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From your reference curve, your can definitely do something about the peaks at about 115, 150, 165, 220, 280 and between 350 and 400 Hz.
The problem is, I wouldn't want to suggest a data entry table as yet without seeing the accurate frequency points as I can't just scale it from the captured graph due to the log scale. So you would have to identity those anchor points for me from your source REW graphs.
Also, to do a better job, you should look at the FL and FR graphs separately as unlike the 3 subwoofers, the FL and FR are discrete channels.
The not too sharp dips at about 140 and 155 Hz could likely be improved slightly but you won't be able to do much about those at 240 and 320 Hz. I suspect most would have such sharp dips here and there and according to experts those wouldn't be noticeable (audibly) anyway.
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