Well Vietnam was about "containment" and "policing" rather than winning, that policy was evident from the beginning when the word "containment" started to float in the press in the mid-60s, the majority of Americans didn't know where Vietnam was, but they knew that communism was involved, the mistake in Vietnam was simple. They didn't let the professionals do their jobs (The Armed Forces), instead politicos and their egos tried to play arm chair generals. We could have taken Vietnam, but that was never the political intent. Rather it became formulaic: threaten, appease, threaten, appease, bombing campaign (linebackers I & II), appease (Paris Accords) which ended in capitulation. That is Vietnam in a nutshell. This is the same mind set that we have in Washington now. There isn't a "let's get it done and done right" attitude anymore, now its "well what will the press say, what will the polls say, what will Letterman, Leno and Oprah say.....who cares. We've become a bunch of sissies, our president (which I voted for) is a sissy, his cabinet is deplorable, we need a real STRONG leader willing to overlook his popularity poll and do what's right for this country. There hasn't been quality leadership in this country since 1988, that's 20 years!