Just curious....sometimes that's the winning argument, sometimes not
Oh, I know. Boy, do I know.
When I was working fine dining in SF for a paupers income, she wouldn't have it. When I got my private chef gig and was earning more, she didn't say anything. With in a month of her getting a promotion and the raise that went with it, she started chewing on me again.
When she stopped working for a while and it was just me... Didn't say sh!t. When she started complaining things were tight, I lit her up. She found the where-with-all to get a job again.
This is life.
Rich/Poor, Better/Worse, Thick/Thin...
How do you get through?
I sure don't have the answers, nor am I trying to pretend I do. I'll be the first to play it sweet, and I'm not ashamed of that. And on more than one occasion in 15 yrs, this whole thing coulda gone pear-shaped on us.
I'm grateful it hasn't.