I just got a suspicious email asking me to text them if they're still available because he "doesn't check craigslist emails"...
Then didn't include a phone number, but another email address. Ask me to text you, then give me an email address and no phone number. truck off. Are there any people who actually buy stuff on CL or are they all running some kinda scam??
So many tells. Starting with his wording. "I actually saw your post. That's right for me. Is this your last price? I don't check the email for Craig's List,so, If it is still available then text me at-" followed by an email address. That's it, that's the entire email. No mention of what "it" is or anything else. The way that reply is worded can be recycled and used to inquire about ANYTHING. Weird start to an inquiry too.. "I actually saw your post"...
Well so far, all inquiries about my ad have been some attempt at a scam...