I paid for my own tuition but I have friends who pay for their kids to go and the cost is insane! The Federal gov't scaled back the money they were sending to colleges and the colleges just ramped up the cost to students. They also maintained their practice of paying tenured professors to do little while the TAs did the teaching. They should have been out there doing a better job of raising funds for the schools to offset the loss of revenue. The predatory lending practices are disgusting, too.
I paid $775/quarter (three quarters is a full year, but going all year obviously allowed finishing sooner) plus books and other expenses while my friends (or their parents) paid about $600/year for the local state university and THEY would complain about the cost. I don't remember how much my friends from outside of Milwaukee paid for room & board- maybe a couple of thousand per year. Now, the school I attended charges $702/credit hour for undergrads, $840/credit hour for graduate students plus a separate fee for a technology package ($12.50/cr hr) and infrastructure ($165). When I was there, full credit load was 17 credits/quarter, for $775. Full time undergrads pay $13,469 for 12-19 credits, per quarter. Financial aid pays a lot of the cost and this school has fund-raised its ass off since I was there.
OTOH, average starting pay for all grads is $65,428, so that helps. When I was there, architects were starting at about $1150/month. Oh, boy. Somewhat more for archi/engineering, but not much. One of the guys spent all of his time in his dorm room, studying (and whatever else he did- no time for anything else) and graduated in the same field with a 3.96 cumulative GPA, getting a job at Harnischfeger, at $26,500/year. It wasn't long after that he got into programming and left the field.
Baccalaureate Program Salary Range Average Actuarial Science1 N/A N/A Architectural Engineering2 $59,280 - $74,600 $64,656 Biomedical Engineering $45,760 - $74,187 $61,900 BioMolecular Engineering3 $42,000 - $76…