Sure, my point here is that one side goes so far out that "But both sides do it" becomes a tool to hide their extremeness with respect to the assumed neutral point: It quite simply does not exist.
I don't mean neutral in the sense that they don't see either as bad, I mean where someone sees that both sides are bad and are failing to do what the country needs. This country has serious problems and we also have members of the government who act as if they're the anointed ones, sent to save us all while in their own districts, living conditions for many exist that would put them squarely in 3rd World class. California has areas where homeless camps are not only becoming very large, they're intruding on private property and creating a health risk through the campers leaving syringes strewn on streets, residential lawns and those people are also engaged in violent crimes. They refuse to leave and the cities are doing little or nothing about it. I recently saw that fires in their tents are becoming common and if they spread to homes, I fail to see how this could be called acceptable. You may have seen news coverage of the wildfires in the Western US- some of those were set by homeless people and the effects are terrible. Not only have homes & businesses burned, people have died, millions of acres of forested areas have burned and the smoke has been seen as far East as New York.The pollution created is terrible for the air and the loss of plants on the ground will once again cause/allow landslides when the rain starts.
Cities are under attack by people who can't seem to find a constructive way to deal with their anger, some think it's OK to burn homes, cities and government buildings and by looting, they say it's OK, because that's reparation for slavery. No, it's stealing, period. Slavery was terrible- anyone who denies that is an idiot (and worse), but they don't get to unilaterally decide who to steal from, or whether they should do it at all. The crime wave plaguing the areas around major cities, while not in every city, comes with a huge cost, not the least of which is the attitude of the victims toward those who are engaged in those crimes. Local governments are doing little to stop this, in some places. They're like the Ostrich with its head in the sand, waiting for it to pass. The murder rate in some cities passed last year's total, months ago. In Milwaukee, I think 176 have been murdered so far, compared with 95 for all of 2019.
Both sides demonize the other, but both sides are guilty. Hard to see the good in either.
The media are highly complicit in the direction of the country- they report, but the truth is often absent. It's not just national media, either. In one news report from a local channel, I saw a half dozen glaring errors that they haven't corrected- most of them were created by the reporters, but one that really needs to be addressed came from the Milwaukee District Attorney and that's inexcusable, especially when it involves someone who was killed by an officer who had already killed two others in the line of duty. He's on paid suspension and the DA isn't pressing charges, which is the reason for the protests and damage occurring in that area.
On the state government level, the Wisconsin legislature hasn't met for over 175 days.