Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Having recently watched Madagascar, I'd be nervous to be around Alex for the next few days. Remember how the lion (also named Alex) started to see everybody as steaks when he wasn't getting steak anymore? I bet that Alex's neighbors are starting to look like strips of bacon right now.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Having recently watched Madagascar, I'd be nervous to be around Alex for the next few days. Remember how the lion (also named Alex) started to see everybody as steaks when he wasn't getting steak anymore? I bet that Alex's neighbors are starting to look like strips of bacon right now.
Do you think he will try to chew on the neighbors? I doubt they would appreciate that, but it would certainly be entertaining to watch from a distance. Hopefully someone films it and puts it on youtube.


Audioholic Jedi
Do you think he will try to chew on the neighbors? I doubt they would appreciate that, but it would certainly be entertaining to watch from a distance. Hopefully someone films it and puts it on youtube.
I can see the headlines now: "Monkey snacks on Rhode Island neighbors."


Audioholic Field Marshall
I can see the headlines now: "Monkey snacks on Rhode Island neighbors."
Sounds like an entertaining read! :D

My movie shipped 3 hours after I ordered it and will be here Monday. Go Amazon!

I am thinking about selling all of my CDs when this re-ripping project is done. I wonder if any of the autographed ones I have are worth anything extra...

I just passed mperfct in posts haha!


Audioholic Jedi
My movie shipped 3 hours after I ordered it and will be here Monday. Go Amazon!

I am thinking about selling all of my CDs when this re-ripping project is done.
I suggest that you keep more than one copy of your files if you do that...heck, even if you don't. I ripped my entire collection of CDs to a hard drive...which then crashed on me. I still have all of my CDs, but the thought of going through that process again has so far proven too daunting.

I just passed mperfct in posts haha!
Boolya! Well, he and the wife pretty much have the house to themselves, so I think that you'll make up some ground today postwise. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
I suggest that you keep more than one copy of your files if you do that...heck, even if you don't. I ripped my entire collection of CDs to a hard drive...which then crashed on me. I still have all of my CDs, but the thought of going through that process again has so far proven too daunting.
Yeah, I most certainly will. If Newegg will ever get that 500GB 7200RPM laptop hard drive back in stock, I am going to get in on some of that. Then I will put all my stuff on the HTPC and the laptop. I am all about double backups.

Boolya! Well, he and the wife pretty much have the house to themselves, so I think that you'll make up some ground today postwise. :D
Perfect! ;)


Audioholic Jedi
My thanked posts make me want to party like it's 1999.

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Audioholic Field Marshall
My thanked posts make me want to party like it's 1999.
Well I won't thank you for a few minutes, so you can enjoy it ;). Hopefully your thanks don't have some weird 2k bug.

I just noticed I had a third light green chicklet! It must have happened yesterday but I was sleepy and didn't catch it.

I am kind of noticing that my favorite CDs that I have had forever seem to be a bit scratched up. STP's Core didn't rip very well. I think I have played that one more than any other except maybe one... Good thing I have it in DVD-Audio as well.

EDIT: Hey, that screenshot wasn't there while I was replying! EDITOR!!! Welcome to the club. :D


Audioholic Jedi
STP's Core didn't rip very well. I think I have played that one more than any other except maybe one... Good thing I have it in DVD-Audio as well.
Back in 1993 when I was a senior in college, I listened to that album every day. Someone stole my entire CD collection (over 200 discs), except for the ones that were in my 5-disc changer. Core was one of the five that got spared.

I didn't know that it was available in DVD-Audio. [Prepares to look for that on Amazon...]

EDIT: Hey, that screenshot wasn't there while I was replying! EDITOR!!! Welcome to the club. :D
You caught me. ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Back in 1993 when I was a senior in college, I listened to that album every day. Someone stole my entire CD collection (over 200 discs), except for the ones that were in my 5-disc changer. Core was one of the five that got spared.
That is freaking crazy, honestly, because it is what I had in my deck when someone broke the windows out of my Mustang when I was in high school and stole my folder of CDs, though I think I only had about half that. They didn't have time to get the deck. The only other one that didn't get stolen was at home in my stereo, Foo Fighter's Colour and the Shape, and that is the only CD I have played more than Core, but probably only because it was one of the first I ever bought.

I only have 2 DVD-Audio discs - Core and One By One by the Foo Fighters.


Audioholic Jedi
One left in stock at the U.K. Amazon. It looks like it'll be about $15.



Audioholic Jedi
Do it! I am sure I paid more than that...
Done! Turned out to be about $20 because they charged me shipping, even though it said that I'd get free shipping. I guess having to send it across the pond changed their minds. :D Oh, well. It'll bring back some memories. Hopefully I'll be able to tell a difference between it and the CD.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Done! Turned out to be about $20 because they charged me shipping, even though it said that I'd get free shipping. I guess having to send it across the pond changed their minds. :D Oh, well. It'll bring back some memories. Hopefully I'll be able to tell a difference between it and the CD.
Congrats! I think you will enjoy it. The same thing happened to me when I ordered an HD-DVD from over there, I think they assume you are there until you sign in, then they jab you with shipping. Still, $5 isn't too bad for overseas shipping! It's less than charged me for a couple of things a while back... Jerks. ;)

I can certainly tell the difference, though I am not sure I have ever experienced it in true DVD-Audio mode, just that DVD-video DTS mode, so it may even be better still. I haven't had a player that was compatible with DVD-A except my PC, and the speakers on there are inferior to the point that I wouldn't be able to tell...

Core's quality is an improvement over the CD, but the Foo Fighters One By One that I have is a much more striking surround sound mix, which is not necessarily good or bad, they just put more stuff exclusively in the rear surrounds and such.

Honestly I haven't listened to either in a while. It is about time that I do!

EDIT: P.S. Congrats on the 2000th thanks!


Audioholic Jedi
Honestly, Strube, I don't even know why I read your posts until about ten minutes after you first put them up. They just keep getting better as you edit them. And edit them...and edit them... :D


Audioholic Jedi
Sheep and Seth - watch your armies and your backs. I'm coming for you.


Audioholic Samurai
Help me with my outdoor, in-ceilng speaker search! Check the "Loudspeaker" section.

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