In addition to the mental health aspect, Domestic Violence needs to be addressed better by cities where it happens frequently. These situations are the most volatile and they result in the deaths of more police officers and others who aren't involved than any other- whole families are killed before the perpetrator ends their own life by their own hand, or in a 'Death By Cop' act. I know some people think or say "Well, good!" when an officer is killed, but that's a stupid reaction and I doubt anyone wants to live in a place where the police don't exist. Bad cops need to go, but leave the good ones be.
People who can't get along need to accept that fact but when relationships end, it gets ugly, fast. Restraining orders are violated, people who can't legally possess firearms get them and people die. Kids die. They end up being the object of peoples' rage and all they did was enter the world without asking, born to people who often should never have bred and far too often, that happens unintentionally and the kids are unwanted, not cared for properly and many are beaten by either or both "parents".