That's not correct, but at least you said "almost nobody".... I know at least I commented on your Opticon 6, as well as the Hegel and Lyngdorf amps, and someone else definitely commented on Class D as well.
I don't mind repeating, base on specs and reviews (I ignore the subjective parts) your speakers seem fine from 80-20,000 or higher but can use some help in the 25-100 Hz range if you listen mostly classical music, and/or use them for watching movies. I do not believe they are hard to drive at all, relatively speaking.
The H160 has very good review, but not surprisingly, those subjective reviews included borderline on silly comments, something like "..... when compared with my $X0,000 reference XYZ amp, the H160 is not as blablablab...., in other words, it sounds great in its own price range, perhaps twice that, but if you pay more you still get better sound etc... , really bloody typical, and there is no end to to this!! Yet it seems like those reviews, along with advertisements managed to convince so many people to think that while a $5,000 amp sounds great but a $25,000 amp must sound better otherwise why would anyone spend that kind of money etc. etc.....
I do think the H160 and even the H80 are very well made amplifiers and would considering buying one if I do not have several external DAC and amplifiers already. They come with build in DAC but in terms of specs, not that impressive at all, the 6011 can actually do more, unless you plays music on from computers. They both sound good, but just like most other amps that are designed to be accurate and neutral, nothing special about it. Obviously, the dealer I went to had his own opinions.
I have not listened to the Lyngdorf amp that you are considering, but base on published specs, I see no evidence of that thing being capable of producing more power than your 6011 in two channel stereo. According to Lyngdorf, they designed the amp to sound accurate/neutral so if they are honest, then they should sound just like your SR6011, in a volume matched blind test of course. I am willing to bet for stereo use, the 6011 will have better bass management. Any power capability (including dynamic power) difference between the two are not significant enough to make a noticeable difference. Again, to be clear I have not heard it, but as an engineer, I am used to making reasonable assumptions and assessments based on specs and test data when the subjects being considered are not rocket science, just basic and mature technology stuff.