From what I can see in those graphs, you are in good shape, and the suggestions in my posts to Reckel would apply to you as well but only in terms of the strategy, that is, use cuts only, and use the REW curve to figure where to apply the cuts using the App and Ratbuddyssey.
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If you aim for around 80 dB, you only need to apply cuts using Ratbuddyssey and you should be able to end up with a very flat curve. After that you can slope the deep bass range to you liking. Yes you have a dip at around 60 Hz, and you can try to boost it by a couple dB and see what happens. It may not work and may even make things worse, if that's the case then just leave it alone as there won't be anything Audyssey can do to improve it further. Cuts almost always work, but you have to watch for balance with the >200 Hz range after applying cuts. In your case you likely won't need to do anything because your below 200 Hz range happens to be well elevated anyway to begin with.
You seem to be getting too much drop from 10 KHz, you may want to try playing with the toe in angle.