


Artjohn: Did you run your system with three subs with the 3900? If so, how did it sound?

Obviously, a lot depends on your room, but matching three subs might be tricky to get the bass even throughout the room unless 2 of the subs were colocated.
Hi mvp2005fan!

Yes, I ran all three subs with the Yamaha 3090; also, with some cheap splitters, I am doing the same with the RX-Z7.

Although I can no longer directly compare the two different setups, to my ears (and the wife's) the new Yamaha "sounds" better. I haven't really spent enough time with the new system to tell if it sounds better in every circumstance. For example, I still use a reference Thorens phonograph, and I haven't had a change to fire it up yet.

I don't know from "co location",:D I just depend on what sounds right to us.;)



Direct TV

I've had my Z7 for a week now and last night I hooked up my outdoor speakers to sp1 zone 2, volume is good when playing a CD or ipod but the volume when using Directv is way way way low.

What am I doing wrong in setup, whats missing or needed?


I upgraded to the 1.07 firmware a few weeks ago and been using the Sirius Internet radio.

Now starting sometime the past week or so, Sirius requires you to have a 2.99 subscription for internet radio. I signed up and can play the internet radio on the pc, but on the rx-z7 I get ACCESS ERROR msg.

I tried deleting the acct and entered it again and it is still not working.

Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas how to resolve.?


Volume level

what volume level do you proud RX Z7 owners run it at when watching a movie I am running anywhere between -5db -15db


I've had my Z7 for a week now and last night I hooked up my outdoor speakers to sp1 zone 2, volume is good when playing a CD or ipod but the volume when using Directv is way way way low.

What am I doing wrong in setup, whats missing or needed?
Output from dtv receivers are low, but check to make sure your volume level in the stb is at max.


well I must be deaf because thats a long way off from my -5 to -15. I hope this isn't putting to much strain on my speakers. At -25 I would hardly hear it.



Been playing with the 30 day free Rhapsody and was in enjoying it until the song selection bugged out. I can select the artist and album but when it comes to a specific song it picks a random song from the list, if its a 1 song list I am good.

Any ideas on whats up, or if there is a fix?


well I must be deaf because thats a long way off from my -5 to -15. I hope this isn't putting to much strain on my speakers. At -25 I would hardly hear it.
I doubt you're deaf. I use 12 gauge speaker wire and even though my speakers are 4ohm the are very linear and not hard to drive.

At -5 I would wake the neighbors and I would probably start going deaf.


I've had my Z7 for a week now and last night I hooked up my outdoor speakers to sp1 zone 2, volume is good when playing a CD or ipod but the volume when using Directv is way way way low.

What am I doing wrong in setup, whats missing or needed?
Most likely due to the fact that you are in Dolby Digital from Directv.You would need two switch to Stereo Mode because your speakers (outside) are only playing the Effect sounds from the L/R Mains.
I did exactly the same thing till i figured it out. You probably have it resolved by now . But just in case you did'nt


Been playing with the 30 day free Rhapsody and was in enjoying it until the song selection bugged out. I can select the artist and album but when it comes to a specific song it picks a random song from the list, if its a 1 song list I am good.

Any ideas on whats up, or if there is a fix?
Maybe you inadvertantly set the "play control" submenu to shuffle?

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