no anger here ,just economic frustration..*i* agree with you..trump is gone, he won't win again in a general.. but , his message is still the first line of many of the gop in congress,, so his will and thoughts are still felt... the big thing , as i pointed out is the entire gop platform has come down to 2 things..1) tax cuts for the wealthy and 2) figuring out ways to get re elected by changing(rigging) the system.. neither is viable long term in that tax cuts run up the deficit with no economic stimulus in comparison to bottom up stimulus.. the recent "covid" checks *are* the first time in our history that it's been tried, and it overwhelmingly succeeded , two business owners i know quite well had their best years ever in 2020 based on usable income from people who normally don't have it... as a matter of fact it worked so well the gop went into a panic .. the last thing the gop wants is low wage workers with money .. that hurts their "slave labor " economic model ... and it proves socialist ideas on helping the poor are actually superior to the current model.. but as you say time will tell as to what will be allowed.. as far as voting reform.. good luck to the gop on that , nobody opposes the thought of clean elections , but what are all the changes based on .. fraud that didn't happen.. voter id would be ok.. IF.. it was FREE of cost to the voter and universally distributed to every voter upon registration, so as not to be a form of "poll tax" that are a hardship on low income voters.. but that's a non starter to the gop .. they invent ideas on how that system could be gamed ..EDIT: here's my overwhelming take on the free market system..IT"S EATING ITSELF from the inside out.. the system has become so top heavy that it can't support itself anymore ...i can't believe that gop low income voters don't see how the game is rigged.. corporate interests have successfully added millions of workers to the workforce by simply keeping wages so low that a one income family can't exist anymore.. more workers = more production which =more profits which =greater bonuses and ability to buy back stock rather than reinvest in the form of higher wages .. it's a legalized criminal enterprise brought to you by corporate interests and legitimized by our dear leaders in congress via "deregulation"... fun stuff for people lucky enough to pick the proper vagina to be spit out of.. not so fun for the rest of us...