
Audioholic Samurai
So you're threatening me with fascist punishment now? Figures.
Hahahaha. OK pal, we can end this right now, and I'll admit your statements are credible. You and Bonzo both. Just show me the links where you were as critical of B HO's bailout of GM. You know, the one where our taxes bought a bunch of GM stock, then they used tax bailout money to buy it back for $10B less than we paid for it. "Back in Black". Ha! Or simply suggest we put the same conditions on corporate aid now that we used for GM.

You still don't get it. Conservatives don't even have to say what we think is right or wrong. When you do, we can simply show where you had the opposite position during the prior administration. It's because you have no standards or beliefs. You're platform is just to disagree with Trump. And that's why your party will indeed become relegated to bitchin and moanin for the next 20 years. Well, that and it looks like Biden is the best you can offer. His wife has to tell him when the meeting is over and it's time to leave, for God's sake. How does a 7-2 conservative Supreme Court look to you?


Audioholic Jedi
Hahahaha. OK pal, we can end this right now, and I'll admit your statements are credible. You and Bonzo both. Just show me the links where you were as critical of B HO's bailout of GM. You know, the one where our taxes bought a bunch of GM stock, then they used tax bailout money to buy it back for $10B less than we paid for it. "Back in Black". Ha! Or simply suggest we put the same conditions on corporate aid now that we used for GM.

You still don't get it. Conservatives don't even have to say what we think is right or wrong. When you do, we can simply show where you had the opposite position during the prior administration. It's because you have no standards or beliefs. You're platform is just to disagree with Trump. And that's why your party will indeed become relegated to bitchin and moanin for the next 20 years. Well, that and it looks like Biden is the best you can offer. His wife has to tell him when the meeting is over and it's time to leave, for God's sake. How does a 7-2 conservative Supreme Court look to you?
You always have such fun non sequiturs. You are generally clueless and don't have anything to contribute for audio so buh bye, you're ignored.


Audioholic Warlord
Do you know a *good* one that doesn't involve a multi-thousand-dollar toilet from Japan?

Not to mention getting current into the WC.
My brother in law is a plumber and he said there are ones you can retrofit to existing toilets. No idea on cost though.


Audioholic Ninja
You still don't get it. Conservatives don't even have to say what we think is right or wrong. When you do, we can simply show where you had the opposite position during the prior administration. It's because you have no standards or beliefs. You're platform is just to disagree with Trump. And that's why your party will indeed become relegated to bitchin and moanin for the next 20 years. Well, that and it looks like Biden is the best you can offer. His wife has to tell him when the meeting is over and it's time to leave, for God's sake. How does a 7-2 conservative Supreme Court look to you?
I support the government getting involved to save the economy.

I supported it under Obama and I support it under Trump. It's even more warranted now than it was then.

I took issue with elements of the bail out under Obama. I've not looked at the details (because there are none at the moment) but I'm sure I'll have issues with elements under Trump. Likely more elements given the history.

I'm pretty sure that the bailout will include people it shouldn't (say: cruise lines that don't fly under US flags to avoid paying US taxes).

I'm pretty sure that the bailout will be far too focused on protecting the wealthy and not nearly enough at the individual.

I have a feeling that the same government that keeps making unmeetable work requirements to get foodstamps will hand out money to corporations with no strings attached.

I don't think we will change the laws to prevent this from happening again next year (or if we do, those laws will be dismantled.. likely by the right).

You still don't get it. Conservatives vote for everything they claim to be against... and this charge of hypocrisy is being thrown from a glass house. You all turn socialist the moment stuff goes bad and big government the moment you are in power (did you criticize the deficit under Obama? Are you still?).




Audioholic Ninja
Looking into it.. it looks like the assumptions above are exactly what's being played out right now.

Democrats are seeking additional funds for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (often short-handed as SNAP or food stamps), expanded worker protections and a wider expansion of the length for unemployment insurance. They are also seeking more expansive relief for student loan borrowers.

In other words: more protection for kids and workers.

Their objection is that the proposal includes roughly $500 billion in funds for loans and loan guarantees to be doled out to distressed companies, states and localities. What it doesn't include, however, are strict guidelines as to which companies would be eligible, guarantees that any company that taps the funding pool maintains its current workforce and the ability for the treasury secretary to waive, at his discretion, any restrictions on stock buybacks for recipients. It also doesn't require any reporting of which companies took loans until six months after the fact.

Given the behavior of the treasury secretary in the past; they are not looking to give him that sort of power to hand taxpayer dollars to corporations of his choosing with no rules and no oversight.


