Thanks for the thorough explanation.
"Now if you set the limit to below 300 Hz, then when you send the curve to the AVR, it will only send the filter set that EQs up to 300 Hz for that speaker/channel."-Yes...the XT32 app will only EQ up until where you set the limit. If I don't set a limit then I suppose that the app will apply the necessary EQ up to 20KHz. The reason I always limit the EQ range only until around 300Hz-400Hz is coz all of the Audyssey app tutorials I've seen tell you NOT to EQ above the Schroeder Frequency. But if you wanna see what Audyssey does for the full range then I can take a REW measurement with NO filters applied.
Okay, it works like this:
Running Audyssey and setting the EQ freq range limit are two different thing.
Audyssey will do the filters for the whole range it sees fit without being affected by the limit. In fact, you can only se the limit after fact (you know that already obviously).
Setting the limit is after the fact, so by setting it, when you send the file/curve to your AVR/AVP, it will only include the filters for the range according to the limit you set.
If later on you remove the limit, that is, revert back to "full range", you can just do it in the App and send the file again, there is no need to re-run Audyssey as the filters are always there, its only a question of sending which part of the filter set according to the settings you make with the App.
For the purpose of our little project, it doesn't matter if you limit the range to below Schroeder or not before you send the file/target curve to the AVR, but since you prefer the effects of limiting EQ to 300 or 400 Hz, it is better if you do just that, before sending the file.
I would like to see the REW plots for the FL+FR+Subs for the whole range, and also for the range limited to 300 or 400 Hz. That's a function of REW, where you choose the range, scales etc., it has nothing to do with Audyssey. My focus will be to add cuts and boost (mainly just cuts) to the range below 200 Hz anyway, the reason I want to see one REW plot for full range, or at least up to 3,000 Hz is just so once we are done with the below 200 Hz range, we know what to do to restore overall balance between the low and high frequencies.
So again, to be clear, when you run Audyssey, it will EQ full range (the range it sees fit..), limiting it to the Schroeder frequency of your room is something you do manually with the App after the fact, and you can change it to anything any time after without having to run Audyssey again.