Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Time to walk the poochie. Well, time for her to walk me. She has now become my seeing eye dog.

On the plus side, she can go into more stores with me now. On the down side, I won't know what stores we're in.


Audioholic Jedi
That was a quick one. One block out, one block back. We'll have to give it another go in a few minutes.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Time to walk the poochie. Well, time for her to walk me. She has now become my seeing eye dog.

On the plus side, she can go into more stores with me now. On the down side, I won't know what stores we're in.
I just did similar.

Large Open Field + ChuckIt! Ball Thrower = Very Tired Puppy

Honestly, Strube, I don't even know why I read your posts until about ten minutes after you first put them up. They just keep getting better as you edit them. And edit them...and edit them... :D
I am trying to change, really! If I would just post again instead of editing I would already be past 500 posts. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Your puppy is thinner than mine. :)

I don't know why she doesn't walk much at night, anymore. I'd say it's because she's overweight, but that never stopped her before. We'd walk six miles a day. Now, she walks just fine in the morning, but normally doesn't want to walk much at night (it's still sunny out, so it's not because it's dark). She walked pretty good the past two nights, but not so far tonight.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Your puppy is thinner than mine. :)

I don't know why she doesn't walk much at night, anymore. I'd say it's because she's overweight, but that never stopped her before. We'd walk six miles a day. Now, she walks just fine in the morning, but normally doesn't want to walk much at night (it's still sunny out, so it's not because it's dark). She walked pretty good the past two nights, but not so far tonight.
She looks like a lazy bum to me in that sig picture ;).

I think I read somewhere that dogs don't need near as much exercise as they get older; my dog is only 9 months old so she needs tons, plus I need to wear her out so she doesn't pester me to play all the time and jump on guests and such. How old is your poochie?


Audioholic Jedi
Niki is only about 4. This started to happen last summer. I wish that I knew why.

Well, it was a couple of months after I started back here. :D Nah, I know that's not it - because that would be me not taking her, not her coming back so soon. ;)


Audioholic Overlord
This thread by far is the largest thread in post count. The margin is so huge, in fact... after this post this thread will have 4130 posts, the second highest thread in post count has a mere 859 posts and the third has 762 and the fourth has 702. My thread about bi-wiring being pointless only has 455 posts (the tenth largest thread in post count).

Congratulations to Midnightsensi on a thread as massive as the sea.:D


Audioholic Jedi
Sensi is indeed the man for starting this thread! It's the social event of the forum.


Audioholic Jedi
The second walk is done. Two blocks out, two blocks back.

If we can keep up this trend, and I my patience, then we'll get to the park sometime around noon on Tuesday.


Audioholic Jedi
:eek: Holy ish. I just realized that I have over 25% of the posts in this thread.

Maybe I do need a girlfriend...


Audioholic Slumlord
Maybe I do need a girlfriend...
I would spare you that pain, brother.

But I suppose now that you're at that stage, there will be no holding you back.
Get one with strong legs so that she can walk the dog for you.


Audioholic Jedi
But I suppose now that you're at that stage, there will be no holding you back.
I think that genetics and human vision would disagree with you, there.

I might be at that stage (although, the jury is still out)...but the ladies aren't. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
There's somebody for everybody. Practice flaring your nostrils so that you can give them 'the sign'. I always recommend going to church for hook ups. Nobody listens but you could be different.

I never said to get religion, just go to church. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I always recommend going to church for hook ups. Nobody listens but you could be different.
That is absolutely excellent advice. One of my bigger regrets is not going to church in college. It was filled with cute girls. Yes...I'm a moron.

Now, the downside to picking up a woman at church is - she might be a true believer. I have nothing against that at all, but it's just not me. Am I spiritual? Yes. Religious? Not in an organized religion type of way, but sort of. Being raised Catholic and having mild OCD, I find myself following my own self-imposed rituals.
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