You more than welcome to throw " BTW for all the people who throw rocks" if there is one thing that can be said about AH, is All of us Peoples on Genes forum have taken our fare share of "rocks"
Speaking for myself cause well I get hit a Lot cause I likea da Ladys, oh wait another Thread. My bad, Sorry! I get from AH as much as I give out and Deserving So. But with that said, Not much if anything about Audio will get passed some of the older and more informed members of AH. Now if You would like to test the waters with our Leader Gene, May I introduce you to Gene DellaSala? Not being funny about the last sentence. But if You do, better bring your A-game. A note, don't take to Seriously some of the Sly remarks made on your Thread. Your are more than welcome to to stay here on AH. Plenty of fun to be had, Specs, are what they are You seem to know about Audio, cable's and so on. In the end it is Your hobby do as You please with it. Happy Listening.