Audioholic Spartan
A very high-level article on how supercomputers are being used to find treatments for COVID-19. Except for the SUMMIT exascale system mentioned in the article, the other supercomputers are previous generation petascale models, but still capable of making substantial contributions impossible just a decade or so ago:



Audioholic Warlord
A very high-level article on how supercomputers are being used to find treatments for COVID-19. Except for the SUMMIT exascale system mentioned in the article, the other supercomputers are previous generation petascale models, but still capable of making substantial contributions impossible just a decade or so ago:

That and all the folks running BOINC or Folding@home. That uses individuals computing power for the same purpose.

It helps a little at a time for everyone using their unused cpu/gpu cycles.


Audioholic Spartan
That and all the folks running BOINC or Folding@home. That uses individuals computing power for the same purpose.

It helps a little at a time for everyone using their unused cpu/gpu cycles.
Yeah, there are several of those background computing utilities around. Those are for the "little" problems. The issue with these petascale and exascale systems, besides the fact that they are relatively rare, is that the applications generally have to be written or at least tuned for particular machine architectures. Especially systems employing what's called heterogeneous computing, such as CPUs, GPUs, and perhaps FPGAs in the same system. Some of the most interesting software work going on the entire computing industry, IMO, is what Intel is doing with their DPC++ strategy. DPC++ is a hierarchy of compilers that allows a C++ program to run without changes on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Supercomputers are just about making software run faster for massive problems, and in five years or so (my guess) this strategy will allow software like described in the previous article to run unaltered on newer generations of supercomputers with just recompilation.

It's difficult to imagine what supercomputers will be like ten years from now. Figuring out which treatments might be effective against new viruses could be a matter of hours or days after the DNA is sequenced.

And then there's general purpose quantum computers, if they're possible...


Audioholic Ninja
what Intel is doing with their DPC++ strategy. DPC++ is a hierarchy of compilers that allows a C++ program to run without changes on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs.
Java 2020

Of course, different sorts of hardware are good at different sorts of tasks. That's why GPUs and CPUs (and the processors that make them up) are different... and why both are different than SoCs for phones or ASIC devices.

Mainframes (and supercomputers) benefit from massive IO relative to, say, a distributed network; but a distributed network has more cycles.

So if your task can be run asynchronously, and doesn't rely on hardware unavailable to most PCs, you are better with, well, a botnet. Conversely, if those things are not true, fewer more powerful units are better suited. (in general... again: the right tool for the right job is important)


Audioholic Samurai
We lost the little girl injured by the falling debris.

We also woke up to this:

Hardly the best of temperatures for a virus. On a more positive note, authorities apprehended the "most despised person" in my country at the moment. While she was working night shift saving patients and young mothers after wall started cracking, one lady nurse had her car stolen. I said it would be very wise to completely keep this persons identity a secret. Wrath might find him.

But he was caught and the lady will get her car back, while the rest of us hope this was his car:


Audioholics Master Chief
Well you have posed question that I can only answer in a more general way. In terms of the sinusitis, I can not comment on how that might affect your Covid 19 infection. However this infection is primarily a respiratory virus and most likely would rev up your sinusitis.

Your RA may be of more significance. I have no idea what treatment you are on for this. However pretty much all treatments for RA would make it more difficult to free yourself from this virus.

One last point, to advise you to take care. Clearing people is done with a nasal swab. However there is absolute evidence the virus is excreted in the stool for at least five days after being cleared from the respiratory tract. So very careful toilet hygiene is required during your recovery. This virus is not just a respiratory virus. There is an enteric component to this infection, and that is why a lot like you have diarrhea as one of their symptoms.
So I'm in a bit of a pickle RN. The Health Department called me today saying they are lifting my quarantine tomorrow despite I still tested positive last Friday. They claim the new CDC guidelines states if a patient is asymptomatic for 5 days (no fever), they are no longer infectious even if a positive test result persists. They claim this is especially true since my wife tested negative. My medical doctor thinks my RA may partly explain why I'm still testing positive for COVID-19. She argues I'm still a contagious risk to anyone I have contact with. I also read this can remain active in your feces for up to 5 days. The Health Department refuses to do any further COVID-19 testing on me. I do feel 95% better but I don't want to put anyone at risk. I feel like I should be pressing the Health Department to at least test me one more time in a few days to hopefully produce a negative test result. In the meantime, I'm still practicing isolation, using N95 masks and gloves, etc.

Any thoughts?


Audioholic Spartan
This looks like an excellent explanation of the virus for the layperson.


Audioholic Spartan
We lost the little girl injured by the falling debris.

We also woke up to this:
View attachment 34822

Hardly the best of temperatures for a virus. On a more positive note, authorities apprehended the "most despised person" in my country at the moment. While she was working night shift saving patients and young mothers after wall started cracking, one lady nurse had her car stolen. I said it would be very wise to completely keep this persons identity a secret. Wrath might find him.

But he was caught and the lady will get her car back, while the rest of us hope this was his car:
View attachment 34823
Sad, about the little girl.
Happy, about the thief being caught.

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